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Thread: what's your natural eye color?

  1. #41
    ladybug's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: what's your natural eye color?

    Eye color is another one of those woefully unstudied fields. We're OK in the name department, though. Having multicolored eyes is called heterochromia. If your eyes become darker/browner, that's hyperchromia; if lighter/bluer, hypochromia. These conditions can signify one of two things: (1) some horrible disease, trauma, or other problem, or (2) nothing. So Dave, assuming you're not in deep denial, I guess you're one of those lucky guys in category two. Then again, while I hate to be the voice of doom, maybe it's a question of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Here's what we know:

    1. Multicolored eyes are fairly rare, usually benign, and frequently genetic in origin, occurring in maybe 1 percent of the population. Alexander the Great supposedly had them. So does rock legend David Bowie (one blue eye, one hazel or gray, depending on whom you ask). If you want to see an example and you and Bowie aren't speaking these days, heterochromia is common in some domestic animals. Check out a dalmatian or a Siamese cat.
    2. One way to get heterochromia is to have somebody punch you in the eye as a kid. That seems to be what happened to David Bowie, who got popped at age 12 in a dispute over a girl. In many such cases the iris of the popped eye gets darker. In Bowie's case the pupils are also of noticeably and, dare I say, eerily different sizes. I don't claim there's any connection with his career, but you can imagine Dave looking in the mirror and thinking, This is not the face of a guy who was meant to drive a beer truck.
    3. Eye color is mainly a function of the pigment melanin. If your eyes have a lot of it, they're brown. If they don't, they're blue. (Some details of this explanation are in dispute, but don't worry about that now.) Green eyes result from yellowish flecks of fatty pigment against a dark background. Some men think a green-eyed woman is exotic. The truth is she's got fat eyes.
    4. Some people's eye color does change for no apparent reason. Your brother probably saw something about the Louisville Twin Study, which rated color change on a scale of 1 to 15. Researchers concluded that changes occur in 10 to 15 percent of Caucasian adults. On average the changes were slight, about two or three notches. But I guess somebody has to be at the far end of the curve.

    It maybe rare but it does happen....eyes can chage color.
    And the reason I do know is it is a genitic thing cause I got mine from my mom.

  2. #42
    scabre's Avatar Senior Member
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    oh.. im from leeds, (up north in the uk to be precise!)

    Default Re: what's your natural eye color?

    dark brown, dull im afraid

  3. #43
    Baby_Switchblade's Avatar Candy Perfume Girl
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    over there

    Default Re: what's your natural eye color?

    Quote Originally Posted by ladybug

    If you want to see an example and you and Bowie aren't speaking these days, heterochromia is common in some domestic animals.

    I don't claim there's any connection with his career, but you can imagine Dave looking in the mirror and thinking, This is not the face of a guy who was meant to drive a beer truck.
    Ahhh... I laughed good and proper at that, I did...

  4. #44
    gothic rose's Avatar Senior Member
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    the depths of hell

    Default Re: what's your natural eye color?

    Quote Originally Posted by brucellosis
    well the colour of the eyes doesnt change, that is Physycally impossible, no matter if you are angry or happy, or is summer or winter, the colour is ALWAYS the same .ALWAYS
    not true becaue hazel eyes do change depending on clothing and stress the color in your iris expands picking up the most dominate color around and stress such as anger or saddness will also cause pigmint to increase or decrease as your blood pressure and adrinaline and such rise and fall! mine chang at will and i can prove it i'll mail you some pics if you like, too!!!!!!!!!!! i'm such a smart-ass

  5. #45
    Kevin's Avatar to thine own self be true
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    Default Re: what's your natural eye color?


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