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Thread: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

  1. #1
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Americans have too little sex, Durex finds


    I would like to apologize to America for bringing down the national average in terms of number of partners over the course of my life (I'm technically Canadian and nowhere NEAR their 23) - and for the actual amount of sex shagged per... um... decade. (measuring in years gives a number of around zero)

    I just refuse to lie or use chloroform or roofies to get someone interested.

  2. #2
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerpunk

    I would like to apologize to America for bringing down the national average in terms of number of partners over the course of my life (I'm technically Canadian and nowhere NEAR their 23) - and for the actual amount of sex shagged per... um... decade. (measuring in years gives a number of around zero)

    I just refuse to lie or use chloroform or roofies to get someone interested.
    You were married for many years though. You don't have to apologize for being a decent guy.


  3. #3
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    That much is true.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    I'd have to apoligize too then since me and the wife haven't had any because we're working almost 18 hour days and the excuse of "too tired" is acceptable here at home because of it... we need a vacation.

    But Maybe Durex should really only be the ones to apoligize because hey..they tried to be funny in the bedroom but only got laughed at with their "super hero" campaign that let you cut out like supermans cape or a wrestlers belt to wrap around the member.

  5. #5
    funkatron's Avatar Dead Agent
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Canadian dudes are slutty. awesome.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    yeah yeah... go now and make more babies so that by next generation there will be enough soldiers to fight out whatever your rulers need...

    and durex is bad! they say you fuck less than others... don't you ever use a condom anymore, specialy not a durex

  7. #7
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    yeah yeah... go now and make more babies so that by next generation there will be enough soldiers to fight out whatever your rulers need...

    and durex is bad! they say you fuck less than others... don't you ever use a condom anymore, specialy not a durex
    Dude, seriously, for the record. Wrong crowd to accuse of Bush support.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    who mentioned Bush?

  9. #9
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    who mentioned Bush?

    there will be enough soldiers to fight out whatever your rulers need...
    It's not like Clinton invaded Iraq?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    who mentioned iraq

    I was just sarcastic in that post
    I got some issues where I tend to be silly like a clown for no reason

  11. #11
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by funkatron
    Canadian dudes are slutty. awesome.

    it does keep our women happy

  12. #12
    sickybuaaaaa's Avatar Mistress of asskickery
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Now if only all America knew about Blueblood...

  13. #13
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by sickybuaaaaa
    Now if only all America knew about Blueblood...
    I've been here a few months, but it has not affected my put out output.....

  14. #14
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerpunk
    I've been here a few months, but it has not affected my put out output.....
    Hey now... might be the only right winger I did support GW in the last election. Yes, i was a bad choice, but it was better than Lurch... and 3 purple hearts...

  15. #15
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    Hey now... might be the only right winger I did support GW in the last election. Yes, i was a bad choice, but it was better than Lurch... and 3 purple hearts...
    At the risk of sounding judgmental:

    if you were any kind of conservative or rightwinger, how on God's Green Earth could you possibly have supported that fiscally irresponsible, brain dead, rights-eroding, Constitution shredding maniac?

  16. #16
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Really biker I was less informed 4 years ago, unlike I am now care little bit more about who gets into power. Instead of voting the party line, like did in 04. I voted Party line because most of my family was and are Republicans. Biker now, more right wing and more of a Nationalist. Yes, I meant to say Nationalist, than I was 4 years ago I have Bush to thank for that. Constitution is one greatest Doc. in human history.Voting is right that was paid for in blood, so it is a duty to vote even if you really do not think it worth with the people there. Its idea of voting which i think is more important..

    Republican party right now isn't same party 10 years ago, I voted against bush in 2000 and for Patrick Buchanan. So 2004 keep the some what Necon right wing in I fallowed like nice little sheep

  17. #17
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    and that folks, is why people in the US have less sex

    politics and getting laid don't mix

  18. #18
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    That makes sense, Bacchus. And good for you for seeing voting with a good head on your shoulders.

    Here's a hint - the United States CANNOT AFFORD another two years in Iraq, never mind John "100 more years!!!!!" McCain.

