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Thread: Name a person...

  1. #1
    Mother Superior
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    Default Name a person...

    whom you once admired but later in your life you found to be a huge disappointment and why?

  2. #2
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Professional Sports Players...

    I loved them as a small kid....

    But then when they went on Strike... And I found out that they were only playing for money, instead of the love of the game... I was crushed.. and now i hate them. and they all can go to hell...

  3. #3
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    william shatner cause when I was five captain Kirk was the coolest and now that I'm a little older, well, need I say more?

  4. #4
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    When I was younger I had teh biggest tv crush on Johnathan Brandis (mostly of SeaQueast fame) , but then he pulled a cliche and ODed in a hotel room. Kinda killed the whole "admire the tv/movie star" thing.


  5. #5
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    the power rangers were the shit, and of course for many of my generation teachers of morals....then one of the power rangers (cant remember which) and his girlfriend stole a yacht and killed the owner

  6. #6
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    hah damn power rangers... another one apparently is in gay porn? i think... heh
    i cant really think of any one right now that ever did that to me... if i think of someone though ill post it.

  7. #7
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    no shit? my daughter used to love the power rangers.

  8. #8
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    I liked Reagan when he was still just a $3 copy of Clark Gable.. then....
    Same goes for that peanut farmer.

    Admiration is a product of ignorance.


  9. #9
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    When I was 9-10 years old I had discovered the music of a certain band and was downtown Seattle with my parents when I saw the lead singer at Pike Place Market. I was all colors of in awe and walked up (I was a little kid mind you) and gushed all about how much I loved his music and how wonderful it was and the instrumentation etc. I asked for an autograph and he looked down at me and made a face, said (I remember exactly) "I don't sign autographs." And he actually snorted at me.

    I was heartbroken and cried and cried. My parents actually had to cut our outing short because I was so upset. To this day I hate that band. I understand wanting privacy and all but he wasn't mobbed, I don't even know how famous they were at the time but, that's a fucked thing to say to a little kid.

  10. #10
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    omg what a dick... damn... ive run into a couple asshole musicians before, but you know what... thats pretty much the worst ive heard. right up there with bryan adams... me and a bunch of friends went to an autograph signing by him at some local music store, and the store employees handed out note stickies with everyones names on them... so you just put your CD or whatever on the table and he would sign it with your name on it while giving an on camera interview... (oh and btw he wouldnt sign anything that wasnt his merchandise... fucker...) well my friend michelle asked if he could leave her name out, she didnt like her name in autographs or something, and he goes "why, so you can sell it on ebay???" what a dick... she just gave him a dirty look and said "its for a sick friend in the hospital..." but got it signed anyways... where i wouldnt get it signed hah i wouldve just walked out. fuckin prick.
    that was pretty dissapointing actually... bryan adams always looks so nice on tv... does lots of good work for charities and stuff... but hes just a jerk in person.

  11. #11
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    If people are going after artists based on a single encounter, then maybe it's worth remembering we all have shitty days. I know many MANY artists who aren't worth crossing the street for, but a lot are simply humans who sometimes get pissy at their manager's PA's stand-in insisting they spend another hour in a room full of kids when they just want to go sleep for once.


  12. #12
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    well ive known other people that have met bryan adams and have said the same thing... hes not the nicest person to talk to...

  13. #13
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindgames
    If people are going after artists based on a single encounter, then maybe it's worth remembering we all have shitty days. I know many MANY artists who aren't worth crossing the street for, but a lot are simply humans who sometimes get pissy at their manager's PA's stand-in insisting they spend another hour in a room full of kids when they just want to go sleep for once.

    I completely recognize the shitty day thing. I know I have them really often. To take myself out of it a little, I really just don't think it's cool regardless of how crappy your day is to make a little kid cry. Even if you're having a shitty day it's a shitty thing to do. I think I'd feel differently about it if I'd been older or even an adult, but I've got a soft spot for the little kids.

    I actually asked my parents about it again when I was a teenager, in case I'd been a squalling screaming finger pointing little monster about it but, I hadn't. The least he could have done was be polite you know?

    I'm tired and rambling so I'll stop now.

  14. #14
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    I had a close friend who is not close anymore that I used to look up to in a lot of ways. mainly because she was very outspoken and confident and I never really have been either in reality. being around this person made me feel like i could do anything until one day i was hanging out waiting for her to get off work when i overheard her bad mouthing me and how she thought I was some creepy loser. that pretty much was the end of it.

    it's also why i dont like having friends.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Name a person...

    ummm... doesn't we all remember people by bad things they have done?

  16. #16
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: Name a person...

    for some odd reason, bad always outweighs the good in my opinion.

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