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Thread: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

  1. #41
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

    rather than banning guns it should be law that everyone carries one and is instructed in it's use, since trying to ban guns obviously won't work maybe that will.
    good thing he only used a gun and didn't go unabomber.....or worse

    it seems that while news was lacking at first now theres enough to keep you busy for a while

  2. #42
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

    i think you hit the nail on the head Cafe-Post-Mortem.

    it's a sad reflection that teachers, and law enforcement are pretty low status careers in our society, and corespondingly attract folks who are willing to work for low pay, and in less than excellent conditions... some of these people might be saints, doing it out of civic mindedness, others just might think it was a step up from booger king.

    although 'bad people' do get ahold of guns in 1st world countries where they are banned, their homicide rates are so much lower than ours that it really does beg the question... shit the canadians supposedly have just as many guns, and still have a lower homicide rate.

    on the other hand, you've got places where the underground market in small arms is rampant, and a corespondingly heartbreaking murder rates, like much of the african continent, and the mideast...

    the only thing that makes me hesitant about supporting gun bans, is the fact that so many of you geniuses have them LOL... my upbringing did not exclude the possibility that it might become necessary to kill large numbers of armed idiots on short notice.

    "in my land/gun control means using both hands..." de la soul (of all people)

  3. #43
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

    yeah. I guess I shouldn't have brought that up.. I'm glad that you guys caught on about the bias of case studies. Really, I actually agree with most of the things that you said hempknight and forrest. You bring up the case of personal responsibilty... which doesn't always go hand in hand with laws and sadly is often far off both on the parrt of the law abiding and the law breaking. I strongly support a push in that direction, but I guess if it was the rule and not the exception then we wouldn't need any laws in the first place.

    I really am not even for gun restrictions, I'm just "shooting down" the gun lobbey who's the one that's bringing it on themselves by making the issue about guns, which it really isn't at all and shouldn't be.

  4. #44
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

    OTAY.. Wait A Minute!!!!

    The Bath School disaster is the name given to three bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, USA, on May 18, 1927, which killed 45 people and injured 58. Most of the victims were children in second to sixth grades attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest act of mass murder in a school in U.S. history. The perpetrator was school board member Andrew Kehoe, who was upset by a property tax that had been levied to fund the construction of the school building. He blamed the additional tax for financial hardships which led to foreclosure proceedings against his farm. These events apparently provoked Kehoe to plan his attack. (More)

  5. #45
    grebo's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

    on a usa news show imported to here in australia someone made the observation
    "people forget that more people die in Iraq each day than in the virginia tech massacre"

    From what i read the guy was a nut, we have nuts here in australia but they cant get guns so they usually attack people with knives or whatevers around, which usually gets them pepper sprayed or shot by cops. Nuts with availalablity to guns is a bad bad mix.

    a quote from bill hicks
    "Gun Control? England, where no one has guns; fourteen deaths. United States -- and I think you know how we feel about guns; whoo! I'm getting' a stiffy -- 23,000 deaths from handguns. But there's no connection, and you'd be a fool and a communist to make one."

  6. #46

    Default Re: How does nobody have footage of the Virginia Tech shooters yet?

    Yeah everyone just stabs you with knives in England instead.

    **edit: Sorry knives are illegal aren't they now? They use sharpend screwdrivers and razorblades instead.

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