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Thread: Any body here gotton Branded?

  1. #1
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Any body here gotton Branded?

    well, i was having a conversation over a nice cup of chai,and we were talking about branding and scarification,and we both got kinda into the idea of getting branded......

    Have any of you gotten Branded,Hows it feel?, How long does it take to heal..Hows it look? ect,ect,ect

    im really into the idea ........hmmmm??

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Not personally, but I have a few friends who have been, and they told me they screamed like a stuck pig while getting it done.

    I have plenty of scars, though, if that counts?

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    ohh, and could i use some of that emla cream,because i have burnt myself before and it does hurt,haha ALOT, but i still like the idea.......

  4. #4
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    back in the day my crew were all going to brand ourselves with the Bicardi Bat. thank god stoners are lazy.

  5. #5
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    haha, i hate bicardi, why would you brand a rum logo

  6. #6
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    well, i was having a conversation over a nice cup of chai,and we were talking about branding and scarification,and we both got kinda into the idea of getting branded......

    Have any of you gotten Branded,Hows it feel?, How long does it take to heal..Hows it look? ect,ect,ect

    im really into the idea ........hmmmm??
    This is just info from assisting in numerous brandings and scarifications/peelings.

    You will more than likely get sick while the procedure is being done. The pain is intense, but you add the smell of burning flesh on top of it, and Ive seen even the most modified people pass out or throw up. The smell stays with you for DAYS.

    It all depends on what sort of design you will be getting. If you require something with lines or even edges, forget branding as it tends to 'bleed' into the skin, making it look rough. also be careful as to WHERE you get it, because if you get it in an area that has 'flexible' skin (ie wrist, knees, etc), the branding will actually shrink your skin together and it will NOT be the design you started out with. Ive seen some brandings take months to heal. The use of emla cream is not recommended.

  7. #7
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    I was branded erm...7 years ago almost. I didn't puke but I did almost pass out. I had a half of a broken heart on my left breast done in a ceremonial type thing after my best friend killed himself.

    Things to consider. How your skin scars. Even though I'm dark skinned I did not get a nice raised keloid type scar. And now the brand looks more like a birthmark. Also placement. Looking back my boob was not the best place because of the needing to wear a bra. (I wore one of those half cup shelf type bras for weeks.) Also make sure the person you go to knows what the hell they are doing.

    Do some research. There are (I am really really tired so this might not be exactly right) different sorts of brands. The 'stencil' used for mine was a solid piece of metal to make a solid type burn. There are pieces of metal that can be used to make patterns.

    I really do not recommend getting a lighter and doing it yourself. At least make sure you do some looking around so you don't fuck yourself up.

    Hope that was helpful. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  8. #8
    Muzz's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    My boyfriend is branded due to a fraternity tradition. He has two omega symbols on his arm, one overlapping the other. He says it was a massive adrenaline rush and once he got one he yelled, "Hit me again!"- or something to that effect. It took about a year to heal (didn't help that he did some things he wasn't supposed to with it).

    I've decided that I might get a brand, too. I can't have a tattoo and piercings have to be taken out for my wanted profession, so a brand is the next thing, lol.

    I am very wary about getting

  9. #9
    DharmaLion's Avatar Devil's Advocate
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    I was shoved itowards a lit woodstove once and had to catch my fall with my outstretched hands, does that count?

    My best friend was dropped as a baby into scalding water and has scars over 80% of his body, does that count?

  10. #10
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    what about a cartiry pen,the thing they use for carterizing/branding

    i think it's actually like scarification but same effect....would that work.........

  11. #11
    Ichigo's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    I got burnt once, and it stung so bad for days afterward, so I don't think I'd ever get that done. It looks kinda ugly anyway.

  12. #12
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    ok i just bought a cartery ,pen prep pads ect for my guy to do....funny he made me buy them,,hahaha......he's gonna do it for cheap,because he's only done it a few times........still not 100% sure though.....luckly supplies are cheap.......

  13. #13
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    ok i just bought a cartery ,pen prep pads ect for my guy to do....funny he made me buy them,,hahaha......he's gonna do it for cheap,because he's only done it a few times........still not 100% sure though.....luckly supplies are cheap.......
    Im a scarification artist, and Im shuddering at the thought of this post. Does your friend know how to tell how many epidermal layers he is burning? Ive seen nerves get hit with a scalpel AND cautery pen, and it ISNT pretty. Is nerve damage a risk youre willing to take? Does he know how to burn so the edges dont 'bleed'?

