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Thread: Hall Of Shame

  1. #1

    Default Hall Of Shame

    Pictures from some protests around the country. Have not seen such a huge collection of douchebags in one place since highschool. A few of the pics have saggy witch teets so NWS.


  2. #2
    kellie's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame


  3. #3
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    Pictures from some protests around the country. Have not seen such a huge collection of douchebags in one place since highschool. A few of the pics have saggy witch teets so NWS.

    I find that montage very sad. Living in the Bay Area, I was often shocked how often an alleged "principle" stance became blatant antisemitism. In a sense, it made me go completely in the opposite direction. I was lucky to meet a Palestinian Attorney in school. His decency allowed me to form a more objective view on the situation. I find it pathetic that some Americans resort to these tactics. I may agree with them on some issues. They disguist me as human beings, however. They are what they hate: They are haters.


  4. #4
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    I find the Anti Semitism sickening. Misplaced xenophobia and that level of Intercultural incompetence is staggering. What's sad is when people do this there are so many people who don't call them on it even when they are protesting for the same cause.

    The message of including photos of people deemed aesthetically displeasing is disturbing and out of place when put next to the Anti Semitism. Also, the idea that (regardless of whether or not a person approves of using nudity as a means to get attention for whatever cause) that hotness is a determining factor of whether or not a cause is worthy or that the person demonstrating is somehow less than is repugnant. Having a "hot" body is not indicative of anything aside from that persons choices for how they present themselves to the world. I find it absurd and insulting.

    Not to mention having "saggy witch teets" is not material for douchery nor is it indicative of a persons worth, intelligence or anything else of the sort. "Hotness" has no bearing on whether or not a persons beliefs are valid or not. I am more than sick of any body or person who is deemed imperfect or somehow not hot enough to be valid or respected: tired, degrading and disrespectful. It pisses me off that this attitude remains the norm. That is absolute bullshit.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    This webpage has given me my new favorite saying. Rebels without a pause-for-thought.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    "When one young anarchist expressed infuriated incomprehension that the Christians could be allowed to display their messages, a friendly but stern policeman patiently explained to him the definition of "free speech." The anarchist retorted, "But who the hell do they think they are, saying that shit here?"


  7. #7
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Although it generally diminishes the message, I'm kind of okay with people using a cause as an excuse to get naked in public.

    I'm kind of not okay with people using a cause as an excuse for bigotted hate speech, especially when the cause itself is not bigotry.

    The boobs and cocks and bigotry are all sort of non-sequitors to the point, but I guess I just like nudity better than ignorant hate. Go figure.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Thats the problem though. They're using a cause as an exscuse for exhibitionist urges. That just..no.

  9. #9
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    That is amerika for you. I'm all for getting naked in public. The hatered crap I can do without. So let's compromise. You get naked and drink some beer?

  10. #10
    ellen's Avatar Junior Member
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelia G
    Although it generally diminishes the message, I'm kind of okay with people using a cause as an excuse to get naked in public.

    I'm kind of not okay with people using a cause as an excuse for bigotted hate speech, especially when the cause itself is not bigotry.

    The boobs and cocks and bigotry are all sort of non-sequitors to the point, but I guess I just like nudity better than ignorant hate. Go figure.

  11. #11
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by a_small_death
    That is amerika for you. I'm all for getting naked in public. The hatered crap I can do without. So let's compromise. You get naked and drink some beer?
    Sounds like a plan!

  12. #12
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Whgat the hell is up with the Scrotal Guy? WTF?

  13. #13
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelia G
    Although it generally diminishes the message, I'm kind of okay with people using a cause as an excuse to get naked in public.

    I'm kind of not okay with people using a cause as an excuse for bigotted hate speech, especially when the cause itself is not bigotry.

    The boobs and cocks and bigotry are all sort of non-sequitors to the point, but I guess I just like nudity better than ignorant hate. Go figure.
    I'm cool with the nudity aspect. In fact, I don't see any nekkid people going past an objection to Bush and Iraq. I'm looking at a few of these protests in isolation on the page now. There does seem to be a lot of emphasis on nudity and sexual preference. I would rather see the offensive messages being singled out. There is an additional agenda being implied here. I would want more information on maybe a public notice of the nudists, but I can see where 2 agendas are being superimposed. The site as a whole definitely implies a political persuasion. It's hard not to fixate on the banners, but they have nothing to do with other issues you'll see on the index page.


