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Thread: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

  1. #1
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    So I think I'm going to try to settle down to go to sleep. I like to be off the computer for an hour or so before I hit the sheets. The internet makes things sorta stressful in slumberland otherwise. Sometimes I think my whole life would be different if I naturally kept a "normal" sleep schedule. Anyone else here like me in this?

  2. #2
    vixta's Avatar rabid mutterings
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    damn do i know that feeling - i have a thyroid condition so i get insomnia all the time. i've spent 40 hours on the computer at a time but the advantage is that you pick up so many random useless facts that everyone wants you for their pub quiz team

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    I sleep better during the day, and stay awake easier during the night, although that can vary, as I have horrible insomnia.

    I will wake up around 12 AM to 4 PM, and then stay awake until 8 to 10 AM the next day.

  4. #4
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    Good morning everyone.

  5. #5
    Belladonna's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    i sleep better in the day but i have kids so i must sleep at night. i feel tired all the time.

  6. #6
    Damniel's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    About 2 nights ago, i was thinking something like that about my sleeping problems... i have insomnia so it's very hard to sleep for me even when i'm really tired and i'm quite sleepy and my eyes can't seem to stay opened, yet my body wont relax, and keeps me awake until i have about 2 hours before i have to get up, then, it's when i actually get some sleep, i hate it.

  7. #7
    Jasperino's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    I'm a night person and would much rather sleep all day but family and work schedule kind of do away with that idea. On top of that I've got sleep apnea so even when I do sleep I don't get any rest. It sucks.

  8. #8
    gonesavage's Avatar That Crazy Chinese Woman
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    I can sleep like a log, almost anywhere, and my sleep schedule is utterly boring (12am to 9am). However I talk, thrash around, punch (I kung-fu-ed my partner once when he tried to wake me), and I sleepwalk.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    I can pretty much go to sleep any time I want...If no one wakes me ..I wake up at 12:00 pm....but I have been known to get off work at 12am stay up till 3am wake up at 7:00am and be fine...I did that for about a week once...I was working 2 jobs..I was fine till saturday..Then I CrAsHeD...My room mate thought I was dead....I slept from 3am saturday till 12pm Sunday...With a short break to pee and eat a lil...Then back to bed...
    I cannot keep a schedule...

  10. #10
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    gonesavage - I always thought it would be really cool to sleepwalk. No idea why, but the concept appealed to me.

    And why am I not asleep yet . . .

  11. #11
    Belladonna's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    gonesavage - I always thought it would be really cool to sleepwalk. No idea why, but the concept appealed to me.

    And why am I not asleep yet . . .
    sleep walking is bad for anyone else that's there. jas walks,talks and all kinds of stuff in his sleep so a don't get alot of rest. my kids sleepwalk too. and they scream eye wide. you think they're awoke but they'er not. my house is very noise at nihgt.

  12. #12
    gonesavage's Avatar That Crazy Chinese Woman
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    gonesavage - I always thought it would be really cool to sleepwalk. No idea why, but the concept appealed to me.
    I've met sleepwalkers and been one, and it's only funny afterwards, if no one gets hurt. My sister used to sleepwalk when we were kids, and she used to come into my room and stand by my head, and of course I'd wake up and & see this figure over me & freak out. At camp I've met girls who would sleepwalk out of the cabin-- outside, into nature, in the middle of the night, into middle of nowhere. Thankfully no one was hurt. Personally, I've run screaming from the bed plenty of times from a nightmare, and have seriously given myself bruises from running to things, falling, running straight into walls. One time I had to be wrestled back into bed. I've even woken up before b/c I was punching the wall. It's freaky b/c you never know what's going to happen. It can scare other people if they're in the room with you. But it's also intriguing to me that your eyes can be open but you'd be stuck in a nightmare and unable to "see" reality. And I do hope you get to have one safe sleepwalking session-- although you may not remember it and might have to count on someone else to tell you what happened.

  13. #13
    CeruleanFire's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    I sleep whenever I can, never enough time

  14. #14
    vixta's Avatar rabid mutterings
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    Default Re: Who has a weird sleep schedule?

    i used to sleepwalk and talk as a kid - my poor sister shared a bunkbed with me

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