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Thread: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

  1. #1
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones


    Th embryos created would use bovine eggs with their nuclei removed and replaced with human DNA, so 'it' would be 99.9% human, 0.1% cow.

    Two obvious questions -

    1 - is this something you agree with or an X-Files style step too far?

    2 - would it be cheaper just to move the research to Texas?


  2. #2
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    ummmmm creepy :S
    anyone else reminded of that one picture of the cow woman in the funny pictures thread?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Completely pointless.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Why even do this :S

  5. #5
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    I think it is Rad.. I am all for human experimentation.. Nothing says we can't improve ourselves.. So what if things don't work, or make Freakish things.. Look at what we are doing to the enviroment, then tell me we shouldn't do it to ourselves... "Rock Out with your cock out sci-Dudes"

    though what hitler was terrible beyond Beleif, Some of the medical expreriments that they performed help us everyday to live better...Good things can come out of bad things.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Quote Originally Posted by Bondage Clown
    Some of the medical expreriments that they performed help us everyday to live better...Good things can come out of bad things.
    So I suppouse what this comes to is whether the end justifies the means.

    But I fail to see how having some dude with udders and a tail can help advance ourselves. I think if the subject is complely willing to participate, sure, that's fucking awesome, maybe even I'd join in, but if the participant is raised specifically for this, which is the more logical process as the participant likely can't be full-grown beforehand, I'm not entirely gun-ho.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Sorry, forgot to add that it shouldn't matter if the process only goes as far as like the embro stage, which is indicated as so in the article. I was kind of veering before when I was thinking of letting it grow and mature into adulthood, I apologise.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Alias
    Sorry, forgot to add that it shouldn't matter if the process only goes as far as like the embro stage, which is indicated as so in the article. I was kind of veering before when I was thinking of letting it grow and mature into adulthood, I apologise.

    I agree. That's a life! It should be saved at all costs. As soon as that egg is fertalized it is a LIFE. I wish somebody would stop and think of the children.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    "He said: "In the history of humankind, animals and human species have been separated.

    "In this kind of procedure, you are mixing at a very intimate level animal eggs and human chromosomes, and you may begin to undermine the whole distinction between humans and animals.

    "If that happens, it might also undermine human dignity and human rights."
    Sorry, that line of reasoning befuddles me. I think the more likely result is it will create more vegetarians.

    Honestly the goal is to produce the ever legendary stem cells. Science see a lot of potential in the little buggers and is looking for any way possible to harvest them. People will not let the use embryonic stem cells that we literally throw away (at least in the US) and this option allows even more manipulation of the cells.

    I have the usual mixed feelings on this. I am not crazy about animal experimentation, but without it we would not have insulin and I could go kiss four or five of my friends goodbye right now. If it was an easy choice it wouldn't be in the news. I gotta go with it suck for the cows and I hope they are humane as possible, but it seems like a good plan.

  10. #10
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    I think its awesome and will be completely jealous of the first cheetah human.

  11. #11
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    great, all we need is another aristocracy

  12. #12
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    I think its awesome and will be completely jealous of the first cheetah human.
    heyhey - welcome back! thought you'd left us to debate nudity and run for the hills!

    The cheetah human is a while off, but don't forget there's always the Leopard Man of Scotland...


    All points to him for going that far, but seriously.. if you're intending to spend your life naked you really shouldn't pick an isolated Scottish island with average winter temperatures in the low 10's. I didn't think a goosebump could have it's own goosebumps, but he proved me wrong.


  13. #13
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Haha, eh, everyone has their opinions. I was excited for this opportunity, but it kinda got cheapened when it seemed like there wasnt any support. Im still excited to shoot with such great photographers either way though. And yes, Im still considering nudes. I just cant not be naked in front of the camera.

    I watched a documentary on him. Im jealous, but it still aint close to having the DNA of one in your body;]

  14. #14
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Haha, eh, ...I watched a documentary on him. Im jealous, but it still aint close to having the DNA of one in your body;]

    jax, It is a good thing i can keep this in conext.. or my mind would have slipped into the gutter...

    We are getting one step closer to having the Thundercats in person.. HUZZZAH

  15. #15
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Quote Originally Posted by Bondage Clown
    jax, It is a good thing i can keep this in conext.. or my mind would have slipped into the gutter...
    BC - remind me when your mind climbed out of the gutter again? Why move to the sidewalk and get trodden on when we can just laze in the gutter and wait for food to float by....

    Human and feline DNA is almost identical in some sequences, so we're all very slightly 'cat'. The gene groups responsible for some breast cancer and asthma are identical, which is why humans and cats get both conditions and research on making fluffy kittens wheeze is justified science.

    Oh, and I checked just in case - there's never been a documented report of cheetah-human bestiality. However sources suggest Siegfried ain't done tryin.


  16. #16
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Your right.. *looks around* Now where dids I put my lawn chair

  17. #17
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Researchers seeking to create human-cow clones

    Why move to the sidewalk and get trodden on when we can just laze in the gutter and wait for food to float by....
    that is the best quote i have heard in my life. i LOVE IT!!

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