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Thread: end time dreams

  1. #1
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default end time dreams

    Ive always had this thing where I can see things vaguely that may or may not ahppen eventually..examples: in 1996, for almost an entire year, I would have nightmares and daydreams of a flaming 747 falling directly ontop of meform above.

    I heard a woman with a british accent whisper my name to me the same day di was killed.

    I had visions of two blackmen running aorund the country with a sniperrifle dring the hole tarot sniper thing before they were caught...etc. etc. I've also expereienced tons of personal dejavus and even the time when I wa being robbed, i knew something was going to happen that night.

    I know I sound like a looney sylvia brown wanna be but im not joking.

    the point of this thread is this. have you ever had dreams of the end of times? and if so, what were they like?

    mine was pretty fucking bloody. literally., the sky is the color of rust, theres no sun, all clouds,. flames exploding through manholes in the sewer, the streets are flooded with blood. it seeps into the storm gutters and drains, down the sides of the road. people are taken out of house and home and being executed by men in swat gear wearing biohazard masks, the trees are on fire...it's not really a religous endtime...more like a total global urban assault war among nations. but I dont know what from.

    anyways, whats your dreams like?

  2. #2
    Pull~My~Hair's Avatar makes your life seem good
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    I don't have dreams like that really...I have a tendancy to like..pick up the phone before it rings...or know who is at the door before I open it. Or wake up 30 seconds before something happens that would wake me up anyway...that sort of thing...

    although when I was little I kept having this dream that my house was on fire and I was walking back towards the woods and there were skulls and hatchets everywhere on the ground....then years and years later after the house was gone they deamed it a national indian burial ground and now it is a tourist-y place...that was weird

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    i don't dream.....

    years of lsd,ect,ect use has givin me some strange shit.....

    i often will tell someone what there thinking/about to say..ect.ect...

  4. #4

    Default Re: end time dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by malcolm
    Ive always had this thing where I can see things vaguely that may or may not ahppen eventually..examples: in 1996, for almost an entire year, I would have nightmares and daydreams of a flaming 747 falling directly ontop of meform above.

    I heard a woman with a british accent whisper my name to me the same day di was killed.

    I had visions of two blackmen running aorund the country with a sniperrifle dring the hole tarot sniper thing before they were caught...etc. etc. I've also expereienced tons of personal dejavus and even the time when I wa being robbed, i knew something was going to happen that night.

    I know I sound like a looney sylvia brown wanna be but im not joking.

    the point of this thread is this. have you ever had dreams of the end of times? and if so, what were they like?

    mine was pretty fucking bloody. literally., the sky is the color of rust, theres no sun, all clouds,. flames exploding through manholes in the sewer, the streets are flooded with blood. it seeps into the storm gutters and drains, down the sides of the road. people are taken out of house and home and being executed by men in swat gear wearing biohazard masks, the trees are on fire...it's not really a religous endtime...more like a total global urban assault war among nations. but I dont know what from.

    anyways, whats your dreams like?
    That's a bit disturbing. I'm all for urban chaos, but I'd prefer weapons of mass destruction not be involved. Perhaps I will die happy.

    I don't get procognitive dreams, but I do have odd experiences with deja vu. I often get it, and if I automatically detach myself from the situation and in the back of my head I can often see trends that my life is taking. I have known a lot of things before they have happened; such as when I was going to be admitted to hospital, etc.

    I can do some psychic shit, though. If someone takes a personal items, closes their eyes, breathes deeply, and imagines all the shit in their life flowing through their hands into the item I can take it and read their future. Some of my friends have brushed it off as bullshit, but these things have happened---they just don't remember (which is probably willful) what I said.

    Keep on truckin', baby!

    Bad Mojo

  5. #5
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    I dont think it was womd involved. there are other dreams similar but theyre all weird and shit...body dissections...experiments on the brain and how to keep the head alive...etc. I dont have a very good psychic ability but I can feel the dead when im in a room and I can hear people call my name form time to time when im alone. thats all the ever say though is my name like Im supposed to help them or something. it's fucking creepy when both happen at the same time cuz the voices are distorted and whispery (like the wind talking) and the presence is like walking into live electricity....(cold and tingly)...

    once when I was a kid...I was laying on my bed ina new apartment complex my mom moved into after we split oklahom (divorce) where we lived right next to a gaveyard (and I mean right next to as in right on the other side of the fence) that house wa sfucked up...anyway, I was laying there chilling and all of a suden the room got really cold and dark and this voice yelled my name out but it sounded like lava and it wasnt asking for help...it was like it was gonna kick my ass. I was like ten, it scared the livin shit out of me .
    if you guys wanna hear some of the tuff about that house. let me know or about some other odd dreams I've had.