  14. #14
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    I really don't like that they paint all these in the same context, like a lot of the signs were ant-war specifically anti-war in Iraq, which the majority of the world community is. It's really the pro-war one's that are the radicals. some other one's were anti-globalization and WTO/NAFTA. I really don't see how that is the anywhere near the same thing as supporting terrorism and some of the other hate-filled messages. it seems to say that if you are opposed to any of those things and you protest it then you should be lumped in with these other nazis. note that it doesn't have any KKK rallies or neo nazis, in other words the real obvious nazis, I think that if it did it would take away from leading people to beleive that they are in the same camp as leftists. I also didn't see any of the hate-filled "patriotic" anti-immigrant/mexican messages that i see a lot in demonstrations on the other side.

    I also don't like the implication that anti-isreal means anti-semitic and pro-any muslim institution means pro-terrorist. I think that the holocaust is one of the worst things to happen in history, but I also think that the state of isreal is unjust and guilty of crimes against humanity. That doesn't make me a nazi, it makes me a person that has a political viewpoint and feelings about the actions of a government.

    PS. bravo for that post nudemuse.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    I find the Anti Semitism sickening. Misplaced xenophobia and that level of Intercultural incompetence is staggering. What's sad is when people do this there are so many people who don't call them on it even when they are protesting for the same cause.

    The message of including photos of people deemed aesthetically displeasing is disturbing and out of place when put next to the Anti Semitism. Also, the idea that (regardless of whether or not a person approves of using nudity as a means to get attention for whatever cause) that hotness is a determining factor of whether or not a cause is worthy or that the person demonstrating is somehow less than is repugnant. Having a "hot" body is not indicative of anything aside from that persons choices for how they present themselves to the world. I find it absurd and insulting.

    Not to mention having "saggy witch teets" is not material for douchery nor is it indicative of a persons worth, intelligence or anything else of the sort. "Hotness" has no bearing on whether or not a persons beliefs are valid or not. I am more than sick of any body or person who is deemed imperfect or somehow not hot enough to be valid or respected: tired, degrading and disrespectful. It pisses me off that this attitude remains the norm. That is absolute bullshit.
    Yeah, way to take what I said and go completelly off into your own fantasy world with it.

    Removing your clothes, carrying moronic signs and marching down the road is an EXCELLENT designator as to how professional your organization is.

    The whole point of that guy putting those pictures in was to show how shameful it is for grown adults to embariss themselves in public and diminish their cause they're supporting.


    Its just ..augh. Its immature and stupid as hell when done for a cause.

    When done for art, pornography etc. Its Valid because its done for what it is.

  16. #16
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    I disagree. I think in a country where anything related to nudity that is outside sex or porn is something that will draw attention which is what you want to do when you are picketing/demonstrating. Also who are you to say that someone who's painted, or blowing up their scrotum while waving a burning flag isn't art?

    Art is subjective.

    It's unfortunate but in America people will often not pay attention until OMG FREAKS DOING FREAKY THINGS or ZOMG BOOBS. The latter is the basis for I'd say probably 80% of advertising (and I'm being very kind with my estimate there) and it's not a new concept. Sex=attention. And if you can get someones attention you can quite possibly if not convert them to your cause at least get your information to them. Whether or not they take it seriously isn't something you can control. Sometimes it takes showing your ass to normal America to make a point or get people to pay attention to what you're saying.

    As far as naked people protesting war that is not new. One of the main points of people who do that is that while America is perfectly OK with mass genocide and killing thousands of people not to mentioning endangering the countries own Finest, if someone sees a boob OH NO LIFE IS HELL. It's a very valid argument and not at all (again) a new one. A lot of that comes down to the idea of who's doing more harm? War mongers or people walking around naked? Not a new tactic, not a new idea, not a new argument at all.

    Shock value is the bread and butter of many causes and is used by everyone in some way shape or form.

    I find it more immature and stupid to assume someone is not serious or dedicated to something because you're seeing some skin or because they are not going about their life or fighting for their cause the way you would. That strikes me as more your own issue with how other people present themselves rather than anything they might be campaigning for.

    And I still find it distasteful and shameful to compare hate speech with naked flesh from the way the link was presented and the page laid out with people who don't fit the standard ideal of beauty. My entire point is that hate speech and nudity (yes even nudity involving saggy boobs and old man balls) are not parallel evils in any way shape or form.

    And thank you MG.

  17. #17
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    I really don't like that they paint all these in the same context, like a lot of the signs were ant-war specifically anti-war in Iraq, which the majority of the world community is. It's really the pro-war one's that are the radicals. some other one's were anti-globalization and WTO/NAFTA. I really don't see how that is the anywhere near the same thing as supporting terrorism and some of the other hate-filled messages. it seems to say that if you are opposed to any of those things and you protest it then you should be lumped in with these other nazis. note that it doesn't have any KKK rallies or neo nazis, in other words the real obvious nazis, I think that if it did it would take away from leading people to beleive that they are in the same camp as leftists. I also didn't see any of the hate-filled "patriotic" anti-immigrant/mexican messages that i see a lot in demonstrations on the other side.

