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Thread: post your rant here

  1. #81
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    Quote Originally Posted by EasyRider
    Craigslist is perfect if you're looking for someone 200lb overweight with four kids looking for their rent and doctor bills to be paid cause babydaddy and other babydaddy and other babydaddy don't pay no child support and two of em can't anyway cause they're in jail.

    Believe me, I am no weepy metrosexual, but it seems to me all the interesting people are into scrawny pale guys.

    Again... Hmmm... cause I've actually met
    quite a few people from CL ads and would
    have to say an average of 1 of 10 have been
    as you describe. But then again, I'm not looking
    to fuck any of them either, but I do know a number
    of guys that have run the gamut of the CL pussy
    roulette usually to great to moderate success.

    Unless it just so happened that I hit upon a bit
    of cyberspace fate and fortune, I met Muse online
    almost 7 years ago and moved out here for her, almost
    5 years together... so I have nothing to bitch about.
    And that was sight unseen, after a couple thousand
    e-mails and a ton of long distance calls, I packed my
    shit and been here ever since. The only question my
    little nephew had for me before I left, "Are you sure it's
    not a guy?"... smart lil' fucker, but I was pretty sure and
    I was right.

  2. #82
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    are you sure its not a guy HAHAAA thats cute

    yeah... i have a friend that keeps sending me links to craigslist ads that have lesbians or couples wanting a 3some... especially when i was pregnant... hed be like "here you go, you can have some hot lesbo preggo action" im like FUCK leave me alone already, jesus...
    BC you say you hate whiners... dont ever talk to this guy. constantly whining that he cant get chicks and hes ugly and nobody wants to be around him and blah blah blah...well you know what it is.. its because he thinks that way. ya gotta make shit happen, it just wont do it by itself!!

  3. #83
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight
    Dude... if you ever happen to be in my part
    of town, I will glady donate an optical mouse
    to you... (just the mouse in the link, keyboard isn't
    available... plus you'd have to bare knuckle fight
    Muse for it) I'll leave you a PM with my toll-free
    phone number and you can give me a call anytime,
    24/7... usually voicemail but I might answer... usually
    if you call then wait until I read the CID to make sure
    it's someone I actually WANT to talk to and call back.
    And I NEVER answer local calls... telemarketers and
    wrong numbers.. so fuck 'em.
    First of all I am totally down to bare knuckle fight for the mouse.

    And now ranting.

    1.) If I hear one more dickhead yell anything at me aside from HAY I WANNA GIVE YOU MONEY someone is getting punched in the motherfucking taint. Grow some fucking balls if you want to talk to me walk up like a man and say hello. One more and someone is getting my fist in their colon.

    2.)If I don't know you don't touch my fucking hair. One more person does that this week and I will bite off their fucking fingers and shove them in their eye sockets.

    3.)If I hear ONE more man in my general vicinity bitch about lesbians they are getting bent over and fucking violated. Man up mother fucker she don't want any.

    4.)One more person stealing my graphics and/or words and someone is getting curbed.

    5.) Lastly, if I don't fucking know you stay out of my personal space. The next person to read my book over my shoulder, lean over to see what's playing on my mp3 player, look in my purse, look down my shirt, or try to look at my tramp stamp is getting punched in the fucking neck.

  4. #84
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    TOUCHING your hair??? that is CREEPY... who the fuck touches other peoples hair. what the hell...

  5. #85
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    Quote Originally Posted by mmmcherry
    are you sure its not a guy HAHAAA thats cute

    yeah... i have a friend that keeps sending me links to craigslist ads that have lesbians or couples wanting a 3some... especially when i was pregnant... hed be like "here you go, you can have some hot lesbo preggo action" im like FUCK leave me alone already, jesus...
    BC you say you hate whiners... dont ever talk to this guy. constantly whining that he cant get chicks and hes ugly and nobody wants to be around him and blah blah blah...well you know what it is.. its because he thinks that way. ya gotta make shit happen, it just wont do it by itself!!

