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Thread: Sin City

  1. #1
    hewhoisagod's Avatar Captain Obvious
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    Default Sin City

    I loved it............... it's a nice rebirth of film noir........... very cool

  2. #2
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by hewhoisagod
    I loved it............... it's a nice rebirth of film noir........... very cool

    IT WAS NOT DEAD...only sleeeeeeeping...and technically film noir only became film noir after the french coined the phrase. Before that is was "Dem Cheap Crime Pictures"...

    I won't have time to see this till Sunday...dammit...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sin City

    I absolutely loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

    Holy. Crap. I want to see it again. I'm buying it when it comes out.

    Oh man. I loved it. I wanted it to keep going. Never to end.

  4. #4
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by cheinara wraithwalker
    I absolutely loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

    Holy. Crap. I want to see it again. I'm buying it when it comes out.

    Oh man. I loved it. I wanted it to keep going. Never to end.

    Hopefully people read the comics now.

  5. #5
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    I was worried from the comics that I wouldn't make it throught the hand scene, but they toned some of that down for the screen. Just came back from a 100% digital screening which was really beautiful.

  6. #6
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: Sin City

    I rather enjoyed it as well. Very nicely done.

  7. #7
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    definatly a kick ass movie, if you see one film this year that shows genitals getting yanked off, make it Sin City. It was humorous to see the different reactions to scenes by audience members, like you could tell when someone didn't read the comics and had the "I didn't see that one coming!" expression on their face, or cringing when they think about what that must feel like, and seeing what twisted fucks are laughing thier asses off (that'd be me). Great adaptation and good as a stand alone film as well.

  8. #8
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Wonder what the odds would be to get WB to allow Frank to do an adapatation of The Dark Night Returns...It'd kick ass as a CG animated flick in HIS style. Western animation needs something like that...

  9. #9
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    maybe it can make up for the shame commited to his Daredevil.

  10. #10
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Sin City

    It was everything we expected and more. The only movie ive seen recently based off a comic that I can say was as close as it needed to be to the book. So much work and dedication went into that movie, it is almost impossible to fathom. Obviously, there were a few things I was SUPER happy about, but all of my issues stemmed from JEssica Alba... so I beleive that her nature is one of inconsistancy. I am still not sure why they changed the character that died to "Dallas" or whatever that bullshit was. Most of the narration was dead-on, and the STYLE was perfect, exactly translating the pages at times. I wish they had found some magical way to include Dwight's origin, as that story is one of my favorites. This is where I stop babbling and say "Read the comics, then see the film"

  11. #11
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Sin City

    it hasnt come out here yet, went to the movies to see it last nite and it wasnt there so i saw hostage. Hostage was pretty damn good though.

  12. #12
    TheQuietPlace's Avatar The Delivery Expert
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Holy crap! That film rocked! I loved it. I loved it a lot. I wanna go back and see it again. It was awesome. The local paper 'round here gave it a 3 out of 5. I think it deserves better than a 3 out of 5.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Haven't seen ti yet but I hope to tommorow

  14. #14
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by TheQuietPlace
    Holy crap! That film rocked! I loved it. I loved it a lot. I wanna go back and see it again. It was awesome. The local paper 'round here gave it a 3 out of 5. I think it deserves better than a 3 out of 5.

    What did the paper ding it for?

  15. #15
    TheQuietPlace's Avatar The Delivery Expert
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    What did the paper ding it for?
    I don't know I missed the review. I'll try to find the review. And I'll get back to you on this. Via PM or right here.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Sin City

    Heh, my local paper gave it a D-.

  17. #17
    nyar's Avatar The Crawling Chaos
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    Default Re: Sin City


  18. #18
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Alias
    Heh, my local paper gave it a D-.

    So what got them, the violence or the misogyny? I can understand what someone might not like about the movie, but it was technically and visually an industry-revolutionizing work of art, brilliantly cast and acted, and just plain well done. I think some critics might be letting their social politics cloud their ability to really see the movie. Then again, I read a bunch of the comic, so I was just really happy they didn't show the hand scene (don't think that is a spoiler) and I was not at all surprised by the storyline, so I wasn't bothered by it. And I do kind of want a wav file of "Those hookers let me down" for my answering machine message.

  19. #19
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    how was that misogynistic? I mean I guess marvs views of women were a little ignorant, but the big fat kill is very pro-feminist, come on.

  20. #20
    CeruleanFire's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Sin City

    I havent gotten to see it yet, but it got 5 out of 5 stars here in a local paper, and they are stingy with 5 star ratings, so Im looking forward to checking it out.

  21. #21
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    how was that misogynistic? I mean I guess marvs views of women were a little ignorant, but the big fat kill is very pro-feminist, come on.

