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Thread: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

  1. #1
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    Default Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    The Legend Of Zelda:

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    Granted that that wasn't a new controversy issue, though that was interesting anyway.


  3. #3
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    Forgot to mention the Article:

    The nine dungeons that a player must traverse to complete the game each have the shape of an easily recognizable object (eagle, lion's head, snake, etc.) which make them easier for the astute gamer to navigate. The third labyrinth has the shape of what appears to Western audiences as a left-facing swastika. This shape is actually a manji, a Buddhist symbol of good fortune. In Japan, where the game was initially released, swastikas and similar shapes are relatively benign, which explains why a symbol so offensive to many Western audiences could be included. In the United States, there were surprisingly few complaints about the manji, but years later, when Pokémon became popular in the United States, Nintendo was forced to alter one of the cards due to complaints regarding a manji.

    None of this is original, though I thought that it might be interesting for discussion.


  4. #4
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    years later, when Pokémon became popular in the United States, Nintendo was forced to alter one of the cards due to complaints regarding a manji.

    Now that's insane...a symbol far older than it's perverted alteration is forced to be edited because of that instead of being left be for what it REALLY means not what it was FORCED to mean.

    Smart move that is...way to keep the vile meaning alive and well.

  5. #5
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    I don't know if this was particular case of that, but most of those complaints and issues are started by holocaust survivor type groups.

    There have been many occasions where they tried to teach the original meanings about the Kanji. Attempts in Europe were alot more accepted and successful than in the united states, though were generally unpopular overall. A main reason of that being protests by that same group of holocaust survivors. Nevermind.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Now that's insane...a symbol far older than it's perverted alteration is forced to be edited because of that instead of being left be for what it REALLY means not what it was FORCED to mean.

    Smart move that is...way to keep the vile meaning alive and well.
    In the issues that sparked that controversy, it was supposedly due to some sort of map decoration, akin to the compass rose.

    On a side note: A "magician" in isreal sued them over the fact that a Character was holding spoons, and was using Psychic Powers with their mind. The "magician" claimed that he was the person who invented that idea/ technique, but after investigations into the matter, was proven to be lying. ( As if they need an investigation to proove that.)


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    Here is a list of the claims by the various religions. all of which are complete cow dung.
    Some Protestant Christian groups in the United States believe Pokémon to be Satanic in origin.[1] After the US release of Pokémon Yellow, there was a sudden widespread criticism of it passed through Christian congregations primarily by word-of-mouth. The claimed parallels between Pokémon and Satanism include:

    Pokémon parallel demons. They are captured and must be invoked to perform tasks.
    Magical "talismans" (gym badges) are necessary to control many of them.
    "Magical" stones are used to evolve certain Pokémon
    Pokémon "evolve." Evolution precludes literal creationism, therefore Pokémon denies some forms of Biblical interpretation.
    Many Pokémon have paranormal or psychic powers. These powers are not derived from God and therefore must stem from Satan.
    Many Pokémon embody or practice Asian spiritual and mystical concepts. For example, some practice martial arts, which some Christian groups denounce as gateway to pagan religions. The game world also incorporates Asian traditions about elemental forces.
    Still, most people (including many Asian Christian congregations) dismiss these claims to be nonsense, and attribute many of the alleged protests to urban legend. The surprisingly small amount of original protests (as opposed to reports of protests) seem to reinforce this belief. It would be incorrect to state that the Christian religious community is of a single mind in this matter, since most mainstream sects of Christianity are utterly indifferent to Pokemon.

    The alleged outcry was enough to move the Holy See to comment, in an official statement on April 21, 2000:

    The Vatican has announced that the trading-card and computer-game versions of Pokémon are "full of inventive imagination," have no "harmful moral side effects" and celebrate "ties of intense friendship." Whether that extends to the TV show, His Holiness didn't say. The New York Post, quoting a Thursday story in The Times of London, says The Vatican made its announcement on its satellite TV station, Sat2000, run by the Italian Bishops' Conference.-from the New York Times
    See also: Allegations of Satanism in popular culture
    There are also allegations, particularly among Christians, against "Pokemon" citing liberal views on morality. These include the immodest dress of some of the female characters in the show, the use of the phrase "kick your ass" in the lyrics of a song in the show, though the phrase was later removed and replaced with different lyrics, and a certain character, ("James"), wearing women's clothes in several episodes of the show, giving some the impression that he is transvestite.

