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Thread: overbearing mother

  1. #1
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default overbearing mother

    Disclaimer: I'm really upset, so both grammar and spelling are going to be more questionable than in regular posts.

    I called my mother tonight Silly me, I know. However, she likes to hear from her surviving child every so often. If I don't call the she-beast she will launch into a thoroughly manipulative "You don't care about your mother" speech. After having heard it so many times, i could quote it. I understand this. I had some things that I needed to up date her on, like the fact that I got an internship working for an E-zine (this is all still in the works). Mother was less than pleased.

    After telling her where I found said posting and some of the details related to it, she went on ten minute tangent about how the internet will get me killed. Granted, there are some crazy folks on here (the internet in general, absolutely no offence to anyone on this site intended) but I apply a certain level of caution with what I say to people and to the sites that I go to. As long as you use a certain level of common sense, you should be okay. I mean, come on, most of us know not to put up easily identifiable information. And even more so, not to meet random people from the net without other people around.

    While this pissed me off, it was what she said next that really hurt. And that was exactly her intention. The E-zine I'm going to be writing for is into the community/scene, whatever you want to call it. My mother then said to me, "I have never understood you people's fascination with death and morbidity and crushing depression. This is just a phase that most 13-15 year olds go through and then move on. It's disconcerting to me that you haven't moved on." Things like that you remember verbatim, like the time she told the shrink and me that she had never wanted to be a mother.

    Shawn died when I was thirteen and a half. Loosing some one that close to you and in such an awful manner is bound to mess with your head, and I fully realize that. However, for me, one does not have to do with the other. I am not morbid. I'm kinda perky and chipper (What the hell?...poser. Yeah, I can hear it now.) Because I of where I live, it's just safer for me to blend in, so I don't look like a stereotypical goth. In fact, one of my *adoring* friends made the point the other day that at times I can look like one gawky ass 17 year old emo boy. (I was tempted to push him off his skateboard.)

    I get that in her own warped way that she is only trying to protect me. However, for all intents and purposes, I have been on my own since I was ten years old. The days when I needed mommy have come and gone. I see her trying to be a mother to me now, and it's simply too little way too late. Some of you will say that it's never too late, but in this case, it is. I am an adult now, capable of making my own decisions. I am okay with who I am. I kinda like me. I might be friends with me, even. I could do without the loud singing off key, but hey? What are ya gonna do?

    If I am doing well for myself, am happy with who I am and have loyal friends, what more could a parent want from me? I am curious to know if any one else has had similiar experiences with parents and how you dealt with them?

    The situation with my mother has been ongoing for the last nine years. In addition to the whole "let me disowm ny daughter unless she's willing to conform to what I have to say" thing is her boyfriend. We lived in an emotionally abusive home for nearly five years. By the time I left, I didn't talk and no one could touch me because I would bite. When I visit my mother, I end up hiding with my cats in my bedroom because my mother's boyfriend is so much like her last husband. And she doesn't see it. I can't watch this guy treat her like this, and though she does know he's not the best for her, she won't leave him.

    So though it really hurts, I made a huge decission tonight. I have to cut off contact with my mother. I know it seems really drastic and like the actions of a spoiled child, but I can assure you, it's not. I'm tired of being told that I'm not good enough, that I'm failing, or any of the numerous other things she has had to say to me. No one hurts me like she does. I tell her this, trying to express what I am feeling, but it falls on deaf ears. This whole situation sucks big time.

  2. #2
    Kat's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Sometimes, distance is the best thing for some situations. You need to do whats best for you, and a seemingly drastic action maybe the incentive your mother needs to approach the situation from a different angle, if she wants to have some kind of relationship with you.

  3. #3
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    What sis best for me... I don't think that this is something that's crossed her mind. While I understand her anger for a life not fully lived, I can't be held responsible for it, but that's what she's doing. I'll see her once a month and call every two weeks. She is still my mother, no matter how hurtful, manipulative, and unaccepting she is.

  4. #4
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    doesn't she know that in this day and age there are no bad children only bad parents

  5. #5
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Karl
    doesn't she know that in this day and age there are no bad children only bad parents

    I'll let you tell her that one.

  6. #6

    Default Re: overbearing mother

    You could always kill her.

  7. #7
    Kat's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    You could always kill her.
    The difficult part is making it look like an accident..

  8. #8
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    You could always kill her.

    Can't kill her. Might need a kidney or something one day.
    She just needs a mute button.

  9. #9
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    My opinion about situations like this, is that you should get the distance you need, but keep the door open to future friendship. I tell people all the time that they should not bother having a in-depth relationship with any family members that make you miserable. You have friends, and can make friends. You can surround yourself with fun people, healthy people, and happy people. Family is over-rated. Hey, probably over half of people's families are fuck-ups. Just because you came out of someone's womb, doesn't make them a healthy parent, or a good friend. If you feel you have some obligation to them, then sure, go visit them once in a while. But that means maybe once a year. Or maybe a call. But you want your life to be free of bullshit. So if you have a bullshit family, cut the ties. One thing that helps with the guilt factor of doing that, is to remind yourself that it was their choice to have a kid. It wasn't your choice. They took on the responsibility to raise the kid they popped out. Once you are 18, that obligation is over. They raised you. You're an adult. You should be on your own. If you choose to remain friends with your parents, that should only be because you really like them, and get along with them. You have no obligation to be miserable, just because some dumb bitch got knocked up 18 years ago...