  6. #6
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    oh! and sometimes my body "freezes" up from the neck down as if Im a puppet and once when that happened, I felt this force push into my chest. it was so much pressure, like someone was reaching into my chest and gripping my heart then i started babbling in this odd language (I can remember the language a bit it's kind of like enochiana nd angelic mixed) and the paralysis and pain stopped.

  7. #7
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    I used to have end of the world dreams but then the world ended (march 1991) and they stopped

  8. #8
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Karl
    I used to have end of the world dreams but then the world ended (march 1991) and they stopped
    I remember that...so many pretty colors...and death. Such pretty pretty death.

  9. #9
    suicidal_tendencies's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    i only dream about sex. sorry cant help you there.

  10. #10
    the_darkness_calls's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    I have these really weird and mundane dreams that make no sense to me at all when i have them, and then a couple of weeks or months later something will happen exactly like it did in my dream. Freaked me out at first, but I'm kinda used to it now. Nothing about end times yet, tho, although that'd be rather interesting.

  11. #11
    Umbilical Lotus's Avatar Pregnant with Atrocities
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    Due to various substance experiences, I know exactly how my subconscious mind functions and can tell rather easily whether a confused image is dream or reality that way. I HAVE experienced supernatural phenomena before, though not on a grand scale and outside of one particular thing (which I am VERY careful about to this day) I haven't any control over stuff at all. Though relatively rare, I always know 100% absolutely without a doubt whenever something not-quite-natural is happening, despite whatever rational explanation might better fit. It's kind of neat.

    Most of my dreams are just my subconscious. Fears, desires, whatever I've been experiencing lately comes up sooner or later twisted by my brain. I've dreamt once or twice about the end of the world (latest: 8% of humanity is placed in coffinlike life-preservation boxes so that, some indeterminate time in the future, they might be our future... as everyone else dies from an ecosystem abused to the point that life can no longer be supported), but mostly when I dream about death, I dream about the afterlife. Those are always neat.

  12. #12

    Default Re: end time dreams

    two dreams I remember best from being a kid are , first, and oldest, I was about 7 or 8, and I dreamed there was a storm coming, so we headed outside to the storm cellar, on the way there, I looked up and in the clouds, I saw a face, eyes a mouth and all, looking down at Me and it wasnt a good face, more like the face that the tabloids always puts in smoke clouds, ya know like the devils face. second was when I was 14, and the night My dad dies. He called Me in a dream, and I saw him in what was like a airport terminal, callling Me to say good bye, cause he wasnt coming home from the trip he was on, which is weird, cause he was at home at the time.

  13. #13
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    [QUOTE= but mostly when I dream about death, I dream about the afterlife. Those are always neat.[/QUOTE]
    I've had drams about those...but im never really dea din them, I just seemed to have passed into the void somehow alive.

    fucking weird. especially the one with the three towering vultures in monks robes that guard the forrests of black before "heaven" which is basically a half put together factory/machine which uses the sould as energy to keep running and hell which is basically a ghost town with a red sky where there is always this blad woman with gazelle horns in a wedding dress waiting for me. she's gorgeous but has blue white skin and gazelle horns coming out of ehr head.

  14. #14
    Umbilical Lotus's Avatar Pregnant with Atrocities
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by but mostly when I dream about death, I dream about the afterlife. Those are always neat.[/QUOTE
    I've had drams about those...but im never really dea din them, I just seemed to have passed into the void somehow alive.

    fucking weird. especially the one with the three towering vultures in monks robes that guard the forrests of black before "heaven" which is basically a half put together factory/machine which uses the sould as energy to keep running and hell which is basically a ghost town with a red sky where there is always this blad woman with gazelle horns in a wedding dress waiting for me. she's gorgeous but has blue white skin and gazelle horns coming out of ehr head.
    Mine usually involve God in some way, which is curious, considering I don't believe in him.

    There was one involving myself riding a solid star around a brightness I was forbidden to look at, all the souls of the dead as sentient stars around God's sun; one where the world just grayed out upon death, all the familiar places like shadows of themselves and living people just blurs in the grey; one where the dead were reduced to a sound frequency and existed by making sound, like a giant song, with this constant powerful beat that no one was making and no one knew where it came from; one where I saw the afterlife like a giant building, walkways strung in the void connecting towers to each other, zigzagging over and underneath and across each other, and the dead accumulating in the nodes, or around the great tree in the center...

    I dunno. I like to think I just have a morbid mind, or that the art prints clustered around my bed are playing havoc with my dreams.

  15. #15
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: end time dreams

    I had one with the river of sticks being paved over and the fairyman being a cigar smoking cab driver.

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