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Thread: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

  1. #1
    Scar's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?


    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??


    Yes it sure does, if I think about it too long. It is actually the dying process that is more frightening, I don't want my last impression of this world to be painful, I wanna see the bright light and die in my sleep!

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    Indeed I do! I wanna live forever, at the same time I cannot imagine all the things life has in store for me, as I am only 25 and I feel like there is so much yet to come!

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    In some ways I am having trouble just getting abound to the planning part, so the accomplishing part is even more frightening. Imagine if there is potential I have on this planet that I wont even become aware of till it's too late??

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?

    I have had a long time fear that I would die in a tragic car crash, cars have always freaked me out. I want to live to be really old. Being old has a lot of appeal to me as does being young, but it's those in between years that scare the shit out of me.

    Do you wonder if people will care?
    I wonder WHY people will care, if they think it's expected of them to be sad, or if they will really miss me, or if they will miss me cause of the romanticism of losing someone.

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??

    Selfishly yes I would be sad to know the answer to this one. Both options seem so sad, if the person doesn't move on it's depressing cause ou wouldn't want them lonley. If they do move on the thought of them finding greater happiness seems (unfairly) to bring out a jealous tinge!

  2. #2
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    no, not something I think about at all, except in humor

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?


    Yes. I've had an intense phobia to the point of hysteria of death since I was very, very young. Not sure where it comes from. Also, with an intense fear of becoming old.

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    Yes, all the time. I always wanted to be immortal, or to avoid death... Perhaps that is were my faint obsession with things Vampire appeared.

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    I know I haven't... I don't feel I will be able to at all at this point...

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?

    I don't want to die... but I always am torn as to weather I'd like to go with my wits about me, or when I was old and utterly useless... I don't plan to have childeren, so I don't figure on m old-age as being particularly pleasant.

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    For the most part, I know they don't. I often find myself drifting to a mental place where I wish they did... But for the most part, I have very little in exchange for getting people to care.

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??

    For once, that thought dosen't really cross my mind often. I fear loosing him from time to time, but only because of my own shortcomings as a person, and not because he is the kind that would randomly wander off one day.

  4. #4
    dead_but_twitching's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    it did before, but nowdays i have just accepted death as an inevitable thing to occure.

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    i fear more for a painful end, then death is really a bi-product.
    but somtimes i want to live forever like a vampire or something... and life seems all too short.. other times i can't wait to die..

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    i never accomplish anything, so that isn't gonna be a real problem

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?

    no.. my motto is "you're already dead, you just don't know it yet"

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    some will care some will not. some people will perhaps rejoice upon hearing your demise.. others might start crying

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??

    that all depends when you die now doesn't it?

  5. #5
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scar

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??
    concerningly, i was only able to find one definition of SAR that made anything resembling sense when put in the above sentance. and i have to admit, death most certainly does NOT Search And Rescue the living daylights out of me. having disabled their emergency radio, the living daylights are trapped within me until i release them myself.

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?
    having enjoyed poking many other ex-persons with various sticks, i look forward to knowing that i am bringing pleasure to the new generation. i relish the prospect. i also relish relish... all this talk of relish and corpses is making me hungry.

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?
    you see, i am on a literal deadline. if i dont accomplish everything i have planned before i die, i will be forced to do the only honourable thing - seppuku.

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?
    im fairly confident that i will be one of the two. and seeing as i didnt die this instant, i am supremely confident that at the very least i will be oldER.

    Do you wonder if people will care?
    people often toss around the fear of dying alone. i am not worried about this at all - i know that i wont die alone. what does this have to do with the question? people will care about my death for sure, because odds are they will at least know somebody i take with me. ill have an entire newspaper issue and a day of mourning for my obituary

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??
    poor thing...

  6. #6
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

  7. #7
    Xochitl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    No. It is a part of life, always has been always will be.

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end? No, I just hope that I can go with dignity & respect & peace.

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?
    I don't fear it & have come expect it. I would like to do as much as I can though.

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if you will be old or young?
    I hope old but honestly I don't wonder, I find it silly to do so. The odds are for most people to be older though.

    Do you wonder if people will care?
    I KNOW people will care, it won't be a lot but that isn't what matters.

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??
    I would hope so! Life is for the living, I would never want someone moping around for me. Especially if I went now, it would be sad to watch someone my age sit around for years not having a life on account of dead me.

  8. #8
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?


    "No. Thanatology (the study of death and mortality) interest me. It has nothing to do with any subculture or aesthetic we may discuss here, although some interests clearly overlap."

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    "No. Mortality is something one simply has to accept. It will help you put the !!!!!!!! at the end of what you choose to do in life."

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    "No. You do as much as you can."

