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Thread: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

  1. #41

    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    Wearing this t-shirt probably wouldn't help things, would it?

  2. #42
    Spaceman Spiff's Avatar a boy and his tiger
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    I sat quietly till now because I didn't know the whole story, probably still don't, and didn't want to blindly comment, but this is ridiculous. I say shoot every last one of these muslim extremists and the world will be a better place. At this piont your probably saying "Spiff, isn't that kind of a slippery slope? What if something similar happened in america and someone wanted to shoot all the christian extremists?" I say let them, I don't think I miss those people eithor. My point is that if these people blindly believe so strongly in their cause that they would die for it, then we should test that and stop their continuing wave of violence. Even if this incident gets resolved, there will be another and another because if something a stupid as a single frame cartoon can spark ariot that claims the lives of many innocent people then something is seriously wrong and they are jeopardising the lives of the people they are trying to protect with thier religious "purity", or what ever the fuck their motivation is.

  3. #43
    Spaceman Spiff's Avatar a boy and his tiger
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    On a side note, have you guys seen the T-Shirt Hell take on this?

  4. #44
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    I say that we shoot you for your commitment to violence by suggesting that we shoot people for maintainting a commintment to violence.

  5. #45
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toe Cutter
    Would you suggest we tip toe around their sensibilities?
    yes. I believe in free speech, but there's no reason to go out of your way simply to offend people. only if you want to see what happens when you provoke them- well we've seen it now. was it worth it?

  6. #46

    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    Arabes had most advanced science and medicine untill 17th century when some extreme shitheads came and stoped all science and forbided drawing. We got all knowlenge in medicine, mathematics and science from them. Even sense for luxury came from them. Nobody didn't cared about luxury untill they saw arabes doing it. I still think islam is better religion than chritstinedom after readng kuran because Mohhamad improved it in many ways. It's just people that got it wrong. If every religious man would follow what is writen in that book instead of listening to interpretations of religious fucks then we would have a better world to live in.
    Now don't get me wrong, I dislike most of the religions in this world. If I had to chose one I would be a budhist.

  7. #47

    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    yes. I believe in free speech, but there's no reason to go out of your way simply to offend people. only if you want to see what happens when you provoke them- well we've seen it now. was it worth it?
    Yeah, I do think it was worth it.

    I enjoy the pissing-off of the religious right regardless of their chosen religion. In fact, I hope it happens more often. I'd like to see them get so worked-up they are frothing at the mouth. It would go to show how silly and ridiculous that behaviour is.

    I guess in this instance (to me personally) I see it in a similar way to a child throwing a temper-tantrum. You let them get worked-up and cry wilst remaining calm. Eventually they will wear them selves out and realize you don't care. Thus doing it less in the future.

    This is my personal opinion, but I really don't care for that religion at all. I find it misogynistic, overbearing, totalitarian and frankly just a bunch a bullshit (as with most religions, but this ones especially bad). Fuck 'em!

  8. #48
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    well I agree with you on that last note, but I just don't think it's really ever justified to have people get killed for a stupid reason when it could have easily been prevented.

  9. #49
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    This is a fine example of people taking everything way too seriously. If you can't laugh at yourself and aren't secure enough in your beliefs to laugh off a joke then you need four shots of tequila and a fatty.

  10. #50
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    well said vinyl kitty.

  11. #51
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: what do you think of rioting over a cartoon?

    this whole thing with the cartoon actually raises a lot of issues that people are too afraid of to adress in this day and age. so now what does denmark do? kiss ass and suck dick, or, decide where denmark stands on this issue and ,

    A, execute the cartoonist and appease the , well, whoever


    B, go to war

    it's pretty much that simple

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