    Please people, for the love of (insert whatever here), go to a professional who KNOWS what they are doing! The reason why people look down on modifications is because of the few who end up in hospitals because they wanted it done cheap or home made. Artists like myself spend YEARS studying epidermal layers, nerves, technique, etc. If you go to an artists for a branding or cutting, ask what a 'channel' is. If they dont know, dont let them touch you! Ask them how many epidermal layers are removed for a peeling. If they dont know, dont let them touch you! I cant say it enough times.

    My friend had a cutting with branding done, she was cut so deep it went into her nerve endings on her arm. Now she cant move her arm or touch the spot without intense pain. Its been over a year. Please, BE CAREFUL!

  14. #14
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Im a scarification artist, and Im shuddering at the thought of this post. Does your friend know how to tell how many epidermal layers he is burning? Ive seen nerves get hit with a scalpel AND cautery pen, and it ISNT pretty. Is nerve damage a risk youre willing to take? Does he know how to burn so the edges dont 'bleed'?

    Please people, for the love of (insert whatever here), go to a professional who KNOWS what they are doing! The reason why people look down on modifications is because of the few who end up in hospitals because they wanted it done cheap or home made. Artists like myself spend YEARS studying epidermal layers, nerves, technique, etc. If you go to an artists for a branding or cutting, ask what a 'channel' is. If they dont know, dont let them touch you! Ask them how many epidermal layers are removed for a peeling. If they dont know, dont let them touch you! I cant say it enough times.

    My friend had a cutting with branding done, she was cut so deep it went into her nerve endings on her arm. Now she cant move her arm or touch the spot without intense pain. Its been over a year. Please, BE CAREFUL!

    As an aside. Jax in doing scarification have you seen a lot of people who are doing big type pieces? I just (of course I can't find the link again) saw the most beautiful scarification/tattoo thing on this girl.

    I'm still pretty interested in scarification but my skin doesn't take scars all that well anymore it's hit or miss and I'd hate to go through all of that only to have it fade in a few years.

    And yes please be careful Killerkat.

  15. #15
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Im a scarification artist, and Im shuddering at the thought of this post. Does your friend know how to tell how many epidermal layers he is burning? Ive seen nerves get hit with a scalpel AND cautery pen, and it ISNT pretty. Is nerve damage a risk youre willing to take? Does he know how to burn so the edges dont 'bleed'?

    Please people, for the love of (insert whatever here), go to a professional who KNOWS what they are doing! The reason why people look down on modifications is because of the few who end up in hospitals because they wanted it done cheap or home made. Artists like myself spend YEARS studying epidermal layers, nerves, technique, etc. If you go to an artists for a branding or cutting, ask what a 'channel' is. If they dont know, dont let them touch you! Ask them how many epidermal layers are removed for a peeling. If they dont know, dont let them touch you! I cant say it enough times.

    My friend had a cutting with branding done, she was cut so deep it went into her nerve endings on her arm. Now she cant move her arm or touch the spot without intense pain. Its been over a year. Please, BE CAREFUL!
    he's been trained, and yes, he does know how to do it.......it's just that he's only done it for customers a few times.......

    therfore he doesn't stock the supplies.....

    ohh and i'll ask him 'bout the channel,im sure he'll know he's a good guy.......he would never do something to hurt someone,espeasally me......

  16. #16
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse

    As an aside. Jax in doing scarification have you seen a lot of people who are doing big type pieces? I just (of course I can't find the link again) saw the most beautiful scarification/tattoo thing on this girl.

    I'm still pretty interested in scarification but my skin doesn't take scars all that well anymore it's hit or miss and I'd hate to go through all of that only to have it fade in a few years.

    And yes please be careful Killerkat.
    Ive seen more and more bigger pieces being done. I actually did a whole mathematical/geometric design on this guys whole thigh. It was amazing once it was done.

    Keloiding is weird, Ive done my own scarification, and in some areas its has nice keloiding and not in the other areas. I can tell you what you CAN to to promote keloiding. Once cut (I prefer cutting to branding, nicer more even edges and looks more professional, plus branding usually makes you have 'pits' where you were burned and not raised scars), buy a toothbrush. Peel the scab off every day and mix together a solution of lemon juice and salt. Yep, dip the toothbrush in the mixture and SCRUB it into your cutting. I did it in the shower as the pain was INTENSE and I could rinse it right away. After I did that, I had some GREAT keloiding and couldnt be happier with the way it turned out. Some people just dont keloid, some do better, but thats what I recommend if you are a person who doesnt keloid easily.

