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Thread: make money from home,myth??

  1. #1
    DeviantMommy's Avatar Mac Town down!
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    Default make money from home,myth??

    Ok guys,here's the thing..I work on the weekends and watch the baby during the week while my hubby works. We've been coming up short for bills quite alot and I want to make some extra cash. I can't work during the week because A.I think Petra is too young for daycare personally,and B.I couldn't afford daycare if I wanted to.

    Here's the question,are there any legitamate ways to make money from home via internet or otherwise? Because everything I've looked into seems like a scam.
    If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears..

  2. #2
    wicked events in NJ!
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    Yes, there are. Unfortunately, I can't direct you to any specific sites as I don't know your field or your skills, but I can give some general examples and experiences....

    I have found legitimate opportunities in Web-Design, Graphic Design, Layout, etc that allow you to complete your work at home and then submit the final product electronically.

    A friend of mine works in medical transcription. They mail or fax her hard copies of documents and she types them and emails them back and is paid per document.

    I've also done paper-editing where the students emailed me essays and I would edit them and email back my responses/comments.

    So, yes, there are several legitimate opportunities. Try looking at regular job postings, rather than specific "work from home" sites. And email the posters to see if they might be ammenable to work done from home when you send your resume.

    Basically, it all depends on what you are looking to do... Good luck!

  3. #3
    DeviantMommy's Avatar Mac Town down!
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    Honestly,I've only ever really worked in retail and food service,so I suppose that limits my options considerably. I'm a fairly decent typist though,and I think I could handle editing papers so the medical transcription and the essay editing sounds good. Any links to sites reguarding either of those? Thanks for responding btw =)

  4. #4
    wicked events in NJ!
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    I got the editing through a temp job listing at a local college, so I don't have a website for it. I might reccomend emailing schools near you and seeing if they might have a listing? Or see if they'd let you advertise your services in essay-editing? Another thought is to call the local high-school guidance offices and tell them you do college application essay editing and wondered if they might advertise your services to their students. Some will be more than willing to, and some kids do need a lot of help in that area!

    Another thought, since you have retail experience, is tele-marketing. A lot of tele-marketers work from home. They get information about the products and specific regions to call and can make calls from home, though they're usually paid on comission so the income isn't always as regular. Still, you might want to look into that if it interests you, too.

  5. #5

    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    I work from home doing hair falls. Made a mini business out of it that pays the bills and makes new friends in the process.

    Have you tried maybe thinking about something like that? Create yourself a business that sells crafts or something like that. I can direct you also into a wholesale sites that you can make a business selling goth shoes and boots and all that fun jazz if your up to it as well.

    and if none of that works out, you can always help me out, im only about 2 hours from ya.

  6. #6
    DeviantMommy's Avatar Mac Town down!
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    Wickedfaire2007 Thanks for the advice,I will check into the essay editing thing and see if it's do-able or something I'd even enjoy one way or the other. As far as telemarketing goes,I've done it many times in the past and I can honestly say..I'd rather die. But thanks anyway. =)

    VoltaEngler That sounds like a fun business..I made a few falls once for myself for a halloween party,they turned out really cute. =) If that counts as experiance,sign me up! Although I can't really see driving 2 hours there and back everyday,seeing as the money thing is an issue and that's alot of gas! But what did you have in mind? I don't want to be presumptuous.

    As far as starting my own business I have thought about it..I'm very good w/ collages,I thought maybe I could do made to order collages w/ themes provided by the customer,but I'm honestly at a loss of where to start..and really w/out any money to spare I don't see alot of options. How did you start your business??

  7. #7

    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    well i wouldnt have you drive technically 4 hours everyday :P

    It would be like an initial drive to show you how we do it, and then let ya go from there sorta thing. We would supply all the hair and what not, then youd make it from home and ship it from online.

    We started way back years ago, with an initial startup of a website cost (10 bucks, 1.99 for a domain name + 8$ month to host it)

    Then i advertised everywhere including live journal communities, *******, etc etc. Then we got our first couple orders, which then paid for our first supply of materials, then more and more kept comming in and now they just wont stop. But basically all youd need is a idea and something your good at doing, and advertising is essentially free nowadays.

    10$ for that first boost for a domain name (theres free ones out there but usually put pop ups and ads all over your page) , and some wholesale places or even craft stores if you dont want to deal with wholesale!
    A good camera is a plus to put up photos of what your products look like.

    Have you thought about maybe getting a small business loan also? To get you started on whatever it is youd eventually want to do?

  8. #8
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    heh DM im pretty much in the same boat as you, skills wise, i was kindof thinking of looking for a job in the evenings when my mom was off work so she could watch lyndon... buuut i dont think that would work, cause some nights she works till closing at canadian tire (10pm) and it probably wouldnt work to see if she could only work starting in the morning so shes off at around 5pm hehe... although thatd be perfect.
    hehe ill be so jealous if you get to work for voldta tho haha...
    but that medical transcripts thing sounds alright wickedfaire, do you think they would let people do that from home in canada? dunno if tis the same where you are.

  9. #9
    DeviantMommy's Avatar Mac Town down!
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    Sounds good Voldta,what's your schedule like not this coming but next Mon.? That's really the only day I'm available. Thing is,I haven't officially got my driver's licence yet.. (pathetic,I know..but Cyndi Lauper never had her driver's licence either dammit!),but I have my permit,which means I can go up there but a licenced driver needs to be w/ me,namely my husband..(and I'm sure he'd want to check things out anyway to be sure everything is "kosher")

    Anyhow,Monday is the only day we have off together,and I can probably get my grammy to babysit for the day..maybe we can even make an evening out of it? I'd love to hit a few clubs in Atlanta since I've never been,and I'm sure you know your way around pretty well. But let me know,ok? Not this Monday coming,but the next..btw,do you have a ******* account?

  10. #10
    Jebadiah's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    Well I'm curious, I hope you let us know how this turns out.
    Best wishes to both of ya.

    And Voldta, can you post your website here or in the section designated for such things, I'd like to see it.

  11. #11

    Default Re: make money from home,myth??

    click on my name, then click the homepage. there ya go

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