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Thread: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

  1. #41
    badkittyamy's Avatar Crazy Art Kitten
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    I'm sorry but Peta pisses me off Jax hey you should come join http://www.peta-sucks.com And why i hate PeTA? Well lets see after the recent Mike vick thing all of a sudden it was. oh Nooooo poor pitbulls BUT they support BSL.


    That and sorry but I'm a meat eater and NO I'm not going to drop dead from heart disease because I eat meat and NO my dog should NOT be vegan. Sorry anna nicole smith was not a loss to animals everywhere steve irwin was. PeTA of course thought he was evil.


    They are nutjobs pure and simple and hypocrites. And if they EVER hand one of these to my kids with the imagery in it i will fraking attack them i SWEAR.

    Your Mommy kills animals: (about fur)

    Your daddy kills animals: (about fishing)

    I'm all FOR animal welfare and all AGAINST Animal rights activists
    In my opinion you know what's really effective? Not being a butt-wipe

    Jane Goodall is for animal WELFARE and imho has done MORE for animals than Peta has EVER done.

  2. #42
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    I guess I have much more of an agricultural background here. I guess my whole FFA chapter will go to hell for raising beef cattle and killing them for our annual BBQs...which were fundraisers by the way.

    Ha. You know, I dont even have to get into it.

    I also support horse slaughter. Did that knock the respect down a few notches?

    *rolling eyes*
    I actually appreciated hearing your perspective.


  3. #43
    badkittyamy's Avatar Crazy Art Kitten
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    And actually Jax while I don't say support horse slaughter I'm NOT against it. Why is it meat eaters of which i am want to pick and choose what animals are cute enough to not eat. It's okay to eat cows but not horses dogs etc? right unless it's endangered I don't care what people eat. So sue me so far i think the oddest think i like to eat that people make weird faces at is either turtle or sheep tongue souse.

  4. #44
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    I'm a total fucking barbarian and love meat. I also have 5 sickinly cute kitties. Who the fuck is PETA to say I can't have my kitties and eat meat? Who the fuck are they to try and regulate these rights? Who are they to terrorize people who don't support total animal liberation? There is a damn such a thing as a food chain, look it up.

  5. #45
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Thanks. Its just sad how someone completely turned it around to suit them.

    Yes, I lived overseas where we were invited to authentic dinners where we killed our own animals. To get a nice fresh lamb kabob they slaughtered them on the side of the road. To Americans who are used to buying their meat in packages at the grocery, it was shocking and horrid. But since we lived there for 3 years, we wanted to participate in as much as their culture as possible and grew used to it. And it was so much tastier than any meat you could EVER buy in a grocery store.

    Now, with that said, watching a lamb get its throat slit and bled to death (among other things), is much harsher than any bolt in the head.

    But hey, Id rather still have my experience and be seen as an animal torturer then to have my eyes shut and speak out about things I have no clue about.

  6. #46
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by badkittyamy
    And actually Jax while I don't say support horse slaughter I'm NOT against it. Why is it meat eaters of which i am want to pick and choose what animals are cute enough to not eat. It's okay to eat cows but not horses dogs etc? right unless it's endangered I don't care what people eat. So sue me so far i think the oddest think i like to eat that people make weird faces at is either turtle or sheep tongue souse.
    I only support it because of the ignorace of humans. Its not right to watch horses starve to death or suffer from getting hit by a car cause their owner let it go because they have too many and cant afford it. Right now its turning into an epidemic because hay prices have rose incredibly, as have gas and the lack of fields for hay because of the deal with farmers to grow corn instead.

    You might find this link interesting...


    The subjects in this blog are the reason we send so many horses to slaughter. Instead of crying "FOUL" to those of us who have half a brain and see it as a necessary evil, they should be focusing on people like in the blogs.

  7. #47
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by a_small_death
    I'm a total fucking barbarian and love meat. I also have 5 sickinly cute kitties. Who the fuck is PETA to say I can't have my kitties and eat meat? Who the fuck are they to try and regulate these rights? Who are they to terrorize people who don't support total animal liberation? There is a damn such a thing as a food chain, look it up.
    Cats are the shit. I commend anyone who takes em in.