    Yeah, well... it turned out his step-daddy
    was a cross-dresser, so he was a bit nervous
    for me. Kinda fucked with the lil' dude's mind,
    to the point of just coming out and asking
    people of questionable gender appearance
    just what the fuck they were, usually in public
    and quite loudly... the boy had no tact, but then
    again... he did learn a lot from me. I did punch
    a car in traffic the other night.

    Which brings me to a mini-rant....

    I don't know what fucking country most of these
    motherfuckers got their license from... but here
    a RED LIGHT doesn't mean fucking floor it and
    head for the pedestrians in the crosswalk. Now
    in the last three months, I've already put my size
    13 steel toe into a number of quarter panels, doors
    and any place else I could without getting maimed,
    as well as punched windows, windshields, tailgates,
    ripped off rear wipers or whatever else I could grab onto.

    I'm going to start carrying around a marble bag of
    steel ball bearings and the next fucking asshole
    that is too colourblind to see the big bright RED
    light will get a handful hurled at their vehicle and
    they had better hope to keep the fuck on driving
    because if they decide to actually get out of the
    car, I will leave the body in the street.

    The same goes for bicycle cops that fucking
    shout shit at me about not obeying the law and
    then proceed to break the very law that I may or
    may NOT have been about to do myself. You fucks
    want to be like Lance, I can make that possible...
    ever had a steel toe in the groin? I have a lot of
    respect for the shitty fucking job cops have to do,
    but zero respect for power tripping, ego stroking
    assholes who think they can hide behind a badge
    and still not get their stupid asses stomped.

  6. #86
    EasyRider's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    HK, the old biker trick is to hoy a used spark plug at the windshield. The ceramic will shatter that motherfucker like a 13 year old girl's self image whose little brother just told her she was fat.

  7. #87
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    Quote Originally Posted by EasyRider
    HK, the old biker trick is to hoy a used spark plug at the windshield. The ceramic will shatter that motherfucker like a 13 year old girl's self image whose little brother just told her she was fat.
    Oh yeah, know all about it... have ridden with the Avengers
    back east and Gypsys in south Texas... been known to
    carry a ball peen hammer tucked in my belt as well... but
    a fuckton of ball bearings are cheap, so are 4 point caltrops

  8. #88
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    hah youre not the only one that wants to throw shit thru car windows... people around here seem to have a problem with turning without looking for pedestrians. or just going and not even caring if they see me crossing the street WITH THE WALK SIGN CARRYING MY BABY... twice in one day ive almost been run down... once the truck almost hit the stroller, then later that day this assfuck hit the gas and came within a foot behind me when i was carrying lyndon in the snuggly... for awhile now ive wanted to carry around a bag of good sized rocks that i can hurl thru back windshields... cause really, whos gonna suspect the woman with the baby to throw the rocks thru the windows? *angel face*

  9. #89
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    Quote Originally Posted by mmmcherry
    hah youre not the only one that wants to throw shit thru car windows... people around here seem to have a problem with turning without looking for pedestrians. or just going and not even caring if they see me crossing the street WITH THE WALK SIGN CARRYING MY BABY... twice in one day ive almost been run down... once the truck almost hit the stroller, then later that day this assfuck hit the gas and came within a foot behind me when i was carrying lyndon in the snuggly... for awhile now ive wanted to carry around a bag of good sized rocks that i can hurl thru back windshields... cause really, whos gonna suspect the woman with the baby to throw the rocks thru the windows? *angel face*

    I would... especially YOU. One day I actually
    had a lady hit me as she was trying to run a red,
    luckily it was from a dead stop and hadn't floored it.
    But I simply screamed into her open window at her,
    WHERE A RED LIGHT MEANS GO?" The cop sitting
    across the street at the KFC thought it was pretty funny
    as he laughed and kept eating his two piece and biscuit,
    until I yelled at him that he was an asshole and do his
    fucking job before I called the station and reported his
    doughnut munching ass for dereliction of duty.

