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Thread: deer food or drugs?

  1. #1
    and your little dog too
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    Default deer food or drugs?

    from Biloxi Sun Herald

    Pot Look-Alike Case Headed to Court

    GULFPORT - A hunting club's complaint involving plants destroyed by narcotics officers may be heard in federal court in November.

    Marian Waltman of the Boarhog Hunting Club is seeking compensation from Harrison County Sheriff George H. Payne Jr. and his department for damages from a Sept. 8, 2003, raid off Herman Ladner Road where authorities destroyed 500 plants on property leased by the club.

    After the raid, Payne said the plants were believed to be marijuana. Payne later said his deputies were only assisting agents assigned to a federal drug enforcement team.

    Waltman maintains the 500 plants were not pot, but kenaf, a type of deer food.

    A trial date has not been, set but the case appears on the court schedule for November.

    Waltman sought $225,000 in compensation before his attorney filed the civil suit in federal court.

    Payne and Chet Nicholson, Waltman's attorney, declined to discuss the case Wednesday. Sy Faneca, the sheriff's attorney, was not available for comment.

    Crime lab results from tests of the plants have not been made public.

    Waltman was not charged in the raid. However, his complaint accuses the sheriff and his agents of negligence, trespassing, invasion of privacy and defamation.

    A civil lawsuit represents only one side of a claim.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    How retarded. They can't tell the difference between pot and deer food?

  3. #3
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    I'd want to see a picture of the deer food plant before totally forming an opinion, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the two look nothing alike.

    I've spent some time in Biloxi.

  4. #4
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    i have seen some plants that at a quick glance do look like marijuana leaves like this tree thats in my backyard if you didint know any better it would be a bit confusuing but of course pot dosent grow on trees

  5. #5
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    Even so, if you're a cop, don't they have specific training they have to go through to test it if it is a drug? I mean, I would think they would. I think it would be a waste of time if people were constantly pointing out things they thought were drugs and it turned out to be nothing.

    It reminds me of when I was in high school. They found candy wrappers along with broken pixi sticks in my friend's backpack. They called the police and had them investigate it because they thought the dust was coke. They thought the candy wrappers were pot baggies. Luckily, the next year the staff was fired for repeated events. It's stupid.

  6. #6
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    Quote Originally Posted by SindelChaos
    Even so, if you're a cop, don't they have specific training they have to go through to test it if it is a drug? I mean, I would think they would. I think it would be a waste of time if people were constantly pointing out things they thought were drugs and it turned out to be nothing.

    It reminds me of when I was in high school. They found candy wrappers along with broken pixi sticks in my friend's backpack. They called the police and had them investigate it because they thought the dust was coke. They thought the candy wrappers were pot baggies. Luckily, the next year the staff was fired for repeated events. It's stupid.
    depends where your from some police districts are better trained than others

  7. #7
    nyar's Avatar The Crawling Chaos
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    C'mon- the cops and the agents go thru plenty of training to identify that shit!!! Besides, Im sure they knew it wasn't pot after they smoked a few doobs.
    fuckin' pigs!!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    The thing is, regardless of what the plants look like, or even if they were pot plants, the plants were destroyed without the man being charged with a crime. They kinda bypassed the whole due process for depriving someone of property.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    depends where your from some police districts are better trained than others
    Yes, I am almost positive you're right. The cops in my hometown were really freaking dumb.

  10. #10
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    Here are some diagrams, and here is some info about it's interesting growth rate.

  11. #11
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: deer food or drugs?

    Quote Originally Posted by nyar
    C'mon- the cops and the agents go thru plenty of training to identify that shit!!! Besides, Im sure they knew it wasn't pot after they smoked a few doobs.
    fuckin' pigs!!!

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