  8. #48
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Jax I've had to slaughter a lamb, gut fish and the like me mums hunts when she is not too sick and damn good at it. A former land lady of my friend's in a member and way out there in the sticks of reality. I'm all for being passionate about one's belief's but not when people start getting hurt.

  9. #49
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA


    And after everything, I still cant gut a fish. I HATE the way they feel, haha.

  10. #50
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    LOL I just hate how slippery they can be

  11. #51
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Fish eyes totally spook me. I have no idea why.


  12. #52
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Fish are just weird creatures. I cant stand the smell of them, the sight of them, or touching them...I certainly dont eat them.

    But I love fishing, haha. Figure that one out...

  13. #53

    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Jackie: have 2 cats myself, both of which I got from friends of mine, who, for various reasons, could no longer care for them.

    Consider myself the richer for it, as they are loving beasts, which I keep indoors full-time, as there are just too many god-damned dangers for cats(and dogs)in an urban environment.

    As a guess as to why fish eyes might bother ya, well, maybe, it's the seemingly vacant expression in 'em, like the lights are on, but no-one's at home behind 'em.

    God only knows what the expressions in our eyes would seem like to them.

    As for me, am a carnivore, and really became one after living with a vegetarian for a month or so some 15 years ago.

    He was a nice bloke, but was 16 or so at the time, and rather on the militant side about it.

    I see a lot of where PETA and other animal rights and eco-militant groups are coming from, but I would have to say in counter-argument to some of them is that the practise of meat eating by itself isn't necessarily the problem.

    It's the way in which it's been massively commodified, industrialised, packaged, bought and especially sold over the course of around the last century and a quarter, by my estimation, by large meat-packing houses, food-processing corporations, restaurant chains, and advertisers.

    Hell, one doesn't even need to go back quite that far to see how meat-eating, like practically everything else, has changed.

    Prior to the 1950's and '60's, for instance, fast food as we know it didn't exist in the same form as to-day.

    Hamburgers, hot dogs, etc, were available from street vendors, vendors working the stands at baseball games, American football games, etc, and in sit-down restaurants like diners and truck stops.

    But, there weren't whole franchise restaurant chains devoted to them, and nothing but.

    Also, for many families, eating out was very much a once-in-while treat, something one did with the family on, say, a Sunday after church, or a special occasion.

    Most meals took place at home, or in an institutional setting, for those unlucky enough not to have a family, etc.

    As for the use of hormones in beef cattle, and other animals, well, I don't know when that began, but am willing to speculate that it might have begun in the 1960's, if not earlier.

    If you, or anyone else out there, knows more about this particular subject, or can provide me with links to sites that have info about that, would appreciate it.

    Either way, the whole factory farming of meat and milk animals, grains and vegetables has turned much of the process of getting and eating food into an enormously lucrative, but extremely problematic, way of doing business and living, and meat eating's just one part of this problem.

    In the end, decisions are gonna have to be made about whether or not to continue with the commodification of food and other necessities of life, like clothing and adequate shelter, and those decisions aren't going to be easy ones to make.

    Well, that's my say on this for now. Would like to hear what you and others think of these notions, and please remember, they are just that-only notions.

  14. #54
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    I think that corporations and factory farming are both major sources for concern. I am not one to advocate worldwide vegetarianism as I know good and well it is not realistic. It may also be detrimental to many who are unable to obtain proper protein levels and other essential vitamins and minerals.

    The instutional problem is complex. Farm subsidies go primarily to corporations. I believe the first step might to simply support local agriculture. The meat-eating issue tends to polarize the issue.


  15. #55
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackie T.
    The meat-eating issue tends to polarize the issue.

    so does the apparent need to ignore scientific fact. Animals feel pain, they have family and community relationships, they experience attachment and loss, and people choose to pretend like they don't so that they can justify killing them. that is wrong. If one does not need to do this to live, and the fact that there are millions of people that clearly do not, then it is cruel and unnecesary.

