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Thread: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Satiate
    Now quit fighting your peers, and engage intelligently those who deserve it.
    who said that you people were my peers?

    who said you people deserve intelligently crafted responses, or for that matter that yours were really all the well thought out, and cogent?

    oh please, i do beg your pardon if this thread has seemed to raise some level of emotional response in myself, or if in the heat of venting my own ill concieved, and utterly futile responses it contains rhetoric, or sentiment that stirs any sort of unpleasant reaction in your oh so delicately fined tuned psyches.

    why bother indeed.

    here's to a little more poison in your PBR.

  2. #42
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    hahahahahahahahaha... How dare I even think you could be on my level? Is that what you are stating? Because I dared imagine you could be human and talk to me with respect? Again, with your response, I will respond in quote now...

    "What luck for the rulers that men do not think." - adolf hitler

    Considering that I happen to have five members of my family over there... Considering that i've lost eight friends... I think I have my own emotional involvement... But I guess, I forget, only you and you alone know anything about anyone and everyone's politics... And know exactly my response... I should have responded to Forrest in the same manner, because though in many respects my family and I agree with you on those points... Not because it has anything really to do with social question that Forrest was asking?

    Go take some midol... Your panties are in a wad OVER A COMIC BOOK CHARACTER and the question of how it reflects our society... Thank you so much for proving my point... That you move into a whole other realm that is, at best, a different tangent of the question asked... You are as guilty as the people you preach your own personal "ideal" about...

    (And if you ever drank Pabst, you would know there's enough poison in it already to even think about considering any more is just a waste of a good chemical...In fact, maybe either you should go drink one and chill out, or lay off whatever it is you've already had too much off, either way... CHILL)

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Satiate
    (And if you ever drank Pabst, you would know there's enough poison in it already )
    well obviously.

    you're not very familiar with deadpan are you?

    since you enjoy quoting adolf, and gerbils so much, you might find the works of edward bernays to be of some interest.

    although they might just confuse you, since you've completely missed my "point" in this thread.

    which is of course that the sweat from my oh so very heavy, and lumpy balls is so bitter, acrid, and toxic that it would just burn it's way through any panties i might consider wearing.

    gawddamn i'm such a fucking badass.

  4. #44
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    hmmmm... Internet is really good at detecting tone that EVERYONE on the board was getting, but you??? I'm not the only one on this thread who's interpretted you as being a bit... um... over the top and out of line?

    I enjoy quoting people of the same mentality as gerbils other gerbil like quotes... I keep hoping that they will resolve the will to get off the wheel, if you will...

    I just figured that if you can be full of yourself, well, you should respect it when someone else holds a mirror up to your face in the same pretencious manner... Your "point" is to derail the thread and to go off on people that don't deserve it... To be contrary for the sake of being contrary... *yawns* I save that for the hard-core emo-kids who have "heart" or broken hearts rather... They are much better at stomping their feet and demanding the world to acknowledge their emotionally vested tears/screams/cries... Because NO ONE UNDERSTANDS BUT THEM...

    Sorry, but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... Or is it if it acts like a gerbil and talks like a gerbil...?

    And with that, yes, you are much like a gerbil dragging his balls on the wheel of life... Just be careful to not get them caught...

    Oh, and because you seem to love them...

    This is from a great man... Learn...

    "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
    "Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught."
    Sir Winston Churchill

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    blah, blah, blah.

    i'm so smart.

    i'm way smarterer than you.

    by far.

    yep, eddie bernays was a real motherfucker.

    he'd be real proud of this thread he would.

    gosh i sure am glad we have such a wonderful tool for communication in this internet thingie we have. oh boy.

  6. #46
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    like crack, huh?

    I wish I could have a discuss with good ol' Eddie, so I could ask him if he mommy issues like his dear esteemed uncle...

    "When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative."
    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Conserve, my friend... and cheer up, it can't rain all the time, emo kid!!!

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    took damn long enough to google bernays.

    "Think twice, and then say Nothing."

    "cheer up emo kid"?

    do we even still have those?