  19. #19
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerpunk
    That makes sense, Bacchus. And good for you for seeing voting with a good head on your shoulders.

    Here's a hint - the United States CANNOT AFFORD another two years in Iraq, never mind John "100 more years!!!!!" McCain.

    Biker it isnt that simple, the US cant pull out of Iraq. We are Saudi Army, they own interest in our banking system and US bonds. They have trillions of dollars in US bonds, if came to collect we done. They just bought 8 billion dollars of city bank stock, because of the housing crash. It sounds good on paper and makes for nice speech, but the realty of the matter is the US will stay in Iraq long time.

    Cut and run is no option, the option that we do have it the leave other area around the world. Germany, Japan, the Balkan, ect. Place that we need keep. DMZ, Iraq just as tactical strike area it is right middle of those would do harm and Club Getmo.

    We can afford alot thing Biker, Drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico and the Alaska. True tax the Iraq people oil, like bush said he would instead of them letting have gas price at .37 gallon. make 1.50 and the war would be paid for.
    It isnt the war is bad, it has been miss manage from the start.

    What you hear on the media, isn't total true... We are doing good, we building schools, bettering the people and showing not all of America is bad. As they Imams have told them, people starting think for themselves. I know so many people and families they are buying extra school supplies and having shoe drives for children of Iraq. Their husband, father, daughter and sons are fighting over and they still giving to people to the people. Military paid isn't that high, but they still give. An alien culture, that wants to help and gives without thinking.

    That is the side you will never hear from the media. Do not dame the military, nor say I support troops, but not war! Either you do or you do not supporting troops is supporting the war. Its cut and clean people..

    We are there for long haul people, stop your bitching and hold to your gun. Lets finish the job, and show the world we are not cowards. We finished the job in Germany, yes I would agree it is time to leave and in Japan I am all for it. Bring those boys home and put them on the boarder protecting this nation.

    The US needs Nationalism more than ever before. My honor is my loyalty

  20. #20
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    Biker it isnt that simple, the US cant pull out of Iraq. We are Saudi Army, they own interest in our banking system and US bonds. They have trillions of dollars in US bonds, if came to collect we done. They just bought 8 billion dollars of city bank stock, because of the housing crash. It sounds good on paper and makes for nice speech, but the realty of the matter is the US will stay in Iraq long time.
    What does SAUDI ARABIA have to do with IRAQ? I appreciate that we do a lot for the Saudis, but then again. it's not as simple there either.

    If any nation was to "call" its interest in the system of any other nation, it would collapse. Our systems are all now so intertwined that the economy of China and Japan lose heavy in the stock market on fears that the US can't spend like it used to.

    We certainly can "pull out' of Iraq, and we will.

    Cut and run is no option, the option that we do have it the leave other area around the world. Germany, Japan, the Balkan, ect. Place that we need keep. DMZ, Iraq just as tactical strike area it is right middle of those would do harm and Club Getmo.
    You truly need to stop getting your information from Fox News. "Cut and Run"? So is it "cut and run" when someone stops spending $5,000 a week on a credit card at 29% interest, even though said person earns $35,000 a year? Certainly the credit card company and merchants want it said that way.....

    You know what? Y'all lost Vietnam, too, and things TURNED OUT JUST FINE. Let it go. You went in with your chest puffed out, blew up a lot of shit, and now the whole thing is a hideously expensive quagmire of a clusterfuck.

    We can afford alot thing Biker, Drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico and the Alaska. True tax the Iraq people oil, like bush said he would instead of them letting have gas price at .37 gallon. make 1.50 and the war would be paid for.
    It isnt the war is bad, it has been miss manage from the start.
    So now you're going to demand "tribute" from Iraq? Do THAT, and you'll REALLY have problems. Cause then every person claiming America was empire building will have ammunition with which to justify not buying your goods or lending you money.