    Pokémon has been criticised by some members of the Jewish community for its use of the swastika, the most widely known symbol of Nazism, which they hold is inappropriate for children's toys. Nintendo says that this is a matter of cultural misunderstanding, as the swastika has been used in East Asian cultures as a symbol for "good fortune" by the Buddhist religion for thousands of years. Even today in Japan, the swastika is not necessarily associated with Nazism, and most Japanese maps use still little clockwise swastikas, or "manji", to indicate the location of Buddhist temples.

    The manji was shown only on a Japanese version card and was excluded from the North American release. However, these Jewish groups attacked the Japanese version distributed in the U.S. by unauthorized import, even though the manji symbol is reversed (i.e., clockwise rather than counterclockwise) in relation to the sauwastika or hakenkruetz used by the Nazi party, colloquially and incorrectly termed simply "the swastika" in the West. As a result of this controversy Nintendo stopped using this symbol even in the Japanese version. [2] This raised a public backlash in Japan for being intolerant towards the symbols of the Buddhist religion for the sake of avoiding controversy.

    A few Islamic religious speakers in Saudi Arabia (which has banned Pokémon), Jordan, and Egypt hold that Pokémon is part of a "Jewish conspiracy" to corrupt Muslim children. They claim incorrectly that the word "Pokemon" is a Japanese word which means "I am a Jew." One Saudi Arabian Sheikh (Sheikh Abdel Moneim Abu Zant) has written "The Pokémon craze is a Jewish plot aimed at forcing our children to forgo their faith and values and to distract them from more important things such as scientific ambitions." The Anti-Defamation League has denounced these theories. [3].

    And then the other heap of bovine excerement:

    Lawsuit pressed by Uri Geller
    In November of 2000 it was reported that Uri Geller, an Israeli psychic-magician who claims to bend spoons with his mind, sued Nintendo over the Pokémon "Yungerā" (ユンゲラー or "Yungeller"; "Kadabra" is the English name of this Pokémon) which he claimed was an unauthorized appropriation of his identity. [1] [2] The Pokémon in question has psychic abilities and carries bent spoons. (He also claimed that the star on Kadabra's forehead, and the lightning patterns on its chest, are symbolism popular with the Nazi Party of Germany, and was outraged at the connotations that Nintendo has supposedly made. Although the symbols are derived from Zener cards, the name is a pun; the katakana letter 'n' (ン) looks quite like the letter 'ri' (リ) (the translation of Mr. Geller's name into Katakana would be 「ユリゲラー」 or "Yurigerā"). Geller sued for the equivalent of 100 million dollars, but lost.

    { I am NOT taking credit for these articles, although I was mentioning them for discussion purposes. }


  8. #8
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    Brightstar, with all seriousness, I'd advise that you step away from this topic...

  9. #9
    nuklear's Avatar Junior Member
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    How would they know any of that without playing the game? lol
    Those people are nuts...

    As for the manji. It sucks people find it so offensive... Hitler messed it up for everyone. I saw a show and he chose it because it means good luck. It still means that but people are too narrowminded to accept that. ;(
    I think it's a cool looking symbol with a good meaning but if I was to draw it or such I would be criticized...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    Quote Originally Posted by nuklear
    How would they know any of that without playing the game? lol
    Those people are nuts...

    I think it's a cool looking symbol with a good meaning but if I was to draw it or such I would be criticized...
    They had some magazines with tips sections that mentioned Layouts of different Laberinths. Others included Animal Shapes, or Different Figures.

    It is a cool symbol, but I got warned for even mentioning it. I also like the original meaning of that, although I get the words Manji and Kanji mixed up.

    It sucks that even mentioning that draws negative attention, since the Good Fortune and Peace are what the symbol was created for. That was not not My opinion , and also, that stuff was even in NewsPapers and on TV before. And also, that Dungeon LayOut is Almost 20 Years Old.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Awesome Game Controversy Issues?

    * Leaves Topic In This Section Alone For Now. *


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