    I'm not trying to pick on you, because I agree with what you said, and I do think that those are the issues as they stand- I never said that no one should ever eat meat, but they should be honest about what they are doing.

  16. #56
    Bigun's Avatar Junior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    I can understand wanting to let people know that they need to neuter or spay their pets. But Peta?!? I'm going to give her the benefit of a doubt and say she isn't advocating Peta necessarily, but more of "pet clipping".

  17. #57
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Eh first world human living in a country where you kill your own dinner.

    I must be so cruel and eating is certainly unnecessary apparantly.
    There are people that kill their own dinner, and in doing so they learn skills about how to provide for themselfs and even more importantly, how to provide for the other people in thier community. Doing that is about who they are and thier relationships to other people, to the land where they live and even to the bodies of those whose flesh that they consume. All of these they owe the same responsibilities, and it is so much more than what is for dinner, it is a way of life. and as a person that was born and lives in a consumer industrial economy, there's no way that anyone here really has a clue what that is truly like.

  18. #58
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    * I never said that one should never eat meat.
    that's what I meant to say, going along with what I just last posted.

    sorry about the mutli-posts, again.

    to sum it up, I said it before, I think that what it's really all about is giving back at least as much, if not more, than you take away. That's why I do what I do, in the hopes of at least trying to make a small attempt at that aim.

    I don't have any lack of respect for any of you, jax and JT in particular, and I appreciate anyone that has a well-formed opinion, even if I don't agree with it.

  19. #59

    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Jax
    Yeah, I kill animals for shits and giggles.
    I assumed this because the only two instances that would seem practical to me for this would be if you grew up in this environment or if it was in fact a matter of survival.
    In your situation, you lived in a county in which this was part of their culture. It was a learning/survival experience for you, so I can understand it.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    As for the general meat-eating issue, yeah, I'm one of those freaks who doesn't have the taste buds for it. Nor do I understand why someone in a privileged country would actively make the decision to eat it. Because it tastes good? That's not much of an argument when it's a matter of life and death. As for the economics side, business does evolve. It may take awhile, but it'd be worth it.
    I'm not instantly demonizing those that eat meat. That would be virtually everyone I know. This is simply my two cents.

  21. #61
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    If you have ever hunted as I have or members of our families you know why eat what we kill. Almost nothing goes to waste. Everything from brains to blood to tbone. We don't waste much minus the uneatables. Then again I've always said here to friends and family eat what you kill.

  22. #62
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    so does the apparent need to ignore scientific fact. Animals feel pain, they have family and community relationships, they experience attachment and loss, and people choose to pretend like they don't so that they can justify killing them. that is wrong. If one does not need to do this to live, and the fact that there are millions of people that clearly do not, then it is cruel and unnecesary.

    I'm not trying to pick on you, because I agree with what you said, and I do think that those are the issues as they stand- I never said that no one should ever eat meat, but they should be honest about what they are doing.
    I think that goes without saying. I would not have been involved in animal law and welfare were I not to believe they felt pain etc.


  23. #63
    chaosfeary's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Oh fuck PETA...

  24. #64
    YoungSoulRebel's Avatar Dexys Midnight Blunder
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    This just made me think of my friend Susie's drawing.

    And her drawing pretty much sums up my thoughts about PeTA.

    Heck, this photo is obviously air-brushed and what's more, my guess is that she's had some facial work done -- she used to look a LOT more horse-faced than this.

    Secondly, I'm growing really bored with how strippers have co-opted the term "burlesque" to seem classier. "Burlesque" is a comedy tradition that mocks class relations -- often vulgar, but titties got NOTHING to do with burlesque. I've taken several courses in Western Humour -- trust me, I know what the hell I'm talking about.

  25. #65
    YoungSoulRebel's Avatar Dexys Midnight Blunder
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    That being said, I have little problems with cultures that survive off hunting, or hunters in general. They're sharing an intimate relationship with the animals that they kill. They have to actually see them, kill them, then carve and eat them. There is not plastic packaging and a random piece of meat bought in a grocery store.
    I'm with you there.