    What you hear on the media, isn't total true... We are doing good, we building schools, bettering the people and showing not all of America is bad. As they Imams have told them, people starting think for themselves. I know so many people and families they are buying extra school supplies and having shoe drives for children of Iraq. Their husband, father, daughter and sons are fighting over and they still giving to people to the people. Military paid isn't that high, but they still give. An alien culture, that wants to help and gives without thinking.
    *sarcasm* Yeah, the Iraq war was a complete and total exercise in humanitarianism. We're there to build schools and bridges. Is that the latest bullshit sell from the neocon assholes?

    I got news for you - life in Iraq SUCKS HARD now, more than it did under Saddam. At least under Saddam people had gasoline, water, power and some degree of security. Now it's dangerous to walk the streets, Iraq is IMPORTING oil (think about THAT one for a second....)

    We are there for long haul people, stop your bitching and hold to your gun. Lets finish the job, and show the world we are not cowards. We finished the job in Germany, yes I would agree it is time to leave and in Japan I am all for it. Bring those boys home and put them on the boarder protecting this nation.
    No, we aren't. And I'll tell you for why. Because if we stay there much longer, we're FINISHED. The same way Russia was bled dry by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. I know Rush Limbaugh and his bunch of revisionist cronies like to say that it was Ronald Ray-gun and Rambo that beat them Russians, but the truth of the matter is the Afghans in Al-Qaeda got em locked in a land war, and for the price of a couple of rounds out of a squirrel gun they would have the Russian Army sweeping Tora Bora for months looking for the culprits.

    Arabs have a saying, "death by a thousand cuts".

    But fear not, every day your rights are being eroded, the Constitution pissed on, and the public purse mismanaged to turn the credit cards of the United States over to crony companies like Halliburton, and you're not a patriot if you object. Excuse me? You wanna bleat on about civic pride, they're moving head office to Dubai to avoid paying what pitiful amounts of US taxes they'd be expected to pay, billions of dollars in unaudited, no-bid contracts notwithstanding.

    The US needs Nationalism more than ever before. My honor is my loyalty
    There's nationalism, and then there's jingoism. There's intelligent debate about the issues, and then there's some douche on Fox News draping himself in the flag and spinning stuff so hard you get dizzy trying to keep track of it all.

    We're there cause of terrorism. No wait, WMD. No wait, Saddam's a dictator. No wait, cause we're building schools. No wait, cause......

    Be VERY very wary of someone who hades behind a flag. Especially if he calls the Constitution for which it stands "just a fucking piece of paper."

  21. #21
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    There's a couple of things I need to answer directly, so the answers stand out.

    They just bought 8 billion dollars of city bank stock, because of the housing crash. It sounds good on paper and makes for nice speech, but the realty of the matter is the US will stay in Iraq long time.
    They bought 8 billion dollars of citibank stock because it's devalued and worth more than they paid for it. NOBODY invests money unless there is a good chance of return, or in the case of SIVs, fraud.

    Lets finish the job, and show the world we are not cowards. We finished the job in Germany,
    There is no "job" to finish. That's the problem. There is NO END to this war. NONE. Until we pull out. Assume we were invaded by Russia, and it wanted to impose its "far better" system of "communism" on us. Would we eventually say "hey wow, our standards of living are so much worse than before, and we have these foreign invaders gang raping our resources, but hey, American gladiators is on, time to wave the flag?" NO.

    And they won't either.

    Now I really do wanna fuck for my country. Any BB girls in the area wanna notch one up to show Durex we can get the job done between the sheets better than any Frenchman?

  22. #22
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    And I'm being serious, here. I sure intend on inflaming the area, dividing the region, launching a broad, devastating offensive, and then, when everything's softened up and the path is clear, pounding the hell out of the triangle before pulling out in a way that leads to the satisfaction of all concerned.

    And, unlike that lying drug addict Rush Limbaugh, I won't need to resort to using someone else's Viagra to do it, either.

