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Thread: Crooked Cops

  1. #1

    Default Crooked Cops

    Ok...so the cops came over the other day.. because my neighbor called them because my "grass is too high" (im sorry i didnt realize 3 inches was high) yes i havent mowed it in 2 weeks..but calling the cops? shit.

    anyways..they came over..they came in and there was two cops.. mr nice guy and officer hard ass...

    officer hard ass had his cliche cop glasses on trying to be real affirmative.. out of NOWHERE he goes " how long have you smoked marjiuana"

    then with his super fucking sight he apparently goes to my entertainment center and magically comes up with pot. (mind you there is none in my house)WHAT THE FUCK!

    i find it quite amazing that he found it.. SEEING AS IT WASNT THERE 10 MINUTES AGO WHEN I CLEANED THE DAMN CENTER!

    he tests it and it shows its pot.i tell him to drop test me right now and he gives the smug look like he's going to take me in. then officer nice guy says it wouldnt be enough..and to just let us go, and mow our grass....

    anybody else have crooked cop stories? i would have liked to see him try to take me in and drop test me. I could HEAR the lawyers crawling towards my door.

  2. #2
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    You don't even want to get me started...
    if you think I've rambled on and ranted
    in great length on a number of subjects
    before... you ain't seen NOTHING YET.

    Soooo... for the moment, I'll leave it at
    that... but I can say, what you went
    through was really nothing...albeit,
    a brick shitter, nonetheless... but yeah
    I got stories.

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    there's alot of fucked up around downtown,man...

    i've been lucky enough to not have to directly feel their wrath..but i've been close enough enough times,that i'm very,very aware of the fucks if i'm out and about or whatever my require that sort of thing....;]

  4. #4
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    I lived in town where the cops were so corrupt the feds had to take over the dept. I saw a man have his head beat in for looking wrong. The cops sided with the rednecks. He now babbles and pierces folks without his own sterilization. As to mary jane, you just smoked em out (seriously). You could even pull off shrooms. On the street: you were fucked.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    "Mow your lawn or we bust you for pot."
    WTF is that. OCD nazis?

  6. #6
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    "Man.. we were like.. gonna mow the lawn.. but it said it wanted to be itself..

    Moonchild found the like.. mower thing..

    Man.. spin. It spins. Like.. round."

    Oh, and I'll make a point never to visit Altanta if not only do folks call SWAT for an unkempt front garden, but they TURN UP. Have they got a dedicated horticultural crimes unit, or were they on the same stuff they tried to palm off on you?


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    i fucking hate grass.

    the lawn kind.

    there's all kinds of super mean shit you can do to your neighbors... fuck them up the ass for putting you through that shit. you're creative, you'll come up with something good.

    i say you kill all the grass in your yard, and replace it with gravel. and sculptures... weirdly suggestive sculptures.... heh... you could get an ornamental tree, and then hang baby dolls from it's branches... or lawn flamingos, painted black... hmmm. i wonder where you could get a garden gnome giving the finger....

    as for the cops, yeah that's pretty fucked up. i'd suggest reporting them to their supervisors, but you don't need that type of hassle... under their radar is the best way to go.

    ...but kill your lawn dude... grass is a fucking menace...

  8. #8
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    Could loan you one of my gnomes...

  9. #9
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    In all seriousness, I would contact your
    local NORML, ACLU and any other
    'friendly' agency you can. Documentation
    is the key, tell as many people as possible.

    I know a bit about how it all works, some
    years ago I got popped with something
    in the neighbourhood of 110 kilos... never
    denied that is was mine, but the Feds really
    had no case, other than here I was sitting on
    a duffle of hydro.

    But they had nothing, tried to get me to do a
    mandatory of 25 - 35 and the legal team from
    NORML and ACLU got it dropped to probation
    and rehab, with expungement on completion.

    Considering at the time I was in a state that
    it's 5 - 10 years for a single SEED
    or joint... either way, they are tight asses.
    Now I'm glad to be where 40 grams personal
    isn't a hassle, cops could care less.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    they left me alone after that..probably because they tried to see if they could make me "confess" in hope that i actually did it.
    they picked the wrong guy though
    and yes i still havent mowed my lawn. sticken it to the man!....er..well...it looks like crap.. i better go mow it :|

  11. #11
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    I wish they would just decriminalize drugs already. Given the failure of the "war on drugs", clear civil liberties violations, basic fuck-ups amongst law enforcement, absurd sentencing for non-violent offenses, and complete misuse of public funds ... I can think of worse ways to go. It seriously taxes the entire criminal justice system.