    As much as I can't stand his politics and "image", I *can* respect the fact that Ted Nugent only eats meat that he himself or his family has killed. One of my step-brothers has some property in Lenawee County, Michigan, near where Nugent has some -- they've tangled on many occasions over many things, but we also know for a fact that he doesn't buy meat from the supermarket (one of my step-cousins went to high school with his daughter, Star).

    He also once spoke at Sand Creek High School about why kids shouldn't drink booze or do drugs -- he said "they're all dead and I'm still Ted no less than thirty-six times, I shit you not. When i saw on VH-1 that he was going to give Sebasitan Bach a talk about stopping drinking, I was so excited to show my room-mate "The Nuge" saying "They're all dead and I'm still Ted." Unfortunately, when VH-1 edited said speech for time, they cut out every instance of "They're all dead and I'm still Ted." I know he said it. I just know he did. I totally felt cheated.

  26. #66
    YoungSoulRebel's Avatar Dexys Midnight Blunder
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackie T.
    I don't belong to PeTA, but I can't take at face value information from The Center for Consumer Freedom. They are financed primarily by fast food companies that get their products fron factory farms.

    Consumer Freedom isn't the only source there.

    It was pretty well-publicised a couple of years ago when PeTA employees took *adoptable* puppies and kittens from shelters and were caught dumping their euthanised bodies in a strip-mall dumpster. They were illegally in possession of euthanasia drugs, as well. In their defense, they said it was a mercy killing, and that animals are better off dead than being exploited as somebody's pets (paraphrased). [ link to sourced Wikipedia article ]

    This only happened in 2005, and has been pretty common knowledge since then.

    Additionally, the employees involved in that scandal were one woman who had been with the organisation for a couple of years and a male intern. The woman was suspended for ninety days while the intern was kept on -- some interviews with the suspended employee quote her as saying that she was doing exactly as she was told and that her suspension was to cover Newkirk's arse in the public eye.

    Furthermore, while Consumer Freedom is incredibly biased toward politically conservative goals, a fair amount of their website information on PeTa includes PeTA's own *publicly available* tax records -- as an non-profit, their tax records *have to* be a matter of public record. Their tax records show that they do, in fact, spend more money on ad campaigns and publicity stunts and on hands-on aid to animals and credible educational programs (in fact, in response to CF's site, PeTA spokespersons and advocates claim shit like this advert and cheaply-produced comics like "A Chicken's Life" as "educational tools"). Their public records also show that they do, in fact, euthanise more animals than they adopt out.

  27. #67
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Dita Von Teese Does PeTA

    Quote Originally Posted by YoungSoulRebel
    Consumer Freedom isn't the only source there.

    It was pretty well-publicised a couple of years ago when PeTA employees took *adoptable* puppies and kittens from shelters and were caught dumping their euthanised bodies in a strip-mall dumpster. They were illegally in possession of euthanasia drugs, as well. In their defense, they said it was a mercy killing, and that animals are better off dead than being exploited as somebody's pets (paraphrased). [ link to sourced Wikipedia article ]

    This only happened in 2005, and has been pretty common knowledge since then.

    Additionally, the employees involved in that scandal were one woman who had been with the organisation for a couple of years and a male intern. The woman was suspended for ninety days while the intern was kept on -- some interviews with the suspended employee quote her as saying that she was doing exactly as she was told and that her suspension was to cover Newkirk's arse in the public eye.

    Furthermore, while Consumer Freedom is incredibly biased toward politically conservative goals, a fair amount of their website information on PeTa includes PeTA's own *publicly available* tax records -- as an non-profit, their tax records *have to* be a matter of public record. Their tax records show that they do, in fact, spend more money on ad campaigns and publicity stunts and on hands-on aid to animals and credible educational programs (in fact, in response to CF's site, PeTA spokespersons and advocates claim shit like this advert and cheaply-produced comics like "A Chicken's Life" as "educational tools"). Their public records also show that they do, in fact, euthanise more animals than they adopt out.
    I conceded the euthanasia statistics in a prior post. That is one of the reason I've never joined PeTA personally.


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