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Thread: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

  1. #1

    Default Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Know there has gotta be a few hiding out there

  2. #2

    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I use to play 40k, but that was at least three years ago.

  3. #3
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I've never played, but I did buy various miniatures from random series if I liked them. Most of them are wolf or werewolf related (no surprises there, I hear you say) but all the ones I bought were individuals that had great poses.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    You might like the Spacewolves Black Spiral

    They're spacemarines who drink from a cup called the cup of fenris. Get pretty long hair, long fangs, enhanced senses. Werewolves really. The ones who can't control it do become actual werewolves in..well..power armor with chainsaw swords and bolters.

  5. #5
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I have a few Space Wolves (Space Wolf Veteran Captain, Iron Priest I think was another one. I even bought a set of the Were-Guard, which are mant to be Wolf Guard that only use lightning claws and hunt dire wolves for the pelts)

    I also have the BloodBowl Star Player, Wilhelm Chaney Jr.

    Did also buy in the past a few of the Judge Dredd miniatures when Games Workshop had the license to produce the game. Always loved the SJS Officer with the Daystick.

  6. #6
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    a little, a long time ago, there wasn't a 40 000 back then, ended up sticking with D&D

  7. #7
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    used to for a short while, but i was only ever really into it for the models, making, converting, painting. still got them somewhere. actually, i just found a box of unfinished models and all ym spare parts, might make up a few things next time i get bored.

  8. #8
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I still play on ocassion. I play a fully loaded necron army. Friend of mine got me the army for my birthday. Spiral If I were you I would Try Chaos out and got with a nergal army.

  9. #9
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by evilstonermonkey
    used to for a short while, but i was only ever really into it for the models, making, converting, painting. still got them somewhere. actually, i just found a box of unfinished models and all ym spare parts, might make up a few things next time i get bored.
    Don't do them all! The theory is if a Gamer runs out of miniatures to paint h will spontaneously combust! (Source: Dork Tower)

  10. #10
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by a_small_death
    I still play on ocassion. I play a fully loaded necron army. Friend of mine got me the army for my birthday. Spiral If I were you I would Try Chaos out and got with a nergal army.
    I used to have some Space Orcs (The Goffick Rok Band) and some Chaos Noise Marines.

  11. #11
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Spiral Dancer
    Don't do them all! The theory is if a Gamer runs out of miniatures to paint h will spontaneously combust! (Source: Dork Tower)
    lol, i think im safe - i havent 'gamed' in a few years, so im probably not classed as a gamer sides, i have a whole bunch of miniatures that a mate of mine had and gave to me that need to be repainted (if not pulled apart and remade completely )

  12. #12
    VoltaireBlue's Avatar just is
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I'm a d&d and champions girl. does that count?

  13. #13
    Tinman's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Er ye im a GW gamer, in fact i used to work for them over here in uk, worked for bout 5 yrs in a few shops ended up manager in the end, i have a small mountain of figures, im the real peter pan, i got a job playin with toy soldiers, it was fun, the company aint what it used to be and prices continue to soar, but most of the people who collect and work there are some of the nicest people ull ever meet, all kinds of people play toy soldiers ud be suprised

  14. #14
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I played Necromunda once. It seemed like a fun system and I really liked it's sort of universe. But, I really don't have the time to get all into that at all. Hell, I haven't even logged into my WoW account in three or four months. Amelia and I went on a mission to find some book or product, I don't remember right this second what it was, but we stopped by a gaming shop in the Valley to see if they had it in stock. They had a really nice setup, if a bit makeshift, for fairly extensive tabletop gaming. They were super friendly and extended a really genuine invitation for either of us to come play with them on any of their frequently scheduled game nights, and somehow I found this to be crushingly depressing. They looked like they were really having a good time and I just felt like I don't have the room in my life for any of that anymore. It made me miss being in college with all my friends that were big into gaming.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Spiral Dancer
    I used to have some Space Orcs (The Goffick Rok Band) and some Chaos Noise Marines.


  16. #16
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    i am currently painting a thousand sons army.

    but i hate GW. I hate the ridiculous excuses they used to give as to why it was necessary to once again hike the prices in the UK and Scandinavia. At least now they don't even bother to give excuses. Fucking Hasbro.

    And i hate the brainwashed cunts in every shop (no offense tinman) that have no ability whatsoever to talk objectively about the product they are trying to screw you over with, and i hate when i see those same salespeople trying to brainwash children into believing that their decision as to whether they prefer orks or space marines is life-defining.

    and i hate the way they keep simplifying and simplifying the rules, so that children can play because children have access to their parent’s bank account and college students don’t. and i hate the way they are making chaos space marines more and more like regular space marines everyday.

    Thing is the warhammer 40k history, mythology and universe was really fucking cool until those inbred bastards decided to first to abandon their superior original ideas and now recycle them miserably.

