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Thread: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

  1. #1
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    Default So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    For the longest time I haven't gotten a tattoo because somewhere in my head I considered myself a lady, and ladies don't go under the needle (how very old fashioned). Even though I really do admire other ladies who've been tattooed. However, I feel the need to pay lasting tribute to someone and nothing else I've done seems to have satisfied my own greedy desire to memorialise my loved one. I find myself drawing a suitable image when I'm up all night and well, what do you think?

  2. #2
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    i think theres no better reason to get a tattoo than to remember someone you love. i say go for it

  3. #3
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    your reason is spot on, but you still need to make sure to get the right design, if your drawing it thats a bonus too, and then its all about position.

    i wouldnt say ive got a fetish for it but i think the ink'd ladies are verrrry goood lookin especially on their backs. but then i suppose to look good isnt the main reason. as long as its what you like theres no problem, dont let others talk you round one way or another

  4. #4
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    It's a great reason to get it done so their is little to say against it. Not only will it have a deep meaning to you on a personal levele but on an aesthetic level it will add to your already fine form.

    Just take the time to find the right artist and get their input on the design to see what if any refinements are needed. May as well have the best possible look for the design you have in mind to go on your skin after all.

    Any particular place you plan on putting it?

  5. #5
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    I'm thinking back of my left shoulder, right near my heart. It seemed fitting. And I already have an artist, the guys at Atomic Tattoo not only have the highest rating but when Rob was shopping for his artist they were the only guys who actually talked about the design instead of just looking at it and going okay it'll be so much. They seemed like people that were involved in their profession and really took pride in their work.

  6. #6
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    thats a point i missed, listen to the artist, they know what they are talking about, they do it for a living after all.

    have they ever been featured in Skindeep? the name rings a bell.

  7. #7
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    The first one is always the hardest to commit to. But it would seem that you have already put a great deal of thought into the endeavor. Everyone has a different reason for getting ink, and that's cool, as long as its a reason you can live with. I personally don't think you would be diminished as a lady for getting a bit of ink.

  8. #8
    drewblood's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    seems like a great reason. good luck!

  9. #9

    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    I could do the same to remind me of this part of my life which is changing drasticaly from day to day..... to remind me of all these changes

  10. #10
    gothic rose's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    thats a great reason!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    I'd say go for the tattoo.

    The only problem with a piece on your back is you seldom get to look at it. The first tattoo I got was on my back right shoulder, and I forget it's even there sometimes (It was poorly done, so I guess I may forget on purpose). It's also a bitch to put sunscreen on a back tattoo by yourself as well.

    my 2 cents

  12. #12
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    My last tattoo was a tribute to my parents and grandparents. I'd say go for it.

  13. #13
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    Still suffering the vanity of trying to be one of the few ppl I know without ink. What to do...?

  14. #14
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    I think it's the worst reason possible... but, well, you seem sure, so maybe it'll be alright.

    I've just been in too many failed relationships for me to consider tattooing anyones, even a wife's name on my body... because then I might always have a reminder of how we broke up or something... I dunno. I even considered a tattoo saying "I Love (Enter name here)" for the irony...

    But, yeah, get something nice. Tattooes don't stop someone being a lady: bad manners do that.

  15. #15
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    dude, me thinks this isnt like that

    if im wrong, and its a name of someone other than your child or immedieate family id recommend against it

  16. #16
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    It's some one who's not here anymore, as in dead and buried. *sniff* Not like an ex bf or something. And it's not a name but symbolism that represents that person.

  17. #17
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    I love inked girls but you are a cutie without ink. That roof set was delish. Maybe it would be better for you to hang the art on your wall in a personal space.

  18. #18

    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    I would say get a temporary tatt done first, to see how it looks and if you like it, if not, it can come off easily enough without having to have the laser surgery done to remove it

  19. #19
    HeadlessBill's Avatar Innocent Bystander
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitorro
    I would say get a temporary tatt done first, to see how it looks and if you like it, if not, it can come off easily enough without having to have the laser surgery done to remove it
    That's what I was about to suggest. Yeah, if you are uncertain if you'll like the way it'll look or if you'll actually like it, get a henna tattoo of the design or have someone draw it on you with colored Sharpies (or something more easily removable). This way you'll have the tattoo for a couple of weeks, at most. Enough time to test drive it.

  20. #20
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    *sigh* If I had opened a tat shop when I had the chance, you would know exactly what itd look like in the exact area you want it to contemplate before getting it done.

  21. #21
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    Well, I've done it. Rob and both got tattoos Saturday. I got an Odin's Knot on my left wrist just as big as a quarter. Rob's is the same in the same place only as big as a silver dollar. I'm still contemplating the Phoenix, only know on my arm. But I won't get it till I finish the knot, at the moment it looks like a weird cult initiation thing. When I'm done it'll look liek a cute little charm bracelet.


  22. #22
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    Im so happy you made the decision to go ahead with it. I get all fuzzy inside knowing there are still people out there that contemplate everything about their tattoos, and when it happens, dont regret their decision. It sounds beautiful, I hope we get pics of your first tat!

  23. #23
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Im so happy you made the decision to go ahead with it. I get all fuzzy inside knowing there are still people out there that contemplate everything about their tattoos, and when it happens, dont regret their decision. It sounds beautiful, I hope we get pics of your first tat!
    well said, and bring on the piccies

    //edit: although i dont get fuzzy inside :| im a man!!! *sticks out chest and flexes muscles*

  24. #24
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: So I'm thinking of breaking my own rules...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    *sigh* If I had opened a tat shop when I had the chance, you would know exactly what itd look like in the exact area you want it to contemplate before getting it done.
    The guy who did my last piece was awesome. We talked about everything down to which way I wanted the shadows to go.

    So here's a quick plug for anyone in Philly looking for good ink, Tony Barris at Body Graphics on South.

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