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Thread: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

  1. #1
    Shivvenfist's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    Alright. I have this friend. This friend watches films that really make a person think about shit. Well, last night, he made me watch something called 'What the Bleep Do We Know?"

    I am not the kinda guy who has epihpanies often. This movie fucking stood my entire worldview on its ass. It's part documentary, and part fictional story dealing with the documentary side of a the film, about astro-physics. Leave the black holes and Stephen Hawking at the fucking door mang, this shit will blow your fucking mind!

    from the site:

    The original storyline, which follows the journey of professional photographer Amanda (played by Academy Award winning actress, Marlee Matlin) as she comes to understand the sources of her depression and slowly change her life, is slimmed down to make room for more in-depth interviews with sixteen of the world’s top physicists, engineers, physicians, biologists, researchers, journalists and mystics, who talk about consciousness, psi research, physics, biology, emotion and addictions.

    The scientists are the stars of this movie, and there’s no forgetting it. But they, too, are human. Never does the movie elevate them and their information as above ordinary human understanding. Indeed, the movie’s power and magic lies in the fact that it really makes us understand how human beings are connected to each other - to the whole universe - and how we all affect reality.

    Quirky animation highlights much of the film, introducing highly complex scientific concepts in a simple, understandable way. Done with humor, precision, and irreverence, these scenes are only part of what makes this director’s cut unique in the history of cinema, and another true winner.

    Here is the trailer for the film:


    This movie is hard to find. I went to BEST BUY and they didn't have it, but you can most likely find it for free checkout at a local library, as this is an educational thing, or order it online. If you like to think 'outside the box', this movie will truly flip yer fakkin noodle!

  2. #2
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    after you've had that particular epiphany eight or nine times - with the Discordians, the Subgenii, the Wiccans, the Cave Clan, the Extropians, acid heads, shamans of the mushroom cult, etc, you start to think of it less as a miracle of cognition and more a general bug in human neurology. sort of like an easter egg left by evolution; press ctrl-alt-shift-f4 and hold down all the mouse buttons, and you see god's arse. or something like that.

  3. #3
    Superna's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    I love what the bleep.. I've even seen part 2 .. Down the rabbit hole If you remember one of the "experts" Ramtha (channelled by JZ Knight .. she was the blonde lady) .. Ramtha will be speaking in Hollywood on May 20th . We should go

  4. #4
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    i once worked with a woman who was a devoted follower of Ramtha. she was completely blissfully happy, unless something bad happened to her, at which point her life would come to a complete halt while she tried to figure out what she'd done to offend the cosmic balance.

    once she gashed her hand while using an angle grinder. for about an hour she stared at the hand, then at the angle grinder, then at the hand again, until the supervisor gently led her away. once he put a band-aid on her (admittedly, minor) injury she was happy again.

    she thought i was a troubled soul and asked me what was wrong. i gave her a brief overview of the various evils that were dogging me and it was like the words drifted right over her head. she smiled and nodded and said that accepting Ramtha would fix everything.

    "Can Ramtha fix writer's block?" i asked.

    "Oh, yes! Freeing blocked energy channels is one of the first things you learn!" she chirped brightly.

    "What about monomaniacal misogynists who keep sending the police over to your house to look for child pornography?"

    blank stare, slight smile. okay, too many big words there. i really wanted to give her that Penn Jillette quote, but she looked happy, so i left her sitting inside her cocoon of unreality.

    "Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving."
    - Penn Jillette

  5. #5
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    "Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving."
    - Penn Jillette[/QUOTE]

    Not true, but then again it is still a suckers game that anyone can do if they really wanted to

  6. #6
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    "Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving."
    - Penn Jillette
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Karl
    Not true, but then again it is still a suckers game that anyone can do if they really wanted to

    do you believe channeling is what it generally claims to be?

    i've always wanted to get about a dozen of these people in a room together and let them fight it out over who really WAS an Atlantean priest, an ascended Mayan mystic, an Egyptian princess, the Comte D'Saint-Germain or Heinrich Khunrath. sort of like assembling all the people in an asylum who think they're Jesus Christ.

  7. #7
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Serious Topic - Give Your Mind An Orgasm

    [QUOTE=sheramil]do you believe channeling is what it generally claims to be?

    you mean as in some great wise being with all the answers, who for some reason has chosen to impart this knowledge to us stupid mortals who cant be bothered to figure it out for ourselve's

    absolutely not, I may have some strange ideas but I'm certainly not a cretin
    Channeling is another parlour trick, that takes a good amount of discipline and I applaud anyone who has mastered this and knows how to use it to reel in the rubes

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