  17. #17
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    make chesh pope!

    i got into GW cos i love-love-loved the in depth and characterful backstory of all the different universes, races, etc. i started converting, painting, all that stuff and really enjoyed that. my mates started gaming, i tried it, couldnt get into it because the rules were stupid, oversimplified and yet incredibly time consuming. most of the other gamers i met were laid back but every third guy or so would spend an hour arguing over whether or not one guy shooting his pistol means the whole squad cant move any more (if you know the rules, you know how stupid that is; if you dont, its exactly as stupid as it sounds).

    warhammer players are like christians, they arent all bad but the pain-in-the-ass ones ruin it for everybody.
    also they smell funky and nobody likes them

  18. #18
    Tinman's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Lmao, Esm, i had a kid piss himself infront of me coz he was that excited, so can relate to the whole Funky bit lol.(no really he did!)

    Cheshire centauri, none taken, its why i left, there was a shift in policy at the top, all the open minded managers who frequently voiced there opinions were clamped down on, Gw used to listern to the retail side coz we spoke to the customers so hell we gave a shit bout em, but there was a shift, when i joined we we're trained not to "Power sell" as u guess thats when a staff member sells there ass off to make as much off poor little johnny as possible, then suddenly, it was acceptable at certain times, then it was the norm, anyone who had been there durin the dont power sell era trained there staff that way and well it just went against the grain to flip to the other end just like that.

    The ever increasing prices and re-hashed crap was also gettin harder to stomach let alone explain to my customers, during this time i encouraged my customers to complain to HQ, i was disaplined twice, first at area level, my boss had a queit word, then at company level, at managers meeting i was asked to explain the 125% rise in complaints in my area, i said simple i did what you told me, i told my customers to complain to you if they didnt like it, coz you dont listern to me, the big boss asked why didnt i simply pacify them, i could only say it like it is, my answer was coz i agree with them, the stuffs way over priced and im sick off this re-hashed crap u make me sell, didnt go down well, but a few other like minded old school managers agreed with me, over the next yr, they all left the company for one reason or another, a yr later i left too.

    I can understand your obvious pissed feelins, but i can see it from the company side as well, LOTR killed em, they shoulda cut n run but they are floggin a dead horse, they are closing 30 shops this yr, the bubble has burst, hopefully this will drive them to take a much needed reality pill, but i doubt it, look at there current batch of stuff, apocolypse, most shops cant support this size of gaming coz the shops tend to be small, the new chaos marine codex, i can already see the individual legion books being written to squeeze extra cash outta ya, also on a personal point i have a thosand sons army but have just finished my emperors children (but new rules for inferno bolts rock!), n our legion specific armies are now tiny compared to everyone elses and deamons have gone, no cool demonettes, because guess what, codex deamons is out next yr i bet, its sad to see Gw go this way.

    As for the age old question of ork or marine, im wit da orks!
    Red ones go faster! Waaaagh! lol

  19. #19
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    When I first went into a GW shop, they were selling other people's games as well. Now if you ask them if they have anything that doesn't fit their skewed view of gaming, they look at you as if you just implied their mother does obscene sexual acts with Hitler & Joseph Stalin!

    As for 40K, they got rid of the Squats because it wasn't PC to call Futuristic Dwarves "Squat"!

    And do you know how hard it is to find a decent werewolf?

    They got rid of all the cool games, Dark Future, Judge Dredd, Rogue Trooper, Talisman.

    I still own Chainsaw Warrior, but only for sentimental reasons.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tinman
    Lmao, Esm, i had a kid piss himself infront of me coz he was that excited, so can relate to the whole Funky bit lol.(no really he did!)

    Cheshire centauri, none taken, its why i left, there was a shift in policy at the top, all the open minded managers who frequently voiced there opinions were clamped down on, Gw used to listern to the retail side coz we spoke to the customers so hell we gave a shit bout em, but there was a shift, when i joined we we're trained not to "Power sell" as u guess thats when a staff member sells there ass off to make as much off poor little johnny as possible, then suddenly, it was acceptable at certain times, then it was the norm, anyone who had been there durin the dont power sell era trained there staff that way and well it just went against the grain to flip to the other end just like that.

    The ever increasing prices and re-hashed crap was also gettin harder to stomach let alone explain to my customers, during this time i encouraged my customers to complain to HQ, i was disaplined twice, first at area level, my boss had a queit word, then at company level, at managers meeting i was asked to explain the 125% rise in complaints in my area, i said simple i did what you told me, i told my customers to complain to you if they didnt like it, coz you dont listern to me, the big boss asked why didnt i simply pacify them, i could only say it like it is, my answer was coz i agree with them, the stuffs way over priced and im sick off this re-hashed crap u make me sell, didnt go down well, but a few other like minded old school managers agreed with me, over the next yr, they all left the company for one reason or another, a yr later i left too.