  23. #23
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    Biker it isnt that simple, the US cant pull out of Iraq. We are Saudi Army, they own interest in our banking system and US bonds. They have trillions of dollars in US bonds, if came to collect we done. They just bought 8 billion dollars of city bank stock, because of the housing crash. It sounds good on paper and makes for nice speech, but the realty of the matter is the US will stay in Iraq long time.
    What does SAUDI ARABIA have to do with IRAQ? I appreciate that we do a lot for the Saudis, but then again. it's not as simple there either.

    If any nation was to "call" its interest in the system of any other nation, it would collapse. Our systems are all now so intertwined that the economy of China and Japan lose heavy in the stock market on fears that the US can't spend like it used to.

    We certainly can "pull out' of Iraq, and we will.
    I agree with you on that point about collapse how it would effect everyone. Maybe it isnt the call in, its the threat of that call in. Our own leaders will do anything from that stand point. Now that stand point, yes they have way twist our arm a little more Oil and Bank system. Saudi Royal family has as much interest in Iraq as we do. Again it isnt as cut and clean as that, we can have whole forum talking about that issue.

    how about this Biker can agree to disagree, but ill meet you in the middle. I can agree with Withdrawal over 4 years or more or less. Not complete, drop everything and come home Withdrawal

    What you hear on the media, isn't total true... We are doing good, we building schools, bettering the people and showing not all of America is bad. As they Imams have told them, people starting think for themselves. I know so many people and families they are buying extra school supplies and having shoe drives for children of Iraq. Their husband, father, daughter and sons are fighting over and they still giving to people to the people. Military paid isn't that high, but they still give. An alien culture, that wants to help and gives without thinking.

    *sarcasm* Yeah, the Iraq war was a complete and total exercise in humanitarianism. We're there to build schools and bridges. Is that the latest bullshit sell from the neocon assholes?

    I got news for you - life in Iraq SUCKS HARD now, more than it did under Saddam. At least under Saddam people had gasoline, water, power and some degree of security. Now it's dangerous to walk the streets, Iraq is IMPORTING oil (think about THAT one for a second....)
    The media including fox news channel does not report that offend on good news. My news of this came from mouth soldier very good friend of mine. I am not talking about Government of the US. I was talking about the soldiers the ones I personally know. What their families are doing, which is sending the right message. That the US isnt all bad, there can be some good to come of it. Ot doesnt hurt to give, because you want to see someone better themselves. I believe it is worth it, to give a person some hope. Yes, we are invaders from alien land, but we still human. Not by the Government by soldier yeah I can see humanitarianism out of that.

    You truly need to stop getting your information from Fox News. "Cut and Run"? So is it "cut and run" when someone stops spending $5,000 a week on a credit card at 29% interest, even though said person earns $35,000 a year? Certainly the credit card company and merchants want it said that way.....

    You know what? Y'all lost Vietnam, too, and things TURNED OUT JUST FINE. Let it go. You went in with your chest puffed out, blew up a lot of shit, and now the whole thing is a hideously expensive quagmire of a clusterfuck.
    No do not watch nor listen to fox news...I like off beat news sites to find info, but every now and again ill listen to Neil Boortz in the morning and Micheal Salvage in the evenings. I am sorry for using that coin phraze, ill not do that again... Ok I can see point biker, but if you look at from the world stage. That image of the US "Cutting and Running" when times get to tough. That isnt an image that i want to send those that would do you or I harm. And again Ill agree with Withdrawal over time...

    We can afford alot thing Biker, Drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico and the Alaska. True tax the Iraq people oil, like bush said he would instead of them letting have gas price at .37 gallon. make 1.50 and the war would be paid for.
    It isnt the war is bad, it has been miss manage from the start.

    So now you're going to demand "tribute" from Iraq? Do THAT, and you'll REALLY have problems. Cause then every person claiming America was empire building will have ammunition with which to justify not buying your goods or lending you money.
    I have no problem with empire building, but I can see your point. Now on the other hand.. If said Nation stopped buying from the US because of our "empire building", and the US slow down and could be halt in the economy. That would effect the world as whole. Even you stated that "Our economic systems are all now so intertwined.

