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Thread: What pop culture never gets old?

  1. #1
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default What pop culture never gets old?

    What music, books, films, clothes etc. do you feel are classic and timeless and stay excellent generation after generation, never becoming really dated or uncool?

  2. #2
    Host's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    levi's jeanswear. converse sneakers. doc martens. ray bans (even that large, pilot model). but then again i could be all wrong about everything, 'cept...

    iron maiden

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    well,i'd have to say fifties of course....

    my Greaser roots poor out of my skin,mixed with the inner hippy roots....

    it's a deadly mix ....

  4. #4
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    well i'm going to have to blow off all those things and say candy. that never gets old. i'm eating cherry cola mike and ike right now.

  5. #5
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    mmmmmm mike and ike...shoul mix that with the popcorn flavore done. it's good. lol
    um...........I was always a fan of the swing era. zoot suits and big bands.....hot! woo! tex avery cartoons never get old.........dirty vodka martinis never get old......elvis never gets old (i love elvis) the blues never get old.....specially when done with some soul. (amen!)

    far as clothing-black tees and slacks never ge told. lol (thats pretty much all I wear) and tittie bars that charge five bucks for a beer never get old either....or atleast they try not to. lol

  6. #6

    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Books, to me, are timeless no matter what. (ie: Dune series, the Lord of the Rings series (+prequal), etc., etc.) Same thing with pictures/paintings/drawings, unless you're talking school pictures. Those have a...style all their own.

  7. #7
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Quote Originally Posted by cheinara wraithwalker
    Books, to me, are timeless no matter what. (ie: Dune series, the Lord of the Rings series (+prequal), etc., etc.).[/I]

    I never get rid of any of my books, that could explain why I need a whole room in my house for them all.

    But as for true pop culture concepts, I would also say "candy" and in my opinion, Batman and Coca Cola.

  8. #8
    scabre's Avatar Senior Member
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    oh.. im from leeds, (up north in the uk to be precise!)

    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    coca cola
    50s styles
    the little black dress
    the pinstripe suit

  9. #9
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Quote Originally Posted by scabre
    coca cola

    the pinstripe suit

    i still got my striped Swing 3-piece.....every so often i'll put it on ,just to reminisce.......

  10. #10
    the_darkness_calls's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    haha, nice! i looove pinstripes!

    Quote Originally Posted by cheinara wraithwalker
    Books, to me, are timeless no matter what. (ie: Dune series, the Lord of the Rings series (+prequal), etc., etc.) Same thing with pictures/paintings/drawings, unless you're talking school pictures. Those have a...style all their own.
    i agree, books never get old. that's what makes a book a "classic" anyway, its timelessness.

  11. #11
    Kevin's Avatar to thine own self be true
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    What music, books, films, clothes etc. do you feel are classic and timeless and stay excellent generation after generation, never becoming really dated or uncool?
    • Looney Tunes (the early days - not the ones from the 60's onward - they've lost their way)
    • classical music (not trying to be ironically self-referential)
    • I Love Lucy
    • the little black dress
    • tuxedo, basic black
    I'm tempted to add Star Wars to the list, but the prequels may have quashed its "classic" status.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    What music, books, films, clothes etc. do you feel are classic and timeless and stay excellent generation after generation, never becoming really dated or uncool?
    I think it's called mainstream.... Mainstream never gets old and is biger and biger trought time

    p.s. thinks like fashion, music, etc tends to repeat trought time, mainly... same fun that hippies had listening to psychodelic music in 60's ravers have with psychodelic trance, just a example, so only thing that changes is technology, ways that we aporach our problems and everyday dificulties.... blah

    classic music stays allways on same place before every other

  13. #13
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    the goonies
    Moxie Soda
    Cheesy Horrorfilms
    Droopy The Dog
    Monty Python

  14. #14
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Film wise...Fellini...his films have such a dreamlike quality and so surreal at times that you can't really place it with an certain age or era. Even his weaker films are better than most working today. Everyone can find a handful they like and it's doubtful anyone will ever come along to match him...he had such an amazing way of taking his imagination, enviornment, and at times true individuals and making them all work together in some grand tale.

    It's one of the things I like about L.A. it's like living in one of his films (Clive Barker made that comment way back when and he was dead on about it.)

  15. #15
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Angst ridden youth, with more fury than fear.

  16. #16
    Hellmo's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    im gonna keep this to a few movies before i go on a huge tangent
    terminator 2
    the never ending story
    edward scissor hands
    the exorcist

    all classics, will remain forever so

  17. #17
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    slasher films

  18. #18
    Umbilical Lotus's Avatar Pregnant with Atrocities
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Neverending Story! Damn that was a good book. I want to get a crate and throw it at my loser Harry Potter-obsessed friends. We don't need another round of bad fanfiction.

    Speaking of books like that: the Princess Bride (book and movie) and Dune (never saw the movie series but from what I can see they nailed the visual style dead on). I have some other books I love and will never let go of, but the author is pretty unknown. Oh well.

    I have to second candy. No matter what your age, candy is awesome. I remember going to the store when I was a kid, getting ten Ring Pops, and walking home sugar-high and happy like some sort of sticky, saliva-soaked watermelon pimp. That and the five-cent gums and gummy things that probably have all sorts of unfortunate chemicals inside but you could buy like a ton for a buck. When your weekly allowance is five bucks, a good deal!

    Litter. Ugly, but laziness prevails. Speaking of, jaywalking. Has anyone been caught for this?

    Game Boys. Whatever they are. I still have my cherry-red plastic oldass Game Boy Pocket, and I love it. It's bulky and tremendous and plays Shadowgate and Final Fantasy Legends. Every other handheld that's out and ever came out, despite whatever it is and whatever it does, wants in its little plastic heart to be a Game Boy.

    Speaking of: arcades. The big expensive awesome ones or the ones on the corner with old games and some bitter middle-aged guy handing out change. My favorite one is the one up here right between a tattoo parlor and leather shop, with paintings of the Four Horsemen and nearly-naked women with giant swords on the walls. Also, I believe it's a rule that every arcade, no matter what it is, must have a copy of Area 51 in it. Never seen one without.

  19. #19
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    they used to have an arcade where you paid like five bucks to get in, and then that five bucks was convereted in dimes, which each game cost to play and then a bunch of the games like the more classic one's were free. I only went there once as a kid and then the place closed and turned into an archery store, which amazingly, it still is today.

  20. #20
    the bomb diggity, word
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    chucks (chuck taylor's)
    donnie darko
    ..... flapper dresses (the whole 20's/30's flapper style)

  21. #21
    devil13's Avatar Senior Diablo
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Anything from the 50s. The music, clothes, furniture, cars, pin-ups, movies, and style are timeless.

  22. #22
    badkittyamy's Avatar Crazy Art Kitten
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    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?

    Chronicles of Narnia! -dorkness shining through-

  23. #23
    scabre's Avatar Senior Member
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    oh.. im from leeds, (up north in the uk to be precise!)

    Default Re: What pop culture never gets old?


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