  17. #17
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    he's been trained, and yes, he does know how to do it.......it's just that he's only done it for customers a few times.......

    therfore he doesn't stock the supplies.....

    ohh and i'll ask him 'bout the channel,im sure he'll know he's a good guy.......he would never do something to hurt someone,espeasally me......
    So he works out of a shop? I find that hard to believe, or is he doing it at home? I dont know what type of training hes had as there are only a few branding clinics. I learned hands on by Steve Haworth and John Durante. Two of the best bod mod artists I personally know. He may not intentionally hurt you, my friend wasnt intentionally hurt, but it happens. Just be careful.

    Im just making sure you also know that branding doesnt 'normally' raise your skin, it indents it.

  18. #18
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    he tattoos out of a shop,i think he learned from someone had it done,and learned the techniqes,but i'll make sure everything is ok just for you..........

  19. #19
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Ive seen more and more bigger pieces being done. I actually did a whole mathematical/geometric design on this guys whole thigh. It was amazing once it was done.

    Keloiding is weird, Ive done my own scarification, and in some areas its has nice keloiding and not in the other areas. I can tell you what you CAN to to promote keloiding. Once cut (I prefer cutting to branding, nicer more even edges and looks more professional, plus branding usually makes you have 'pits' where you were burned and not raised scars), buy a toothbrush. Peel the scab off every day and mix together a solution of lemon juice and salt. Yep, dip the toothbrush in the mixture and SCRUB it into your cutting. I did it in the shower as the pain was INTENSE and I could rinse it right away. After I did that, I had some GREAT keloiding and couldnt be happier with the way it turned out. Some people just dont keloid, some do better, but thats what I recommend if you are a person who doesnt keloid easily.
    I have read about people using irritants to get their scarring just right. I might have to put in a story to BME or something to do some reading.

    Did the pain make you faint? the few times I peeled the scab on my brand the first time I fainted dead away./ Scared the shit out of my roommate.

    Kind of makes me wish I still had the pictures from before/during/after I got branded. Jax do you have any suggestions where I can read up more about scarifications aside from BME? I should search my damn self but I admit it I'm lazy. Or even better some online examples? Now I'm curious.

  20. #20
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    he tattoos out of a shop,i think he learned from someone had it done,and learned the techniqes,but i'll make sure everything is ok just for you..........
    Wow, thats the response I get for just trying to educate you to make sure you know what youre getting into. I was simply trying to help you avoid any complications.

    Drop the attitude. Anyone whos into modification for the love of it would eat up the information they are given. I have a feeling youre doing it to just be cool, or you wouldnt be such a smartass.

  21. #21
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    I have read about people using irritants to get their scarring just right. I might have to put in a story to BME or something to do some reading.

    Did the pain make you faint? the few times I peeled the scab on my brand the first time I fainted dead away./ Scared the shit out of my roommate.

    Kind of makes me wish I still had the pictures from before/during/after I got branded. Jax do you have any suggestions where I can read up more about scarifications aside from BME? I should search my damn self but I admit it I'm lazy. Or even better some online examples? Now I'm curious.
    Nope, didnt make me faint. Lol, I love picking scabs, Im a weirdo;] The bloodier the better;p

    As far as actual places to read up on it, BME is by far the best source for information. There is a forum I belong to on about.com that deals with modifications. Ill find the addy and send it to you;]

  22. #22
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Wow, thats the response I get for just trying to educate you to make sure you know what youre getting into. I was simply trying to help you avoid any complications.

    Drop the attitude. Anyone whos into modification for the love of it would eat up the information they are given. I have a feeling youre doing it to just be cool, or you wouldnt be such a smartass.
    no it that,you seemed to be the one with attitude....i actually want to to it to signify the experiences with lsd,and other hullinogens,etnogens,ect,and i'd love the info but not if people are going to sound like some "elite" ass........

    ohh,and i got a lot from bme.........

  23. #23
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    no it that,you seemed to be the one with attitude....i actually want to to it to signify the experiences with lsd,and other hullinogens,etnogens,ect,and i'd love the info but not if people are going to sound like some "elite" ass........

    ohh,and i got a lot from bme.........
    Thats funny. My fiance just read it and saw NO attitude, only me being concerned for you and your new modification to make sure you have a great experience. Im hardly elite, just concerned about the 'hack' artists that screw people up.

    Excuse the hell outta me. I will ALWAYS do my best to educate, wether its wanted or not.

  24. #24
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    well im sorry,but i've meet many people similar to you ,with many such modification,ect,and they educate similar to you,saying everything negative,do this,do that, and it makes them sound like an ass...instead of "OHH MY FUCKIN' GOD DON'T DO THAT!!!!", one could say delightfully "hey,man, you might ant to be a little more carfull about this,because......"

    now which one of those sound like information someone would be willing to use and wich makes the person saying sound like an ass.....

    once again im sorry if i Offended you,fuck e should just delete this ,mother'.....damn....

    your first post thing was great,but then bam...ass.....