  8. #48
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    “Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”
    Edward L. Bernays

    Just watching my garden grow under my avid attention. That’s exactly what you needed, right? A little attention? Now that I see this is how you spend your spare time, my little gerbil. I will get back to my work that makes me happy. Unless, my words here to you are the only faint light of hope at the end of your little emo tunnel. It’s okay, your mommy really does love you.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    who's your mommy satiate? (since you never do seem to use that mirror you've been holding up to yourself.)

    boy, i am still so pretty gosh darn smart.

  10. #50
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    “Criticism and dissent are the indispensable antidote to major delusions.”
    Alan Barth

    And with that, most will thank me for continuing to criticize you and your delusions that you are funny, intelligent and somehow reminding you that you’ve YET to post on this thread in regards to the MAIN idea behind it.
    Are you enjoying the extra attention you are not getting from home?
    Amelia's my mommy... and ouch, did I hit a nerve?

  11. #51
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    dudes.. have you figured out whos is longer yet?

  12. #52
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    back for more?

    i thought that you were off to that oh so better life of yours where you have better things to do than post on the internet?

    i actually just came back myself to edit out that last crack about the mirror, since it was obvious, and derivitive... which makes me wonder at the speed with which you responded to my possibly weakest post yet...

    ...i finally believe your boasting about being able to drink anyone under the table, 'cause lady you sure have worn me down.

    the only nerve you've hit is forcing me to S-P-E-L-L-I-T-O-U-T for you, and since i have kinda been fucking refusing to do that all along... oh well.

    is it the glasses satiate, is that what makes you so perceptive, and eloquent?

    damn, this is like reverse chicken. the person who swerves first wins...

  13. #53
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    dudes.. have you figured out whos is longer yet?
    man, i sure haven't... truth to tell, i'm fucking perplexed MG.

    i mean, i can't even pretend this is even remotely interesting to anyone else on the board....

    ...hell, i can't pretend this is even interesting to me.

  14. #54
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    "Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
    a sense of humor to console him for what he is."
    Sir Francis Bacon

    Know, that your imagination still humors me. I will grind on my little monkey, I’m enjoying your little dance.

    *Have you noticed yet, how fast my responses are? It’s because I’m predicting what you are going to say next… Please by all means, keep coming back at me… I’m PMSing and that’s my excuse for a low tolerance and being such a bitch… What’s yours? Oh that’s right… Only you have emotional investments and now every thread topic on Blue Blood should be rerouted to discuss the lack of coverage of the war… Don’t you have other threads to derail?*

  15. #55

    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    Quote Originally Posted by seeker
    I'm an Australian, another country sending military personnel to Iraq, so I may view this issue differently than americans.

    I feel that if the USA is represtented by a comic character, no matter the quality of the art work, it does not say a lot about society. If people need someone to represtent their beliefs why don't they choose a human? It seems the people have come to depend on another or in this case a comic character to act for them rather than being involed themselves.

    Is this devaluation of the self to representation by a comic character a disappointing growth in apathy?
    I think the reason a fictional character is representative of America is because fictional characters live up to the ideal much better than real people do. Real people have real flaws, and have a harder time representing the many versions of what America is. Captain America and Superman, the iconic all American boys, are not there to devalue the contributions of real living people, but to hold up an impossible idea to strive for. Hercules and Odysseus of our age.

    It's not that we depend on them to act for us, it is that a few people are trying to use them to inspire us to act.

    At least that's my take.

  16. #56
    Satiate's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Marvel Killed Captain America ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Cafe_Post_Mortem
    I think the reason a fictional character is representative of America is because fictional characters live up to the ideal much better than real people do. Real people have real flaws, and have a harder time representing the many versions of what America is. Captain America and Superman, the iconic all American boys, are not there to devalue the contributions of real living people, but to hold up an impossible idea to strive for. Hercules and Odysseus of our age.

    It's not that we depend on them to act for us, it is that a few people are trying to use them to inspire us to act.

    At least that's my take.
    Actually, I think you just worded it the best...

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