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if y0u will be old or young?

    "It could happen at any time. It is pointless to ponder beyond taking care of one's self"

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    "I'm certain the surviving members of my family and friends will."

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??

    "I can't answer this as phrased."

    Jackie T

  9. #9
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    some would say youre trying to avoid the issue

  10. #10
    helcyon's Avatar i am no one
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    Quote Originally Posted by evilstonermonkey
    death most certainly does NOT Search And Rescue the living daylights out of me
    hehe... that is funny... why didn't i think of that.... yes!!

  11. #11
    helcyon's Avatar i am no one
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    1. no... it sarspirellas the dying nightlights out of ewes
    (translation: if the grim reaper wasn't spooky enough... she frightens condemned sheep who are afraid of the dark by turning off their bedside lamps but at least she gives them a drink)

    2. the band of that name from florida were awesome but chuck's vocals were a bit scary (bad)... then he died.

    3. no

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?
    1. not a fan of dreads really... so no

    2. i think the word "inevitably" is a clue... accept it or live with the torment

    3. obviously i'm in denial

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?
    1. the momentum of my intricate master scheming will carry on as an unstoppable all-encompassing god-like entity of ultimate massive inertia creating seismic shockwaves of unbearable energy as it travels through countless kaleidoscopic and incomprehensible dimensions of existence unable to be fathomed by mortal or immortal beings beyond time and space

    2. i wish i had a plan

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?
    1. this is likewise unfathomable but i can't figure out how to work "kaleidoscopic dimensions" into the answer this time

    2. as for yu... i'm pretty sure Yeshiva University is irrelevant here... they can die too for all i care (aw.. that's nasty... oh well)

    Do you wonder if people will care?
    as long as Yeshiva University writes my name in gold paint on an honour board somewhere as tennis champion or something at least... that will be enough

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??
    another?... another dead person? aren't i stiff enough hahaha

  12. #12
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    Quote Originally Posted by evilstonermonkey
    some would say youre trying to avoid the issue
    Ok, fine...


    Somewhat. I do not like the idea of dying at all, but the only consolation is that when you die, you won't feel anything, or think anything, so you won't be able to be sad about it, or be upset. You'll just be dead.

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    Dreading it less since signing up with Alcor.
    So now I can look forward to a life in some future world,
    which might be cool...

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    Well, I always have the concern that I will waste my time on earth.
    You have a limited time here, and I don't want to spend it sitting on
    my ass, watching TV. Or just sitting behind a desk, doing a boring job.

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if you will be old or young?

    I hope it will be when I am old, but I know a lot of people die in
    totally random ways. Hit by a car, etc...

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    Not really. I know some will. But I won't care. I'll be dead.

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??

    Of course they will. Unless we are both really old when I die.

  13. #13
    ObscureZan's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?

    Suprisingly enough...No it doesn't...it's just the last curtain

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?
    Every once in awhile, yes I do...but then again I can sleep forever, no more medication or schedules...

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?
    Yes but because of a certain disease, something I have planned I know I will never accomplish.

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?
    I know the signs of when it is going to happen...I will be younger than most people expect.

    Do you wonder if people will care?
    Right now...I can't see people caring.

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??
    If it makes them happy then I hope they do move onto another. My one goal in life is to make my one true love as happy as I can, even after death.

  14. #14
    P I L O T's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Does Death Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You?


    of course but honestly and I dont say this or I'm not saying this loosely to try and sound ungrateful for the years i've had here and the people whom I've had the privilidge to grow closer to whom have made the rest of the world seem petty enough tojust,.. make it all easy to block out i guess is a good way to put it...
    anyway point is I heard somewhere you shouldnt fear death and prehaps its when my life is treatened I feel i have to make or break,.. die on my feet dieing on my knees is not an option,..

    Do you find yourself dreading the time when your life must, inevitably, come to an end?

    yeah,.. sometimes but I denie that I do ven to myself,.. I try to think about it vaguely ,.. It still surprises when I think about how I always really did just wonder if I'd make it this far,.. but i'd been careful and precautious

    Do you fear you wont be able to accomplish everything you have planned?

    There are things I WILL accomplish,.. somethings I have no control over,.. if things work out then great,.. but me give up? dont wait to see that day.

    Do you wonder when it will happen, if yu will be old or young?

    Old sounds really nice these days,.. being old and sick though,.. all the more reason to be careful and take care now huh

    Do you wonder if people will care?

    It doesnt really seem like people care now,.. that really depresses the shit out of me. and sometimes and it might seem mean but the people who do care arent really people I care to have care,.. hahaha (not funny) if that even makes sense.

    Do you wonder if your one true love will move on to another??

    No comment.

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