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Thread: I internalize my anger, how about you???

  1. #1
    Scar's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I internalize my anger, how about you??? I don't have a particularly bad time being expressive or confrontational about any of my other emotions, just anger. When I am angry I bottle it all up and have back and forth arguments in my head while trying to fall asleep. I think it is because I am so uncomfortable being mad. I have always been uncomfortable with it. How about you guys? Do you bottle up certain emotions more than others?

  2. #2
    Exquisite's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I am patient to a point but when I snap its usually not pretty. I have the sleep issue too which is one of the reasons I got into self hypnosis.

  3. #3
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I'm learning to let it flow away more. A loy of things intended to make me angry make me laugh now. I can't say I've had the problem you mention. If I really do go off, it can get ugly.


  4. #4
    evilstonermonkey's Avatar Please don't run away...
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    meh, i internalize everything. makes my fuck-off-im-trying-to-sleep internal conversations real messy

  5. #5
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I only internalize my requests to sleep with pretty young women.

    My looks and my aspirations sexually are incompatible. Mace stings like a motherfucker and I have a nice scrapbook of various restraining orders.

    C'est la vie.

  6. #6
    Xochitl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I do very similar things with my anger. I hate to cry. I end up with a lot of migraines which are from the constant back & forth in my head. My examples of how to deal with anger were not good ones. I usually bottle it up. It was a defense mechanism when I was young but now it isn't good. I have found distractions, boyfriends, TV, the internet. I know why I do it but I don't know how to not.

  7. #7

    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I can, and often do, internalise my anger.

    Either that, or I can let it boil up incredibly hard and fast, and, BOOM!!!, let some cocksucker have it, mainly verbally.

    Not particularly healthy choices for dealing with irritations and annoyances, I must say.

    The therapist I've been seeing for a while now has helped me considerably thanks to the use of various cognitive-behaviourial techniques, like asking myself why I'm getting so worked up, etc, about a given issue or person, etc, to slow my temper down, and cool my jets a bit.

    Still, there are those days, when, in the words of Popeye the Sailor, "I've stood all's I can stands, and I can stands no more!!!", and I lose it. Neither a pretty nor fun sight, and definitely not a family show.

    Oh, btw, the "Boom!" used here earlier was supposed to be an Earth-Shattering Ka-Boom!(Patent Pending).

    That Earth creature must have taken my Eludium PQ-36 Space Modulator again.

    Sneaky Earth creatures!!! Always taking my Space Modulators....(exits grumbling and muttering under his breath).

  8. #8
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    I dont mind being angry. I let it out. If I were to bottle it up, the world would end in a giant mushroom cloud.

  9. #9
    Creepshow's Avatar i'll skin you alive.
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    to show someone my anger is to punch them in the face.
    unfortunatly, it does not happen that often.
    my anger and fury and other various emotions stay inside until they randomly come out at the wrong time.

  10. #10
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    Anger can be used for productive purposes. I believe creation and destruction stem from the same urge/emotion etc. Take it out on an easel, a guitar, take a pen to paper. Other folks/issues ain't always gonna be singin' in our register.


  11. #11
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    wouldn't have got very far in life if I didn't internalize my anger

  12. #12

    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackie T.
    Anger can be used for productive purposes. I believe creation and destruction stem from the same urge/emotion etc. Take it out on an easel, a guitar, take a pen to paper. Other folks/issues ain't always gonna be singin' in our register.

    True enough, Jackie .

    One can also use anger, or rather thinking about how and why one gets angry, to increase one's self-knowledge and understanding, and to understand others as well.

    Anger's a survival tool, just like fear and other emotions are, and developed through the course of our evolution to keep us, or at least some of us, from ending up as someone else's din-din.

    Not a bad thing in itself.

    But, it's when it becomes the default reaction to stresses and strains, that anger becomes a problem for oneself and the people around oneself.

    Snarling, snapping and growling at people like a pit-bull with a thorn or prickly in its paw on a constant basis not only doesn't win one any friends, mates, what have ya, it's just too damned hard on oneself psychologically and physically.

    There is a place for anger, when one is confronted by a life-threatening situation, whether to oneself or others, for instance.

    But, there is also a place for a certain level of self-restraint and proportion as well.

    If it means walking away from someone or something that's pushing your buttons, better to do that than to start whaling on 'em, and then have yourself and your family and friends end up facing the consequences of your acting on that decision.

    Creative pursuits, sports, whatever floats your boat, can all be helpful outlets for, and ways of helping yourself to deal with anger, and the people and things causing it.

    As for me, well, I've mentioned before here that I have a rather quick and bad temper.

    So, please trust me on this, when I tell you that am still learning how to deal with this stuff, too.

    Also, being human and imperfect, neither I, nor anyone else with anger problems, is going to get them always under control, 100% of the time.

    Sometimes, something or someone is gonna piss me or someone else off, and I or the other person are gonna go right to the immediate default setting, anger.

    But, even then, there are ways of at least dampening it down to where I or anyone else doesn't do anything they really will regret afterwards.

    It just takes a greater level of patience, especially with oneself, and practise, practise, practise to get it right on a consistent basis.

    At least, that's what I think.

  13. #13
    Bigun's Avatar Junior Member
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    Default Re: I internalize my anger, how about you???

    Hell no. I've learned if someone pisses me off outside of my job, they get a jawfull from me. And if they decide to push more, they are liable to get broken limbs.


    Mind you though, it takes quite a bit to piss me off.

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