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Thread: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

  1. #41
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Really hit ya hard there huh? Only thing ever to do that to me was old film of an african tribe in which an elder performed what was basicly brain surgery on a fellow tribesman...while the guy was still concious. It was really surreal...graphic as all hell though.

    was it trapezeing, i saw a few documantaries in ancient tribes in africa that practices trapzing(reliving brain pressure by removning part of the skull) on most of the tribes people, they had to sit outside in the jungle with there scalp peeled open to an open square cut out of there skull with brain showing...............lovley docu... really haha........

    ohh fuck sorry i think it's called Trapanning......sorry........

  2. #42
    CarnalxKiss's Avatar Carnal Love Goddess
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Really hit ya hard there huh? Only thing ever to do that to me was old film of an african tribe in which an elder performed what was basicly brain surgery on a fellow tribesman...while the guy was still concious. It was really surreal...graphic as all hell though.
    Was that from a faces of death episode?..i saw that too...i remember lifting the skull off when the girl was wide awake...flipped me out...but not as bad as the faces of death one where they killed that cute furry dog..skinned it alive...then showed the family frying it in a wok and eating it later...one minute the dog is playing with its siblings...next..its skinned and fried...

    as for this clip...i'll take your word for it..i have no desire to see it..

  3. #43
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    Im not sure why, but years or even months ago, I would have been disgusted, but now, even though I dont like that they do that while they are still alive, It is more of an Apathy and indiference.

    Might also be based on My mood, though also: It is on a clip, whereas I have no idea how I would react in person to that, but I would probably be a lot more caring toward it if it was in person. **

  4. #44
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    was it trapezeing, i saw a few documantaries in ancient tribes in africa that practices trapzing(reliving brain pressure by removning part of the skull) on most of the tribes people, they had to sit outside in the jungle with there scalp peeled open to an open square cut out of there skull with brain showing...............lovley docu... really haha........

    ohh fuck sorry i think it's called Trapanning......sorry........
    Could have been that. I saw it as part of this show about strange things around the world. What you described sounds a lot like what I saw. I remember breaking into a cold sweat and nearly passing out. Dunno why it hit me so hard but damned if it didn't take a long time to purge it from my head...

  5. #45
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    That skull stuff would probably make Me sick, as most surgery does.

    For some reason, Slaughter is not as sickening as is Surgery. Probably because Surgery focuses on the gore more than the other does.

    ( If I mispelled Surgery, its due to reading Ork stuff. :P )**

  6. #46
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    hmm...i found that upsetting and i worked on a farm in eastern europe for a year and helped slaughter and skin my own animals.

    i'm not going to go into the politics..all I'll say is that i found that upsetting....

  7. #47
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    Quote Originally Posted by La_ExotiQue
    They are too stupid to understand the difference between "rights" and "cruelty,"

    They are not too stupid to feel pain. They feel pain. They find pain unpleasurable. Don't be so quick to call them stupid; you may find that you are not so very clever yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by La_ExotiQue
    Animals feel pain but not like humans - don't think that a sheep sits in the corner crying and thinking "WHY ME WHY ME", animals have involuntary responsive mechanisms built in their genes, they
    do not sit and think about it -animals DON'T think they just do! It's like if you blow on a flower it will move - does it think about you blowing it? NO it just moves.

    Nice to see you are such an expert on animals and the natural world. New scientific enquiries are coming up with groundbreaking reports that plants do actually have some sensory or psychic experience.
    I'm not sure that your bravado attitude is any better than PETAs, in fact, structurally they are remarkably similar.

    Quote Originally Posted by La_ExotiQue
    Ok lets say that everyone became a vegetarian and stopped all animal killings, testing & "cruelty" what will happen next? an overpopulation of animals - more diseases, more
    sickness, malnutrition etc.

    this is just silly. there are humane ways to prevent animal over population.

    Quote Originally Posted by La_ExotiQue
    Species of animals become extinct just like they have for
    millions and millions of years - but new species always come.

    we make progress when we choose not to repeat past mistakes. This is called progression, we show our superority when we develop and advance the way we think. Humans should care about the extinction of lesser species however small.

    I am an avid meat eater and only wear leather boots, i just found this post a little lame. peace

  8. #48
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: WARNING:Extreme animal cruelty......furs...

    Animals totally do have feelings, emotions, etc, just like humans.
    What makes you think you know what an animal feels?
    Many of them have the same brain structures as humans,
    the same nerves, similar social structures, etc.
    They get depressed and sad if a family member dies.
    They get scared. They feel pain, sadness, etc...
    So yes, it is lame, and sad, and fucked up,
    when animals are hurt like this.


    Pain and death is also part of life, and part of nature.

    I have seen on Discovery channel, or Animal Planet,
    a show where these lions had taken down a big
    Water Buffalo. But it was still alive, and it's horns
    were dangerous. So rather than biting it's neck,
    and mercy-killing it, the lions ate it from the
    ass end first. Eating it alive, while it screamed.
    Yes, it was in pain, afraid, and suffering.
    That is life. That is nature. That is the way things are sometimes.

    But hell, no one likes to see something suffer.
    So if we have to kill animals for food, or for clothing, etc,
    then we should do it humanely and quickly.

    When I see cows out in a field, eating grass, having
    a good life, I think that is cool. Even if they eventually
    kill them. Because the animals do not know any better.
    Let them live a happy life, and then kill them.
    But I do not like it when I see them kept in dirty
    holding wherehouses, with shitty conditions,
    and they are miserable. Where they are raised
    by machines, only to die. I have no problem with
    killing animals. That is the way nature is.

    But do it quickly, if you have to do it...

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