    Actually I didn't find that feminist at all. Hot maybe, but definitely not feminist. A friend of a friend made the point that, more than being misogynistic, the movie is about men who are motivated by women but don't understand them. I could write a treatise about my specific opinions of exactly how the movie dealt with female characters which in many respects is the mark of a strong movie.

    My point here was that I could see why someone might dislike the movie for its violence or misogyny, but I was baffled as to how anyone could say it was not a good movie.

  22. #22
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    well the way I see is that if you can't stop prostituion, you might as well make it so that the women aren't being abused by pimps, drug dealers, cops, psychos, and anyone else that wants to rob and **** and kill them... and a vanguard of women dedicated to doing just that and making sure they have control of the business and there own bodies seems a step up in the direction of feminism. a little unrealistic? sure. but I don't think that it is misongynist at the least, if not exactly being pro-feminist.

  23. #23
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    but as far as people not liking it for the violence and other things... some people just can't look past that. there are many people that have no eye for cinematography or art direction in a movie, so if they see a moive that's just, to them, about people doing criminal things, then they will find it unappealing.

  24. #24
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    but as far as people not liking it for the violence and other things... some people just can't look past that. there are many people that have no eye for cinematography or art direction in a movie, so if they see a moive that's just, to them, about people doing criminal things, then they will find it unappealing.
    Like I said, I totally understand the reasons someone could find the movie unappealing, but I am interested to hear what actual critiques people writing for serious newspapers might be making because I thought it was a well done movie, whether or not one liked it. Any serious film critic probably does have an eye for cinematography and art direction, so a lack of that would not explain bad reviews.

  25. #25
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    well the way I see is that if you can't stop prostituion, you might as well make it so that the women aren't being abused by pimps, drug dealers, cops, psychos, and anyone else that wants to rob and **** and kill them... and a vanguard of women dedicated to doing just that and making sure they have control of the business and there own bodies seems a step up in the direction of feminism. a little unrealistic? sure. but I don't think that it is misongynist at the least, if not exactly being pro-feminist.
    The scene you referred to is deeply not feminist I'm just going to address this quickly without hopefully giving too much away to those who have not seen the flick yet.

    The anti-feminist assertions in the scene you referred to alone are: The only job a heterosexual woman can hold is to sell her body. Sisterhood is impossible because there will always be a woman who is willing to betray her sisters. Women can't be trusted. No woman is ever strong enough to protect herself without a man's help. Giving women rights means taking rights away from men. The women are still following a pimp who uses physical abuse and threat of murder to keep the prostitutes in line. Even a female pimp has to dress ultra-feminine. I could go on.

    I won't even get into what is or is not realistic in there because the movie is based on a comic book and comic books do not need to be realistic.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    The scene you referred to is deeply not feminist I'm just going to address this quickly without hopefully giving too much away to those who have not seen the flick yet.

    The anti-feminist assertions in the scene you referred to alone are: The only job a heterosexual woman can hold is to sell her body. Sisterhood is impossible because there will always be a woman who is willing to betray her sisters. Women can't be trusted. No woman is ever strong enough to protect herself without a man's help. Giving women rights means taking rights away from men. The women are still following a pimp who uses physical abuse and threat of murder to keep the prostitutes in line. Even a female pimp has to dress ultra-feminine. I could go on.

    I won't even get into what is or is not realistic in there because the movie is based on a comic book and comic books do not need to be realistic.
    Thank you for saving me the bother of addressing this.

  27. #27
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    that's a valid point, I guess It is just dependant on your point of view. I didn't really feel that it was trying to convey a message about women in general, anymore than it was trying to say that all men are violent thugs that can't get honest work, It just happened to be the circumstances of that particular story.

  28. #28
    nyar's Avatar The Crawling Chaos
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    the movie is based on a comic book and comic books do not need to be realistic.
    First off- I finally seen it!!!!!
    Fukkin' loved it!!!- hell yeah!!!
    because I myself was corrected-
    Its not a comic book-
    its a Graphic Novel!!!!

  29. #29
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Sin City

    Quote Originally Posted by nyar
    First off- I finally seen it!!!!!
    Fukkin' loved it!!!- hell yeah!!!
    because I myself was corrected-
    Its not a comic book-
    its a Graphic Novel!!!!

    Wouldn't it be based on comic books, which when collected in print form constitute a graphic novel? I think either would be fairly correct although I'm not up on exactly which comic books were collected together.

  30. #30
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sin City

    well to be technical the very first sin city stories about marv ran in a comic anthology series called Dark Horse Presents that featured like 4 or five different one-shot or ongoing stories from different artists from dark horse comics.

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