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Thread: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

  1. #81
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by ItalDvl
    It doesn't take a genuis to figure out what thread you were getting complaints about.

    But seeing how I am new to this borad then I just want to say.
    If you feel some something I say is out of line and I havnt yet caught my self. Point it out. I will usally change my attitude. My purpose here on this borad is not to impose on those that have been here longer then me or make them feel uncomfortable.

    But I strongly agree with "if you don't like it go away". With that said.

    Take care
    My mistake. He *may* have meant "board" twice. Sadly, I don't speak idiotian.


  2. #82
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedCat
    You associate with hateful losers of all races.

    Thats a pretty broad generalization. I associate with Forrest and AMelia, Sun Karma and I have had associations before, wow. Ill be sure to let all my hateful loser friends know about this thread so you can see just how hateful they are *laughing*.

  3. #83
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedCat
    She is better than you. She's a lot more intelligent and has a better character.

    Please let me know who 'she' is because I surely dont see a name posted in my post.

    I really dont give one flying shit what you think of me or my character. Im a very well liked person by everyone of ALL races, sizes, ideals, beliefs, etc..

    And I didnt know this was a 'whos better than who' thread. Its apparant you have no idea how to read, just criticize people who cant spell very well. Does that make YOU feel superior? Hahaha! Youre no different than a fucking Nazi.

  4. #84
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    This has gotten Waaaayyyy out of control.
    Everyone, stop it and be nice...go to the corner...

    TIME OUT for 5 mins....

  5. #85
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    I've said my peace.


  6. #86
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by sunkarma
    This has gotten Waaaayyyy out of control.
    Everyone, stop it and be nice...go to the corner...

    TIME OUT for 5 mins....
    Its cool, OEC was just waiting for some reason to insult me.

    You are better than me. But Im ok with that!

  7. #87
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Jeez... No one wants to debate the real issues with me...

    Oh well...

    And on a side note, I could not get scholarships, to get my education for free.
    Not good enough grades, etc... They were good, but not good enough to get
    scholarships. And my parents were not poor enough to get aid, but not rich
    enough to pay for my education. So I had to go the loan route. Sure, some poor
    minorities, with worse grades, may have gotten scholarships. Well, good for them.
    My life is not about them. My life is my life. I wanted an education, so I took out
    the student loans to pay for one. Sure, they may have gotten it for free, and I
    had to pay for it. But that's just our country's way to help the people who have
    a bad situation to start with, try to get ahead. I'm cool with that. I still have to
    do what I have to do, to make my life better. That's just life. Life is unfair.
    So? Figure out the system, and work around it.

  8. #88
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Look, let the education bullshit drop. There are other reasons behind it.

    Fuck it.

    TheDeathKnight, if youd like to further discuss anything, just give me the word and Ill pass it on to ItalDvl. He has no interest in the boards, and Im about at that point.

  9. #89
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?


    after skimming through some of these i've seen some things,side,whatever of people i respect say some pretty dirty things...

    the way i'm seeing this is their's a few people tring to help,a few intsigating,and a few being just Dumbfucks...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Im about at that point.
    i,uhh,kinda agree with you.

  10. #90
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedCat
    You associate with hateful losers of all races.

    Well she associates with those who spend time here...so...what does that make us?

    And given the vile tone of some of your posts...of which I'm assuming you made based on little to no actualy reading of the thread...it does pretty much toss you into your own above statement. You can't trash hateful losers by acting as one.

  11. #91
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Well she associates with those who spend time here...so...what does that make us?

    And given the vile tone of some of your posts...of which I'm assuming you made based on little to no actualy reading of the thread...it does pretty much toss you into your own above statement. You can't trash hateful losers by acting as one.
    I agree I'm being an asshole. I am stopping now.


  12. #92
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat

    after skimming through some of these i've seen some things,side,whatever of people i respect say some pretty dirty things...

    the way i'm seeing this is their's a few people tring to help,a few intsigating,and a few being just Dumbfucks...
    Seriously...what's fucked up about it is that some of the comments are generalizing about a person we've come to know over a long persiod of time...so why ONE topic all of a sudden tosses that long history out of the window is beyond me.

    When the racist skinhead acts with a better tone and respect than those who call themselves enlightened and open minded...something is seriously fucked up. More so when said souls viciously attack one of their own.

    Odd as hell when you see more hate come from those against it than those who embrace it.

  13. #93
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Seriously...what's fucked up about it is that some of the comments are generalizing about a person we've come to know over a long persiod of time...so why ONE topic all of a sudden tosses that long history out of the window is beyond me.

    When the racist skinhead acts with a better tone and respect than those who call themselves enlightened and open minded...something is seriously fucked up. More so when said souls viciously attack one of their own.

    Odd as hell when you see more hate come from those against it than those who embrace it.

    i agree fully,and it actually kinda hurts me ,deep...

    Odd as hell when you see more hate come from those against it than those who embrace it.
    and to be honest,i'm not suprised,i'm see the hate on both sides of everything nowadays....i Honestly,as honest as i can get....have lost hope for humanity over the last few months...

  14. #94
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Its cool, OEC was just waiting for some reason to insult me.

    You are better than me. But Im ok with that!
    I think people just had stuff to get off their chest and got it off in this thread.