  12. #12
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight
    In all seriousness, I would contact your
    local NORML, ACLU and any other
    'friendly' agency you can. Documentation
    is the key, tell as many people as possible.

    I know a bit about how it all works, some
    years ago I got popped with something
    in the neighbourhood of 110 kilos... never
    denied that is was mine, but the Feds really
    had no case, other than here I was sitting on
    a duffle of hydro.

    But they had nothing, tried to get me to do a
    mandatory of 25 - 35 and the legal team from
    NORML and ACLU got it dropped to probation
    and rehab, with expungement on completion.

    Considering at the time I was in a state that
    it's 5 - 10 years for a single SEED
    or joint... either way, they are tight asses.
    Now I'm glad to be where 40 grams personal
    isn't a hassle, cops could care less.
    That sounds like the way to go. Glad you're in an area more attune to your lifestyle.


  13. #13
    vulfgrl's Avatar Tainted
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    I used to think pot was an awful thing because it was an illegal drug. I grew up in a bubble where we thought people who did drugs were loser bums and it was their fault they were screwed up. After joining the real world, getting on and then off harder drugs, and getting to know real people, I think pot is no problem. I can count on my hand how many times I've smoked it, but cops should waste less time on stupid harmless things. I have known a couple of good cops, one used to come into the porn shop where I worked and look at the magazines, but so many seem to have this power thing.
    Hmmm, do people who desire control decide to go into law enforcement, or does the power they have in the job (and lack of respect), turn them into assholes?
    One of my friends was a State Rep, and we were all suprised when he got busted getting a bj from a hooker. He admitted he did it often, and claimed it was the power of his position that had gone to his head...hehe bad pun.

  14. #14
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedCat
    That sounds like the way to go. Glad you're in an area more attune to your lifestyle.

    Between the fact that Seattle was (re)built
    by whores, hookers and brothels and all
    old hippies, yippies and yuppies who have
    either retired here or are in state/local government.

    The city hosts the HempFest every year and
    has for the last 15 years... last year with over
    150,000 attendees and not a single arrest.
    Seattle's former police chief will be one of
    the guest speakers this year, should be a
    very interesting time.

    Over the years I've made the transition from
    casual user to dope fiend and now to medical
    user/grower.. as you can see HERE.

    After the cancer, surgery, extended hospital
    stay and the truckload of narcotics last year,
    the medical marijuana is the only thing that
    has kept me sane and off the prescription
    narcotics. I've always been a big believer
    in Peter McWilliams outlook on things.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    why do i get the sense that on hemp's toilet lies playboys, hustlers and high times.. not necessarly in that order lol

  16. #16
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    Quote Originally Posted by VoldtaEngler
    why do i get the sense that on hemp's toilet lies playboys, hustlers and high times.. not necessarly in that order lol

    Close... the reading materials that you mentioned
    are not for 'public' use... minus the Playboy...
    that is not allowed in the house, with the exception
    of collectibles.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    you read the same crap i do lol.. minus disheveled. must be local mag.

  18. #18
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight
    Between the fact that Seattle was (re)built
    by whores, hookers and brothels and all
    old hippies, yippies and yuppies who have
    either retired here or are in state/local government.

    The city hosts the HempFest every year and
    has for the last 15 years... last year with over
    150,000 attendees and not a single arrest.
    Seattle's former police chief will be one of
    the guest speakers this year, should be a
    very interesting time.

    Over the years I've made the transition from
    casual user to dope fiend and now to medical
    user/grower.. as you can see HERE.

    After the cancer, surgery, extended hospital
    stay and the truckload of narcotics last year,
    the medical marijuana is the only thing that
    has kept me sane and off the prescription
    narcotics. I've always been a big believer
    in Peter McWilliams outlook on things.
    I definitely agree with you on all points. I was extremely disappointed that the Supreme Court did not defer to our vote in Cali. Luckily, more progressive states do not enforce the ridiculous federal laws. I read McWilliams some years back. I agree with him on this (not to speak of the guts he showed towards the end). The persecution of McWilliams probably hastened his demise. It is a blotch on the criminal justice system.


  19. #19
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Crooked Cops

    Quote Originally Posted by VoldtaEngler
    you read the same crap i do lol.. minus disheveled. must be local mag.
    Most of what I read is local...
    Exotic Underground
    The Stranger

    Along with a bunch of the industry rags..
    AVN, TheGlobalMuse,ASCAP...
    really between Muse and myself, we
    probably rate about a metric ton of reading
    materials, I will be forever building bookshelves
    for many years past retirement.

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