    I also don't like the implication that anti-isreal means anti-semitic and pro-any muslim institution means pro-terrorist. I think that the holocaust is one of the worst things to happen in history, but I also think that the state of isreal is unjust and guilty of crimes against humanity. That doesn't make me a nazi, it makes me a person that has a political viewpoint and feelings about the actions of a government.

    PS. bravo for that post nudemuse.
    I assume you are taking a *principled* stance against certain actions of the Israeli government.*Pragmatically*, opposition to the *existence* of Israel is a different story. The death toll of the eradication of this country would be astronomical and include jews, arabs, and many others.


  18. #18
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    well, yes. to use a metaphor, the cat might not be very happy inside of the bag, but once he's out there's no getting him back in. That's the thing about hindsight, what seems like a good idea at the time might not be the best idea at another time.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    yup ,all for the free speach, but damm lol,,,, Not around the kids ! , mommy why is that guys jewel sac the size of a soccer ball?? ,,, ,,he's a hate breeder little tommy , thats what happens when ya breed hate ..

  20. #20

    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkey
    yup ,all for the free speach, but damm lol,,,, Not around the kids ! , mommy why is that guys jewel sac the size of a soccer ball?? ,,, ,,he's a hate breeder little tommy , thats what happens when ya breed hate ..

  21. #21

    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    I disagree. I think in a country where anything related to nudity that is outside sex or porn is something that will draw attention which is what you want to do when you are picketing/demonstrating. Also who are you to say that someone who's painted, or blowing up their scrotum while waving a burning flag isn't art?

    Art is subjective.

    It's unfortunate but in America people will often not pay attention until OMG FREAKS DOING FREAKY THINGS or ZOMG BOOBS. The latter is the basis for I'd say probably 80% of advertising (and I'm being very kind with my estimate there) and it's not a new concept. Sex=attention. And if you can get someones attention you can quite possibly if not convert them to your cause at least get your information to them. Whether or not they take it seriously isn't something you can control. Sometimes it takes showing your ass to normal America to make a point or get people to pay attention to what you're saying.

    As far as naked people protesting war that is not new. One of the main points of people who do that is that while America is perfectly OK with mass genocide and killing thousands of people not to mentioning endangering the countries own Finest, if someone sees a boob OH NO LIFE IS HELL. It's a very valid argument and not at all (again) a new one. A lot of that comes down to the idea of who's doing more harm? War mongers or people walking around naked? Not a new tactic, not a new idea, not a new argument at all.

    I still disagree with using public exhibitonism to draw attention to a cause. It dimnishes the cause and for the most part is completely unnecessary. Instead of using shock value, people need to show the facts and act professional.

    For example: During the whole anti-abortion / pro-choice protest (also on the webpage) the anti-abortion crowd marched in silence with their chins up. They ignored the violent physical attacks, screaming, cursing, and in one incident: the throwing of balloons full of fake abortions.

    Now I'm a pro-choice person, but, by the end I felt myself feeling more for the anti-abortion crowd due to the extremely embarissing and un professional behavior of the pro-choice crowd.

    The same applies to exhibitonists who are protesting. "TITS NOT WAR!" Yeah i'm sure Private Zucker is 100% behind your amazing campaign. We never knew that the war was bad or anything. But lets demean it more.

    It makes it too easy to stereotype the protestors doing it. Perhaps a younger crowd would find it interesting and get behind such actions but they're not the ones who make the laws. With the surprisngly low voter turn out for highschool/college kids etc, the group that would be most effected by such methods it just does not work.

    Anyway i'm starting to trail off but you get the idea.

    Thank you though for your reply, I never looked at it from that angle before to be honest and it does make sense. Just does not seem like an effective way to impart a message to the audience they want. Alot of what these people are doing would seem attractive to their political allies people that don't need convincing at all. The whole point of these protests I thought was to hopefully change the minds of your political adversaries or atleast open their head up to a new idea and if you're going after a conservative crowd then you yourself need to style your message in a way that is pleasing to a conservative crowd if you want to enact any positive change.

  22. #22

  23. #23
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    you yourself need to style your message in a way that is pleasing to a conservative crowd if you want to enact any positive change.
    A particular radical group comes to mind... they organize a bunch of events, do protests, teaching sessions, music, video, thousands of pages of written word pleading thier cause, and I'll always remember them and what they stand for, not because of any of those things, but because of one slogan on a flyer. It said: "THEY DON"T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU."

    and that's all that really needs to be said. Those people know that they are never going to change the minds of the powers that be. They are doing it to say, "Here I am, I'm not going to go away."

  24. #24
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Hall Of Shame

    now all that's needed is one common cause for all these protesters

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