  10. #10
    kellie's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    I wish I could comment more than I will, but sadly my mother stalks me online as well. She frequents the Blueblood boards, then throws what I say, (or photos of me) in my face.
    Cutting her off is a good idea. It could give her time to reflect on her actions, and see how it is affecting your relationship. You might want to prompt her to seek professional help, maybe send a letter in the mail with your feelings on the subject. Just because she birthed you does not give her the right to make your life hell. And you dont have to put up with it because you feel obligated. Distance can be a wonderful thing.

  11. #11
    LoraLie's Avatar i dont like clothes.
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    My opinion about situations like this, is that you should get the distance you need, but keep the door open to future friendship. I tell people all the time that they should not bother having a in-depth relationship with any family members that make you miserable. You have friends, and can make friends. You can surround yourself with fun people, healthy people, and happy people. Family is over-rated. Hey, probably over half of people's families are fuck-ups. Just because you came out of someone's womb, doesn't make them a healthy parent, or a good friend. If you feel you have some obligation to them, then sure, go visit them once in a while. But that means maybe once a year. Or maybe a call. But you want your life to be free of bullshit. So if you have a bullshit family, cut the ties. One thing that helps with the guilt factor of doing that, is to remind yourself that it was their choice to have a kid. It wasn't your choice. They took on the responsibility to raise the kid they popped out. Once you are 18, that obligation is over. They raised you. You're an adult. You should be on your own. If you choose to remain friends with your parents, that should only be because you really like them, and get along with them. You have no obligation to be miserable, just because some dumb bitch got knocked up 18 years ago...

    The Death Knight put it pretty well.

    I know what its like to have an overbearing nut job mom all too well.I've got two overbearing nut jobs . . . Problem for me is that I'm still stuck living with them . . . at least until I finish HS.
    I have a lot of people ask me how I can stay here and stay sane and not kill them. My parents are nuts, a lot of people agree on this heh.
    I think they try their best, but sometimes what they think is best isnt.

    I feel horrible but as soon as I do move out I plan on not really talking to my parents much at all. I want to live my life and be happy. Family isnt something very important to me, never has been and I know it breaks her heart because she does but . . . . you have to live your own life . . . and some parents just dont seem to understand that . . .

    I'd drop contact . . . it may open her eyes to what she's doing . . . maybe
    If not . . . then you just lose that miserable part of your life

    what do you have to lose?

  12. #12
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by kellie
    I wish I could comment more than I will, but sadly my mother stalks me online as well. She frequents the Blueblood boards, then throws what I say, (or photos of me) in my face.
    Cutting her off is a good idea. It could give her time to reflect on her actions, and see how it is affecting your relationship. You might want to prompt her to seek professional help, maybe send a letter in the mail with your feelings on the subject. Just because she birthed you does not give her the right to make your life hell. And you dont have to put up with it because you feel obligated. Distance can be a wonderful thing.
    She did that once, stalk me online. I have since locked everything I don't want her knowing about. Atleast she isn't going through my things any more.
    Professional help doesn't work for her. She thinks she knows more than the shrinks.

  13. #13
    Exquisite's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    *hugs* I know exactly what you mean even down to being a mistake ... had that one thrown in my face a time or two. My solution was just to cut off the relationship. It hurt but not as much as banging my head against a brick wall.

    Edit: I'm very lucky though that I have an amazing relationship with my father. Although its hard to trust that and honestly I haven't told him everything.

  14. #14
    LoraLie's Avatar i dont like clothes.
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by tatum radcliffe
    Professional help doesn't work for her. She thinks she knows more than the shrinks.
    haha i know exactly what you mean

  15. #15
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by Exquisite
    *hugs* I know exactly what you mean even down to being a mistake ... had that one thrown in my face a time or two. My solution was just to cut off the relationship. It hurt but not as much as banging my head against a brick wall.

    Edit: I'm very lucky though that I have an amazing relationship with my father. Although its hard to trust that and honestly I haven't told him everything.
    Thanks. I don't really have parents at all. My aunt has been a more involved parent and I am very close to her. I think that it's starting to dawn on my mom that I'd rather talk to my aunt than deal with her head games. Unfortunately with that said, mom is doing everything in her power to drive a wedge between me and my aunt. She didn't want to be a parent, yet she won't let any one else be one to me.

  16. #16
    Exquisite's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    My mother did the same thing with my father and just ended up cutting off her own nose to spite her face. She is trying to do the same thing with my Grandfather now. Its sad at a certain point to realize that even though she loves me, possibly more than anyone on earth, she never sees me and what I need. Personally I think its because she has never really grown up mentally.