    I can understand your obvious pissed feelins, but i can see it from the company side as well, LOTR killed em, they shoulda cut n run but they are floggin a dead horse, they are closing 30 shops this yr, the bubble has burst, hopefully this will drive them to take a much needed reality pill, but i doubt it, look at there current batch of stuff, apocolypse, most shops cant support this size of gaming coz the shops tend to be small, the new chaos marine codex, i can already see the individual legion books being written to squeeze extra cash outta ya, also on a personal point i have a thosand sons army but have just finished my emperors children (but new rules for inferno bolts rock!), n our legion specific armies are now tiny compared to everyone elses and deamons have gone, no cool demonettes, because guess what, codex deamons is out next yr i bet, its sad to see Gw go this way.

    As for the age old question of ork or marine, im wit da orks!
    Red ones go faster! Waaaagh! lol
    Very interesting. I’ve been considering infiltrating the GW. training Kampf for several years now to prove to myself that they use mind control techniques over their employees. For example recently I was having a casual conversation with a store manager, and as soon as tried to explain to him why I think the new chaos codex is “lazy & pointless” he starting talking in this hushed, yes/no, monochrome voice and gave me the distinct impression that the conversation was over and I wouldn’t be missed. Now I had just spent over 100E and the best i expected was for those butter smearing beast bandits to ignore me or at worst that they would listen to me after they forcefed me their sales pitches!
    And Isn’t it so much fun having to wait 6months – 1yr. for a different statline for screamers and nurglings?

    But yeh, 1000k sons have never looked so good. Emperors children rock too.

  21. #21
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    ooohs, new emps children? i always thought they had the koolest backstory. kind of got sick of pimply weirdos obsessing over excessively breasted daemonettes though. i once had the "exquisitely detailed nipples" pointed out to me on a keeper of secrets.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by evilstonermonkey
    ooohs, new emps children? i always thought they had the koolest backstory. kind of got sick of pimply weirdos obsessing over excessively breasted daemonettes though. i once had the "exquisitely detailed nipples" pointed out to me on a keeper of secrets.

  23. #23
    Tinman's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Hey anythin wit 6 titties is good for me, esm, lol and cc u ll be hard pressed to find a gw manager who will tell u like it is these days, all the honest ones quit when they were bein treated like mushrooms, fed on shit and kept in the dark, oh n if u get chance take a look at some of the novels, the horus story has finally bin penned, pretty good, 5 books so far, ;atest called fulgrim bout emperors children and if u got squeamish bout some nipples this will burn ur mind lol with some scenes of mind jarring deamon action, say my name deamonette yeah baby yeah! lol

  24. #24
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    ha im not squemish about nipples, and i do quite like the slaanesh daemons - they are cool and intensely characterful. what suits the god of decadence and temptation than an army of nubile tattooed nekkid seductresses with razor claws, even if they do sometimes ride what looks like a bald anteater covered in boobs. im just a tad offput by 40 year old greasy bearded ********* who doesnt take his eyes off them and converts his daemons so that he has to keep the unit under a cloth to stop small children being scarred.

    i gotta look up the books, ESPECIALLY fulgrim if it focuses on the emperor's kiddies. they are my favourite favourites. them and the night lords.

    hmm... to any BB models who might happen to read this... would you consider a razor clawed demon themed shoot? i really should get past my scratching fetish before i find myself eviscerated in my own bed

  25. #25

    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    Quote Originally Posted by evilstonermonkey
    ha im not squemish about nipples, and i do quite like the slaanesh daemons - they are cool and intensely characterful. what suits the god of decadence and temptation than an army of nubile tattooed nekkid seductresses with razor claws, even if they do sometimes ride what looks like a bald anteater covered in boobs. im just a tad offput by 40 year old greasy bearded ********* who doesnt take his eyes off them and converts his daemons so that he has to keep the unit under a cloth to stop small children being scarred.

    i gotta look up the books, ESPECIALLY fulgrim if it focuses on the emperor's kiddies. they are my favourite favourites. them and the night lords.

    hmm... to any BB models who might happen to read this... would you consider a razor clawed demon themed shoot? i really should get past my scratching fetish before i find myself eviscerated in my own bed
    ESM: when I first read your post mentioning the fellow who practically drooled over the figure with the detailed nipples, I thought, "Now, there's a fella who could have stepped out of a Monty Python sketch."

    Still do, really.

    Some peoples is just too silly for words, and need to be hit on the head with a fish, preferably a flounder or mackerel .

    Never was into gaming, but, like most of the posters here, I HATE being given the hard-sell.

    If am in a shop, generally prefer to be left well alone, unless I've a question or two, then will go up to whoever's working the floor and ask them.

    As for someone giving me a hard-sell, well, that only increases the likelihood that I WON'T get the product they're pushing.

    Am a stubborn bastard, that way.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Any Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k fans here?

    I have been playing 40K since the late 80's. I play Imperial Guard, Alpha Legion CSM, and have a small Raven Guard Space marine force. I guess I got into it for the modeling and played the game as a secondary option.
    And like everyone else here I believe the game and company has become nothing but a money sink used to entap kids and their parent's money. I have never been to a GW store, but have always shopped independant stores so I cannot comment on their store employees other than the jerk in the phone ordering office I had to deal with a couple of years back. He was pretty rude but I just attributed it to the fact that he was from the East Coast.

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