    No one person is better than any other. We each have our pluses and minuses.
    My mom used to say...
    "Show me perfection, and I'll show you god...whomever you deem him or her to be"

  15. #95
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    i agree fully,and it actually kinda hurts me ,deep...

    and to be honest,i'm not suprised,i'm see the hate on both sides of everything nowadays....i Honestly,as honest as i can get....have lost hope for humanity over the last few months...
    There was no hope for humanity to begin with....to be honest.
    We are all f"ed and damned to hell...so might as well go out with a bang!
    Well, so to speak. (I meant, have fun while you can)

  16. #96
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    ha,i like that,she was a pretty wise lady ...

  17. #97
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by sunkarma
    There was no hope for humanity to begin with....to be honest.
    We are all f"ed and damned to hell...so might as well go out with a bang!
    Well, so to speak. (I meant, have fun while you can)

    well,i'm one to hope...

    but yea,that's basically my outlook nowadays...i'd say their a good chance i won't last till i die of age...or any of us for that matter....so fuck it...lets have a ball...

  18. #98
    Mother Superior
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    As a "minority" I was not offended by ItalDvl. I think if we were all honest with ourselves, we would see we all have prejudice in us and discriminate quite often. Whether it's someone who is of another ethnicity or because someone is handicapped, overweight, a yuppie... or just wearing the wrong outfit... what ever you want to throw in there. We are all capable of hatred and of judging others who are not exactly like us. I believe a person should have the freedom to live their lives as they see fit. You don't have to agree and you sure the Hell don't have to like it but the fact is, you can't stop it. The maturity level on this thread has gone to an elementary one. We are all part of this Blue Blood family, we are here for a reason and we come back for a reason, we are kindred spirits. It's easy to point a finger but a lot harder to lend a helping hand.

  19. #99
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    I've gotten to the point where I am not offended anymore by anything after this thread.

    At some point, you have to stop caring....I'm not going to beat a dead horse

    I'm done. (but for gods sake, please stop bashing Jax!)

    But you are right, Mirren. (finger/hand analogy)

    As far as maturity...like I said..when things become hard to deal with, there is nothing left to say, or one is offended, sometimes it is easier and more lighthearted to result to silliness rather than address the real matter at hand. It's a coping mechanism and a defense one at the same time. All of us are mature on this board...at least, the ones who post post in an intelligent matter (with exceptions that may be intentional on some cases). This topic is a heavy one, and at some point, was bound to be interspliced with some comedic silliness to cut the obvious tension.

    With that said...geez...can a thread be locked? This is getting redundant, trite, and futile....
    Although its a good topic....I think we need to move on to something in a lighter vein.

  20. #100
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat

    i,uhh,kinda agree with you.
    Well you always got my AIM;] I love chatting with you, you put a smile on my face. After all, I only have a few years left to deal with it all anyways;p

  21. #101
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Well you always got my AIM;] I love chatting with you, you put a smile on my face. After all, I only have a few years left to deal with it all anyways;p

    why's that,hahah...you know when i finally do show up at your doorstep,if theirs noone there i'm gonna be pissed ...

    you put a smile on ym face too...

    (haHA! i can't type either )

  22. #102
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Awww I wanna bug ya on AIM! haha. I'm pretty good at it.

  23. #103
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Well, I'm sorry if anyone got offended by these topics.

    It's just that people naturally have certain areas that they can not talk logically about.

    If someone is talking about race issues, and you have been a victim of prejudice,
    it's hard to talk about it without getting pissed off.

    The same way if you were an Israeli, or Palestinean, and had your mom or
    sister killed by the other side, you will NOT be able to discuss the topic
    without prejudice. Some issues are just not simple or easy to discuss.

    I'm sorry if Jax took any offense at my education comments.
    I know that there are many reasons for people not being able to get those things.
    It's the same as people from the ghetto, who have a hard time getting ahead.
    I do not give them shit about it, because I know that there are a lot of real
    reasons why people have a hard time with some things in life. It can be
    financial, psychological, or many other reasons. Everyone has to do the
    best they can. And I salute anyone who is out there trying. All you can do,
    is try to have the best life you can. Try to get by. Try to have fun. Make
    the most out of life, even if it started out totally shitty.

    And try not to take any of this stuff personally.

    No one is perfect, and everyone has their beliefs.

    Just try not to slam people, just because they do not understand your point of view.
    Everyone has a different background, experience, and upbringing...
    You can't expect everyone to be perfect.

  24. #104
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    Ah, you're all bastards. Especially those of you with skin.

    Get rid of it, it's just itchy and hides that lovely meat <3

  25. #105
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    I believe that everyone has gotten everything out, and has made peace. Let me just make one statement...it was NEVER a thing between me an Jax. Both of us have our opinions on racism and racists, and the like...
    Everyone has the right to their own opinions and the right to voice them. Whether you agree with them or not, is your own business...and you have the right to comment on that as well.
    We are a community of kindred spirits, indeed...and though at times we may disagree..the uniting factor is that we are able to get over our differences and still come to some conclusion-regardless of how long it takes us to get there and how hot and pissed off we may get in the process. We always kiss and
    'make up'. As I have seen.
    Now that we have addressed this issue and know how each person really feels on it...I don't think we will need to go any further with it unless someone has some comments that are left unsaid.


  26. #106
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Why does Blue Blood allow so and so to say things I don't agree with?

    jeez. you hide in the closet for a few days and the world goes to hell.

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