  25. #25
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    im sure you also have meet said^ people, there's a lot of them here...

  26. #26
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    well im sorry,but i've meet many people similar to you ,with many such modification,ect,and they educate similar to you,saying everything negative,do this,do that, and it makes them sound like an ass...instead of "OHH MY FUCKIN' GOD DON'T DO THAT!!!!", one could say delightfully "hey,man, you might ant to be a little more carfull about this,because......"

    now which one of those sound like information someone would be willing to use and wich makes the person saying sound like an ass.....

    once again im sorry if i Offended you,fuck e should just delete this ,mother'.....damn....

    your first post thing was great,but then bam...ass.....
    As I repeated numerous times, I said PLEASE be careful. I was simply letting you know experiences Ive seen, and the problems that could arise from an uneducated artist. I take things like this VERY seriously, because I DONT want to see people screwed up like my friend was. I had to sit and watch her almost cry from the nerve pain. I wouldnt wish that on anyone. SO I will always point out the negative in any situation, and its up to that person to make an educated decision knowing what they maybe didnt know before. I love branding, I love scarification, and wouldnt discourage anyone from doing it, but I wont sugar coat it either.

    It takes alot to offend me, BTW. Im just straight forward and blunt to the point, something people either hate or love me for.

    Edited to add: No need to delete this. Hopefully someone will read this and learn something they may not have known before, who are in your position with making a decision on what to do;]

  27. #27
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    well,thanks for clearing that up, im curious though, do you know the kinda people i'm talking about, they even treat me like shit,and aside from peircings,i would say im a pretty"modified" individual,i don't eaven show my tattoo's often but apparently to these people it doesn't matter...hell, i don't know how to explain them there like the fuckin' ink,body modification NAZI's or something.....they damn near harvest here.........

    they seem to refuse the fact that some people still get stuff done just for them,ie, my chest piece...only one that see's that is the female in my life.......
    so they treat you like dirt saying shit like "your just trying to be cool"
    so i quess that reminded me of those people......

  28. #28
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    As I repeated numerous times, I said PLEASE be careful. I was simply letting you know experiences Ive seen, and the problems that could arise from an uneducated artist. I take things like this VERY seriously, because I DONT want to see people screwed up like my friend was. I had to sit and watch her almost cry from the nerve pain. I wouldnt wish that on anyone. SO I will always point out the negative in any situation, and its up to that person to make an educated decision knowing what they maybe didnt know before. I love branding, I love scarification, and wouldnt discourage anyone from doing it, but I wont sugar coat it either.

    It takes alot to offend me, BTW. Im just straight forward and blunt to the point, something people either hate or love me for.

    Edited to add: No need to delete this. Hopefully someone will read this and learn something they may not have known before, who are in your position with making a decision on what to do;]
    I can attest that scarification can be dangerous. Had one get infected on me. Thanks for that Church of BM link btw twas a good read


  29. #29
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    actually I'm really sick of people telling other's how to do body mods. Ther'es not a "right" and wrong way to do it, it's only facist assholes that forget what it's supposed to even be about. like the chick that bitched at me for a half an hour about improper sterilization techniques for peircings for a half an our, because stainless steel was invented in 3,000 BC and people haven't peirced using sharpened wood and bones for a thousand years. and then she got even more pissed off when she saw that I wasn't horribly scared and infected, because I'm not a fucking idiot. Common sense goes about a million miles farther then "experts" who think they have the God given right to tell other people what to do with thier own bodies. as far I can see it's because these people who have these horror stories put thier body into the hands of other people that fucked it up.

  30. #30
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    I think it's fair to say there are ill advised wrong ways. The results can be kinda yucky... Sure, I don't always agree that word handed down by whatever guild has got to be the one and only way, but sometimes experience counts.

  31. #31
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Like this asshole that did all this suspension shit I just saw, he said he did stuff that he didn't want to do, and couldn't handle, but he did it so that he could "now be respected by the other members of the community" that were into that. That's not respectible, that's stupid. suffering needlessly to prove a bullshit point is ludicrous, and frankly a slap in the face to people who have had suffering forced upon them, to hold it as some kind of act of reguard that it's some kind of fucking privaladge. good job man, but ten million people that were tortured to death during the holocaust have one up on you, guess you'll have to work harder on it before you get your props.

  32. #32
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    All I was saying was to be careful. I do not really care how people go about it.