    No, we aren't. And I'll tell you for why. Because if we stay there much longer, we're FINISHED. The same way Russia was bled dry by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. I know Rush Limbaugh and his bunch of revisionist cronies like to say that it was Ronald Ray-gun and Rambo that beat them Russians, but the truth of the matter is the Afghans in Al-Qaeda got em locked in a land war, and for the price of a couple of rounds out of a squirrel gun they would have the Russian Army sweeping Tora Bora for months looking for the culprits.

    Arabs have a saying, "death by a thousand cuts".

    But fear not, every day your rights are being eroded, the Constitution pissed on, and the public purse mismanaged to turn the credit cards of the United States over to crony companies like Halliburton, and you're not a patriot if you object. Excuse me? You wanna bleat on about civic pride, they're moving head office to Dubai to avoid paying what pitiful amounts of US taxes they'd be expected to pay, billions of dollars in unaudited, no-bid contracts notwithstanding.

    Your are forgetting one thing,about Afghanistan the US was supply the rebel as Russian and Chinese supplied the Viet Cong... It was lack of better term of puppet war. We could not out right attack Russia, but we could do it this way.
    Russia was on 2 front war, Afghanistan was front and other was Arms Race. The image on the world stage helped even more bleed them dry. Economics Won the Cold War nothing more nothing else....

    But fear not, every day your rights are being eroded, the Constitution pissed on, and the public purse mismanaged to turn the credit cards of the United States over to crony companies like Halliburton, and you're not a patriot if you object. Excuse me? You wanna bleat on about civic pride, they're moving head office to Dubai to avoid paying what pitiful amounts of US taxes they'd be expected to pay, billions of dollars in unaudited, no-bid contracts notwithstanding.

    I agree with totally biker, we on the same page there. Your Patroit, because you object. You are doing what the forefather would have done. My civic pride is my own company not hiring illegal, but trying my damnest to hire Americans.
    Let not get into Haliburton, that another can worms for another forum....Now that was political buddy buddy bullshit... No shred of honor with that company...

    The US needs Nationalism more than ever before. My honor is my loyalty

    There's nationalism, and then there's jingoism. There's intelligent debate about the issues, and then there's some douche on Fox News draping himself in the flag and spinning stuff so hard you get dizzy trying to keep track of it all.

    We're there cause of terrorism. No wait, WMD. No wait, Saddam's a dictator. No wait, cause we're building schools. No wait, cause......

    Be VERY very wary of someone who hades behind a flag. Especially if he calls the Constitution for which it stands "just a fucking piece of paper."
    Ok I can see your point biker, about the terrorism in iraq. It was daddy's war so I must finish it... that what Iraq is to GW bush. We already payed with blood, should let those brave men and women die for nothing. That is more in what i believe why should not have complete withdrawal. Transition to Iraqi government or governments.

    Yes agree that both CNN and Fox are said douche.. one left one right...
    True nationalism and Patriotism The over whelming love of country, which i have. Love for Constitution and all it stands for. Less Big government more state rights as what was set out by founders of this nation.

    I know Nationalism is tabboo word.... it suit was needs to happen to US, united as we should be not scabbling....

    I hate to say this but "My honor is My loyalty" is SS slogan, But it holds to those who like to still believe in the Constitution.

  24. #24
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    wow...how'd this thread end up here??

    hmmmm.....there's a reason for everything

  25. #25
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Yeah, this got too heavy. All I will do is STRONLY suggest avoiding ANYTHING said by the likes of a Michael Savage.

    Back to fucking?

    Can we PLEASE get more fucking going on. I wanna make love, not war.

  26. #26
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Yeah, it did get to deep... another Forum we get into this more biker, but we can find common ground even if our view are different.

    lets do it all at once war, love, and maybe build empire out of it lol.....

    I am over due, but life is still good....

  27. #27
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Michael Savage is a good laugh....most talk show host are right or left....

  28. #28
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    Michael Savage is a good laugh....most talk show host are right or left....
    Michael Savage is an ignorant fuckwit. I mean, Rush Limbaugh's a moron and a hypocrite, and Anne Coulter is an evil bitch, but Michael Savage takes it to a new level of mean-spirited, malevolent stupidity.

