-randomly picks someone-

Bondage Clown decided enough was enough and set out on his own. "I'm going to see the world!" he said. Well two hours into his journey BC finds himself walking along the highway. A big rig slows down and the driver yells out "Need a ride buddy? I could use some company!" BC unable to believe his luck agreed and climbed inside the truck.

Well as the truck got going BC began to notice some strange things in the truck. For starters there were beer cans and food wrappers everywhere. Porno mags stuck to other porno mags, there even looked like a bag of feces stashed under the drivers feet. Strangest of all however was a live chimp resting up on the dashboard.

"Uhh..Whats the deal with the Chimp man?" Bc asked, and the trucker turned to him "Well, that guy right there....check this out" having said that the trucker wound back and bitchslapped the shit out of the chimp. The chimp screamed, ran around the cabin, started masturbating yelling, beating the seats, then dove between the truckers legs and sucked him off before moving back onto the dash.

Bc: Oh my god...That was...amazing..absolutely amazing"

Trucker: Heh, you wanna give it a go?

Bc. You fucking bet! But you don't have to slap me.

Ba Dum SWISH~~~~