  33. #33
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    no doubt. but if you don't understand that damaging your tissue can be dangerous, then you probibly shouldn't be doing such body mods. kinda makes me wonder how somone who lacks even a rudmentary knowledge of human anatomy even knows about them in the first place.
    this wasn't directed at people on this board, but just idiots in general. like someone who doesn't seem to understand that cutting or burning through more than three layers of skin (do you even know what a layer of skin is?) can cause damage to your nerves. ::shakes head:: I don't get it.
    here's just an example of common sense. if you've ever been outside, you'd know that temperatures above 110 degrees aren't very pleasant. when you hold a peice of metal to a 400 degree flame, it get's very hot. It takes a milisecond for skin to burn at such temperature. so with that in mind, it's not advised to apply such temperates to flesh for more than a second, other wise bad things will happen. seems to make sense to me, but some people just don't seem to get it.

  34. #34
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    no doubt. but if you don't understand that damaging your tissue can be dangerous, then you probibly shouldn't be doing such body mods. kinda makes me wonder how somone who lacks even a rudmentary knowledge of human anatomy even knows about them in the first place.
    this wasn't directed at people on this board, but just idiots in general. like someone who doesn't seem to understand that cutting or burning through more than three layers of skin (do you even know what a layer of skin is?) can cause damage to your nerves. ::shakes head:: I don't get it.
    True. My only problem was due to seepage thru a bandage. No permanent harm done.


  35. #35
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    well,thanks for clearing that up, im curious though, do you know the kinda people i'm talking about, they even treat me like shit,and aside from peircings,i would say im a pretty"modified" individual,i don't eaven show my tattoo's often but apparently to these people it doesn't matter...hell, i don't know how to explain them there like the fuckin' ink,body modification NAZI's or something.....they damn near harvest here.........

    they seem to refuse the fact that some people still get stuff done just for them,ie, my chest piece...only one that see's that is the female in my life.......
    so they treat you like dirt saying shit like "your just trying to be cool"
    so i quess that reminded me of those people......
    Im seriously considered a "wanna be" just because a chick in AZ has the same tattoos as I do. Difference is...I didnt fuck anyone for fame;p So, I know the people you are talking about;p

  36. #36
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    dude, who cares about people In az? seriously. they have no claim to anything. I can't believe they would be so pretenious as to even try, must have been a Phoenix kid.

  37. #37
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    actually I'm really sick of people telling other's how to do body mods. Ther'es not a "right" and wrong way to do it, it's only facist assholes that forget what it's supposed to even be about. like the chick that bitched at me for a half an hour about improper sterilization techniques for peircings for a half an our, because stainless steel was invented in 3,000 BC and people haven't peirced using sharpened wood and bones for a thousand years. and then she got even more pissed off when she saw that I wasn't horribly scared and infected, because I'm not a fucking idiot. Common sense goes about a million miles farther then "experts" who think they have the God given right to tell other people what to do with thier own bodies. as far I can see it's because these people who have these horror stories put thier body into the hands of other people that fucked it up.

    THANK YOU, that's precisely it.......

  38. #38
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedCat
    I can attest that scarification can be dangerous. Had one get infected on me. Thanks for that Church of BM link btw twas a good read

    No problem;]

  39. #39
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    May 2004

    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    Like this asshole that did all this suspension shit I just saw, he said he did stuff that he didn't want to do, and couldn't handle, but he did it so that he could "now be respected by the other members of the community" that were into that. That's not respectible, that's stupid. suffering needlessly to prove a bullshit point is ludicrous, and frankly a slap in the face to people who have had suffering forced upon them, to hold it as some kind of act of reguard that it's some kind of fucking privaladge. good job man, but ten million people that were tortured to death during the holocaust have one up on you, guess you'll have to work harder on it before you get your props.
    People like the guy you just described piss me off in a way that I never thought possible. Its sad when you do something you dont want to do just to be accepted. I put most of the blame on the pretentious fucks who put pressure on people to 'be like them' or youre excluded. But then again, who the hell wants to hang out with those people anyways.

  40. #40
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    May 2004

    Default Re: Any body here gotton Branded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    dude, who cares about people In az? seriously. they have no claim to anything. I can't believe they would be so pretenious as to even try, must have been a Phoenix kid.
    Well, thats where I lived for a long time. Im just happy to be away from the drama and the 'cool' crowd. I couldnt stand the backstabbing and hypocrasy anyways. Made me a very unpleasant person. They all hang around a well known bod mod artist, and its disgusting to see competition as far as whos more extreme or who has the most mods. I know someone who put a hook through his forehead to pull a car, just to be 'cool'. Fucking retarded if you ask me.

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