  29. #29
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Before I REALLY start getting into politics, would somebody (female) please come fuck the living shit out of me? I'm getting TENSE.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    "global" survey studies = baaadddd.

  31. #31

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    "global" survey studies = baaadddd.
    What he said .

  32. #32
    SyntheticShock's Avatar ...
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Maybe the cause of less sex in America is because compared to other countries we are more stressed and unhealthy? Or maybe some people are plumping up their numbers to look good. lol.

  33. #33
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    American women have higher standards.

  34. #34

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Haven't read the article yet, so take the following for what it may or may not be worth.

    I think SyntheticShock made a couple of very good points in her last post about Americans being more stressed and unhealthy.

    From what I've seen, there has been, and is, a great deal more moving about from place to place than one might find in other societies, and, what with most people's work and other living schedules, a great deal less personal time for most people, which tends to put the kibosh of a lot of activities, including sex.

    Wouldn't be surprised if at least some media influence, particularly in the kind of idealised views of sex and romance that are often presented to us by many media outlets, didn't also play some role in Americans having less sex than some other nationalities, which kinda fits in with BP's last point here.

    However, I'd say that both American men and women may have higher physical and other standards than may be found in other countries.

    There are probably any number of other factors that I don't know about that may need considering on this topic as well.

    Either way, take something like this survey seriously only up to a point.

    If you're overly worried about how much sex you're getting, or not, chances are at least somewhat good that it will affect your self-confidence in and out of the bedroom, meaning that the likelihood of your getting lucky may proportionally decrease.

    That's something that I think might be best remembered, including by Yours Truly.

  35. #35
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerpunk
    Michael Savage is an ignorant fuckwit. I mean, Rush Limbaugh's a moron and a hypocrite, and Anne Coulter is an evil bitch, but Michael Savage takes it to a new level of mean-spirited, malevolent stupidity.
    Hey Anne Coulter needs to eat something give that woman sandwich..

    I would agree about the stress and unhealthiness.. I am stressed, but getting healthy ... Losing some weight good time... My stress, yeah.... Working in family bussiness will do that or rather working with family.

    Seem Biker needs it more than anyone so help him out ladies....throw him a bone!

    Biker you need just to find a spa and get your rug, tug and happy ending.

  36. #36
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    So, back to hooking up.... ANYONE interested? No? Ah well, back to work.

  37. #37
    Tinman's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    DON!!! he lives! hows ur cats? N hows u?

    i think Mr Karl is so right, u managed to change a chat bout sex into a political debate, how did that even happen? i couldnt think of two things further away lol
    thats why america aint gettin enough lol
    when i see it as my duty in life to fulfil as many ladies desires as possible, ud find it hard pushed to find a british guy who didnt feel the same lol its what we live for lol we even have lots of hot polish ladies bringing new music n hotness to our fine land, yay!!

    But just to throw my 2p worth in the whole iraq thing, it was little bush finishing daddies work, end of, the war was well won but as a whole america has little experience with winning the peace, there tactics were all wrong and expected the un to step in and bail them out, the british realised we couldnt stay in iraq and afganistan, so we handed power over to the iraq goverment and said we ll leave if u can handle things urself, since doing this we no longer see the fighting in the south of iraq as its an internal problem not the british vs the iraqi insurgents, america should try the same, lessen troop numbers and force iraq goverment to do something about things for there people, afganistan is a trickier situation and we should put our efforts into reducing drug production and helping the people of afganistan learn new trades or grow new crops instead of poppies for drugs.

    but biker let me know if the "any hot ladies wanna get it on" line works, it rarely does for me lol

  38. #38

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Amigo and I are still alive, Mr. Tinman, as is evidenced by this reply.

    Computer's hard drive was down for nearly four months between late November and late February, hence the absence from these forums.

    Am glad to be back here, and on-line in general, though, even though I got back on-line on Monday last, am still getting back into whatever sort of on-line routines I had before the crash.