    Its been over 5 years since I have spoken to her. I miss the concept of having a mother, but I missed that even with her in my life. I really don't miss taking care of her emotionally or parenting her. Interestingly every time I get to thinking I should give her a second chance she does something to screw it up without me even having to contact her. Last time it was manipulating my Grandfather to give her my new address.

  17. #17
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Seriously, pretend your parents got hit by a bus.

    If they died, what would you do?

    You'd go on with your life, and develop other friendships, with people both young and old. You'd find people who want you to come over for the holidays, you'd find people to give you advice, etc... If your parents don't make you happy, don't give good advice, and don't make your life better, then why bother? Move on... If they decide they want to change, you can give it a shot again. But if they act lame again, cut them off again. In some ways you have to "train" your parents to stop being parents, and treat you like an equal. They would not treat their friends like shit. So if they want you to stay their friend, as the years go on, they need to treat you the way they'd treat a good friend. With kindness and respect...

  18. #18
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by Exquisite
    *hugs* I know exactly what you mean even down to being a mistake ... had that one thrown in my face a time or two. My solution was just to cut off the relationship. It hurt but not as much as banging my head against a brick wall.

    Edit: I'm very lucky though that I have an amazing relationship with my father. Although its hard to trust that and honestly I haven't told him everything.
    One night when myself (21), older bro (29) and lil bro (14) were having a guys night in with dad (55) and he was a bit messed and raving about mum (which was met with unstable silence .. don't know what to say to it .. like "shut up, I don't want to hear it" "just fucking deal with it" etc.) anyway, he got onto .. "you know hugh (little bro), you were a mistake, but it's ok, I dealt with it".

    Myself and older bro took my lil bro and just went somewhere else for a while. Luckily HE ACTUALLY MISSED DAD SAYING IT so it's kinda me and older bro secret. But fuck that was messy.

    In any case, severing ties can be liberating and necessary. If she can't be helped and doesn't seem to be doing any benefit to yourself, it's probably just a waste of time. Just buy a decent knife/esky and keep her address handy, maybe just call in from time to time to make sure she picks up in case you ever need that kidney.

    The only problem I relaly have with my mother is her voice, I don't like talking to her simply because her voice is PAINFUL. Seriously, she needs to lower it an octave and smoke a little more for a less "needle into eardrum" tone.

  19. #19
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    as much as i think that my mother and i need distance, it's going to have to wait. my uncle committed suicide this morning. the whole family is goign to be together to deal with this. guess mom and i have to play nice for a few days. this whole stiutaion REALLY sucks and I'm annoyed with myself that I can't be more articulate than that at the moment.

  20. #20
    Kat's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by tatum radcliffe
    as much as i think that my mother and i need distance, it's going to have to wait. my uncle committed suicide this morning. the whole family is goign to be together to deal with this. guess mom and i have to play nice for a few days. this whole stiutaion REALLY sucks and I'm annoyed with myself that I can't be more articulate than that at the moment.
    I'm sorry to hear that.

    I hope your mum can put her objections to your lifestyle aside at least for a few days while you deal with it all.

  21. #21
    Exquisite's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by tatum radcliffe
    as much as i think that my mother and i need distance, it's going to have to wait. my uncle committed suicide this morning. the whole family is goign to be together to deal with this. guess mom and i have to play nice for a few days. this whole stiutaion REALLY sucks and I'm annoyed with myself that I can't be more articulate than that at the moment.
    *hugs* sorry luv, families and all of that are always messy. Good luck with it all and remember to take time for yourself in the midst of all of this.

  22. #22
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    thanks guys. this whole day has sucked.

  23. #23
    the_darkness_calls's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    man, i'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I've been there with the whole parents thing- they disowned me for a while (I won't get into all that now). However, we're now at a place here we can (for the most part) respect each other, and we've agreed to disagree. Granted, things aren't totally ok, and they probably never will be, but i hope this at least gives you some kind of hope for the future. For now, the only advice I can give you is to stay true to yourself and do what you have to do for you.

  24. #24
    tatum radcliffe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: overbearing mother

    Quote Originally Posted by the_darkness_calls
    man, i'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I've been there with the whole parents thing- they disowned me for a while (I won't get into all that now). However, we're now at a place here we can (for the most part) respect each other, and we've agreed to disagree. Granted, things aren't totally ok, and they probably never will be, but i hope this at least gives you some kind of hope for the future. For now, the only advice I can give you is to stay true to yourself and do what you have to do for you.
    it's not your fault, but thank you. Agree to disagree. Like I said, the rest of the family is totally accepting which is bizzarre considering how uber conservative some of them are. But hey if my uncle (different one, huge irish family) can bring both his wife and their girlfriend to Christmas at my grandparents, anything else is fair game. Just taking time for mom to accept this theory when applied to her daughter.

  25. #25
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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