    It really amazes me at times because it's not like these
    fucks can't see me... being just shy of 6 foot and 200+,
    I'm not wearing urban camouflage or anything... fuck, half
    the time I get people yelling at me from down the block,
    "Hey, it's Silent Bob!"... but the cunt less than 6 inches
    from the curb can't see me. I think I might just start
    carrying a can of high visibility orange spray paint and
    tag the fucks who about run me down from now on,
    for easy identification later on.

  10. #90
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    orange spray paint is a great idea

  11. #91
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight
    I don't know what fucking country most of these
    motherfuckers got their license from... but here
    a RED LIGHT doesn't mean fucking floor it and
    head for the pedestrians in the crosswalk. Now
    in the last three months, I've already put my size
    13 steel toe into a number of quarter panels, doors
    and any place else I could without getting maimed,
    as well as punched windows, windshields, tailgates,
    ripped off rear wipers or whatever else I could grab onto.

    I'm going to start carrying around a marble bag of
    steel ball bearings and the next fucking asshole
    that is too colourblind to see the big bright RED
    light will get a handful hurled at their vehicle and
    they had better hope to keep the fuck on driving
    because if they decide to actually get out of the
    car, I will leave the body in the street.
    that's what i'm talkin' about....

    i had a whole coffe can full of eyeball size ballbearings once upon, a once upon... *sniff* i miss them so...

    fuckin' drivers...

    ...my rant for today though is... the fuckin' chinese... i love them, but damn dude... slave labor, death by overwork, massive executions, selling off the body parts of prisoners, and our whole fuckin' economy here in the US is dependant on them at the moment... fuck. it's depressing, i mean i love the fact that they are so wonderfully horrible...but damn... some times it just gets me down.

  12. #92
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    My rant for the day: Fucking ingratitude. You try to help someone out and they shit in your face. It's not even that some turn out to be basturds, it is what it does to one psychologically. The wall goes up just a bit further. You become just a bit more jaded and cynical. I'm no Saint, but I do what I can. This post is about shit back home in Cali, but it could apply to anything.


    P.S. Another thing that pisses me off: The feeling of being uprooted. You go back and you're some novelty. You have your fun, but they build you up and shoot you right down. You wonder: Where is my fucking home?? You just have to accept it. Ugh. If someone understands, cool. I want no sympathy/empathy. It's just a bitch to go through it.

  13. #93

    Default Re: post your rant here

    all i got are two minor rants

    1. why do people insist on asking me dumb ass questions like "If you could only have one of the following for the rest of your life would you rather have sex or pot?"

    2.Ever have a friend who one day drops off the face of the earth only to find out he took a trip to canada to get married and not tell anyone then come home and all of the sudden want to be friends with everyone? nah fuck that....

  14. #94
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    New rant.

    First of all I am annoying myself today. How is it I can't figure out how to embed some simple thing in a blog post.

    What the FUCK why r I doing the dumb today.

    Secondly, what the hell is wrong with people. Is it hard not to shove people on the bus or at least say sorry, excuse me.

    Someone is going to get kicked this week I can feel it in my toes.

  15. #95
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: post your rant here

    New Rant: Cops that drive like shit. First off, I'll say I have had no bad experiences with cops out here generally. The last 2 days though: I damn near collided with a cop car and motorcycle that both turned up wrong way streets. I realize they are not bound by the same laws, but I would have been in a horrible situation had he (bike cop) taken the turn any less sharply. To even explain Pittsburgh roads goes Kafka pretty quickly. All I can say is: I was traveling at a rate of maybe 10 mph. Given the speed of his turn, however, I'd be looking at a cop impacting my driver door and probably going through the window of a damn cafe I had just left. He was in my lane. I would prefer not to get tied up in some challenge (the road has no center line) They really push their luck sometimes. I do not want to leave here having been part of the serious injuries of an Officer or anyone else. It was a bit unnerving.

    My own laziness the last month: I was burnt out from school but it did get pretty silly. I'll be off this toy May 30 for awhile.


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