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Thread: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

  1. #1
    and your little dog too
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    Default Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    From: Agence France-Presse

    The Japanese entertainment giant Sony has patented an idea for transmitting data directly into the brain, with the goal of enabling a person to see movies and play video games in which they smell, taste and perhaps even feel things, it was reported today.

    The patent - based only on a theory, not on any invention - marks the first step towards a "real-life Matrix", New Scientist says in next Saturday's issue.
    In the sci-fi film of that name, cyber-reality is projected into the brains of people via an electrode feed at the back of their necks.

    In Sony's patent, the technique would be entirely non-invasive - it would not use brain implants or other surgery to manipulate the brain.

    The patent has few details, describing only a device that would fire pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify the firing patterns of neurons in targeted parts of the brain.

    The aim, it says, is to create "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds.

    New Scientist said it was denied an interview with the inventor, who is based at a Sony office in San Diego, California.

    Sony Electronics spokeswoman Elizabeth Boukis said the work was a "prophetic invention" and no experiments at all had been done on it.

    "It was based on an inspiration that this may someday be the direction that technology will take us," she told New Scientist.

    Independent experts said they did not dismiss the idea out of hand, although they also cautioned about the proposed method's long-term safety.

    So far, the only non-invasive way for manipulating the brain is crude.

    A technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation uses magnetic fields to induce currents in brain tissue, thus stimulating brain cells.

    But magnetic fields cannot be finely focused on small groups of brain cells, whereas ultrasound pulses could be.

  2. #2
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    seem like that could get real innoying,

    your walking around the park,and you get a little smell,you say "hmm.that smells like ....." and BAM!! the naxt thing you know your watching a movie....and then you yell "FUCK!!!!,GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!...."


  3. #3
    and your little dog too
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    seem like that could get real innoying,

    your walking around the park,and you get a little smell,you say "hmm.that smells like ....." and BAM!! the naxt thing you know your watching a movie....and then you yell "FUCK!!!!,GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!...."

    i agree. i think i would hate that.

  4. #4
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    oh yay, I get to have radiation fired into my brain? sign me up, who needs brain cells when i can experince weird hallucinations?

    oh wait, they allready have a product that kills your brain and gives you that same effect, it's called LSD

  5. #5
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory

    oh wait, they allready have a product that kills your brain and gives you that same effect, it's called LSD

    yea right man, LSD hasn't been around in 4 years, and if you do find any it's so weak you might as well not buy it......

  6. #6
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    yea right man, LSD hasn't been around in 4 years, and if you do find any it's so weak you might as well not buy it......
    back home i can usually find some decent stuff its gotten more expensive though but i havent done it in like three years so i really dont care to much

  7. #7
    hewhoisagod's Avatar Captain Obvious
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    Not all radiation is bad for you, just UV, X-Ray, and Beta and Gamma Waves...... still I wouldn't try it until it's completely safeguarded

  8. #8
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    Quote Originally Posted by hewhoisagod
    Not all radiation is bad for you, just UV, X-Ray, and Beta and Gamma Waves...... still I wouldn't try it until it's completely safeguarded
    also microwave radiation can be harmfull in large doses as can electromagnetic (we are talking extreeme amounts though) but you have to use quite a bit of radiation to penetrate the brain and make those changes and i think it would be difficult to control to that level

  9. #9

    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    well... it could be solved by puting electrodes directly in spine.... around preticular nerves so it can stimulate it and with certain patern of stimulation you could make people feel that they walk but they don't or even control their muscles.... same with eyes... reading electronic noise from brain when we sleep or learn how to project picture in brain or just twist the real one in that way that you get "UI" like in games

    i hope that someone here know about experiments done by mengele... when he use diferent sound frequencies to switch person on their alter ego....

    my english suck and I don't know how to explain one more thing that's suposed to be interesting part in whole story... connecting topic here and stuff I bulshited about.... if anyone cares ask and I'll try

  10. #10
    TheQuietPlace's Avatar The Delivery Expert
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    Default Re: Sony patents 'real life Matrix'

    I think sony makes good products, but sometimes you just have to say "What the fuck?"

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