    As for the whole Iraq thing, agree with you on this, Tinman, with my adding that I don't think we ever should have been over there to start.

    As for the whole Americans not getting enough, can't speak for others, but am not getting any myself, which means I need to get out of the house more.

    But, even then, my chances of that situation improving are generally only slightly better.

    There are a number of possible guesses I have for that, some of which may hold water, and some of which mayn't.

    Have tried figuring out which ones are accurate and which aren't, but, and it's amazing just how slow a study I can be, have only very recently reckoned that it really doesn't matter how that much either way which guesses of mine on this subject are accurate or not.

    If a woman likes me enough, she will let me know.

    If not, she'll also let me know, one way or the other.

    In the latter case, I mayn't like the outcome, but am not to everyone's taste, never have been, and never will be.

    A very, VERY few people excepted, I think that the above's generally the case for most folks.

    So, in such cases, am simply gonna let myself be disappointed for a bit, then, as much as I can, not let it affect my relations with other members of the opposite sex, such as they may or may not be.

    As for bits like this survey discussed above, well, I think it's simply best not to take the results of such surveys too bloody seriously, as, if one lets them, it can lead to a "Why bother???" attitude and giving up altogether, which is probably the surest road to not getting any, besides being a complete desperate prat, that one can take.

    Anyhow, please pardon my lack of manners, Tinman, because I didn't ask how you and yours were back your way, and express my hope that all of you are doing better than well, also, which I hope you are, at the start of my reply.

    I can be of a right git that way at times.

    Always good to hear from, Tinman, and am glad you've started popping 'round here again.

  39. #39
    Tinman's Avatar Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    York, England

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Hey don always a pleasure to chat wit u and the others, we got alot of new faces and the chats have been pretty good lately, i see u got ur teeth into the serbia convo, i only have a limited knowledge of it all as i had plenty of friends who were there during the disasterous policing action way back, not good.

    Me and mine are good, thanks for askin, doesnt matter when u ask don, its that u take the time to even ask in the first place that matters, my thanks again, glad ur well.

    and ur right on the whole sex thing, i tend to wait for the lady to come to me, if they dont then they aint intrested, man logic lol

  40. #40

    Default Re: Americans have too little sex, Durex finds

    Quote Originally Posted by Tinman
    Hey don always a pleasure to chat wit u and the others, we got alot of new faces and the chats have been pretty good lately, i see u got ur teeth into the serbia convo, i only have a limited knowledge of it all as i had plenty of friends who were there during the disasterous policing action way back, not good.

    Me and mine are good, thanks for askin, doesnt matter when u ask don, its that u take the time to even ask in the first place that matters, my thanks again, glad ur well.

    and ur right on the whole sex thing, i tend to wait for the lady to come to me, if they dont then they aint intrested, man logic lol
    Likewise, Tinman, and more to you and yours.

    Have only read about, with no direct experience, of the Yugoslav Civil Wars of the '90's. From what I've read and heard about them, they were ultimately a disaster for the vast majority of Serbs, Croats, Bosnians of all backgrounds, and Kosovar Serbs, Albanians, Roma and the other peoples of that region. Dead relatives and friends, lives, bodies and minds damaged, and buildings, economies and ways of life ruined for what seems to me to be, in the end, just seems to be so little of real value in return.

    That's generally the case when nations go to war, and, to me, it's a damned good reminder why war should only be the last, most desperate, option on any nation's governing classes' plates, and why so-called ordinary folks need to have as much information as they can about any given set of issues before going down that road.

    No country nor faction, once they've started down that road, will find all of their hopes achieved, their goals reached, and the general cost, at least for most people on those sides, will have been far too high in the final balance.

    Thanks for agreeing with me on the sex thing.

    There are times I can try to initiate a bit of courting, but, judging from my general lack of success in that department, I find that it's best for me to very carefully watch the individual woman's responses, or lack of them, and act accordingly from there.

    Mind you, it's not something I've always done. But, it's something that through hard experience, am learning to do, however imperfectly.

    Good to see you back here, Tinman.

    Take care of yourself.

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