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Thread: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCosmicSheriff
    I resemble this remark!
    That's funny!!

  2. #42
    mystoo's Avatar Pirate Hooker
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    Too many of these popped collar douchebags coming to my club while waiting to get into the club upstairs that plays top 40 dance shit. It's kind of funny b/c they're always trying to start fights with us 'freaks' but really...we have boots and chains..etc. and what do they have? Fucking plastic leis around their necks! Yes you heard me right.
    Plus, any guy who wears a matching baby blue track suit deserves to be shot...and I am not a violent person.

  3. #43
    Head Wreck's Avatar Dai the Llama
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    ah, there's hope for me yet!

  4. #44
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelia G
    Perhaps we need a working definition of what makes a guy a douchebag. A little help?
    hmmm, this is a good question.

    As a "Hater" (that's with a capital H by the way, bitches) I despise wide swathes of humanity. I just fuckin' hate people plain and simple. I probably think your band sucks, but I might not give enough of a shit to tell you so.

    What makes a "douchebag" though?

    "I dunno, but I know one when I see one." That's probably not very helpful, but see us guys-men that is- don't get all analytical when we dislike someone. They're just douchebags, shitheels, dumbassdumbshitdumbfucks, or retards.

    There's alot of shit that could be filed under "douchebag" behavior, for instance I am sure that alot of "douchebags" think that guys in our subculture are "fags" , "faggots", and "losers".

    I think there's a certain casual misogyny that typifies "douchebag" behavior that might get masked, or toned down around women, but that other men can spot miles off. There's also a deffinite socio-economic angle from my little pin hole perspective into "douchebag" behavior. Jocks-frat boys-and yuppies, and preppies sort of dominate the d-bag population from my experience, the reverse might not necessarily be true though. (Although I've know scores of stoner hippie douchebags too.)

    You'd think that douchebag tactics like cutting other guys down infront of women would backfire, and it does in specific instances, but douchebags just move on to the next set of girls, and the next, and the next, until they find one dumb enough, or drunk enough, and then yeah, sure enough they're getting more pussy than me. Getting laid doesn't make you a douchebag, how you go about it might though.

    I guess it might have something to do with one's approach to male competition. I might be a hater, a violent lunatic, a social misfit/retard, fat, and unkempt (and at times I've been all of these things) but I don't go around punking other folks out without provocation, and for the benefit of an audience (usually female.)

    I'll give two examples of douchebag behavior and then I think I've over ranted here:

    These were both guys who were "friends" of mine, who were players. They got laid, often. Didn't stop me from becoming friends with them. Our friendship didn't stop them from burning me badly both over women, and worse.

    1-Dan was roommates with good friends of mine who'd asked me to come over to give them some martial arts lessons (something I used to do.) While I'm giving th3e roommates the lesson dan, and the neighbor girls from upstairs are hanging out on the sidelines. The girls are kinda interested in what we're doing, but don't want to interupt, so they're talking to dan who starts heckling what I'm doing, down playing me to the girls. Then dan starts bragging about his muy thai kickboxing experience, which he hasn't done in years. I ignore him to focus on making sure my friends are getting a decent lesson, and so I don't spout off in anger, and appear to be a violent boor.

    2-Fred was a friend of mine who ran a moderately successful biz, and hired me to be a roadie for his "band's tour". Fred had some serious issues about having to prove what a suave, and socially adept alpha male he was, he was a talker, and manipulator not a fighter though. On tour fred had to make sure everyone knew that he was the alpha player, and so one night he asked me which of the girls I at the show (show-HA! 15 people turned up) I thought was hot. I'd been talking to this one particular young woman, and said that yeah that was my type. So after giving me some busy work loading the bus, and taking care of some equiptment that didn't need attention until the next day he made an extra special effort to get this girl, and make sure I knew about it the next day. I was like "yeah, well fuckin' whatever dude, her choice." but it was a calculated play by him to make me bow down, and respect him or some shit. To teach me my "place", or some thing. Our friendship eventually imploded over shit like this, or more specifically my refusal to acknowledge him as my better, which threatened his grip on the rest of his crew. Sounds fucking retarded I know, but that's the kind of horse shit he was into. Fred also liked to give his "game" a little edge by feeding girls smoothies spiked with hallucinegenic mushrooms, and then have sex with them. Yeah, I was well rid of that crowd.

    ...end I rant about this no moar today...

    Do we know what a douchebag is yet?

  5. #45

    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    Over-potent human male that acts more by animal instincts than his intelligence?

    Shortest I could think of.

  6. #46

    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly

    I think there's a certain casual misogyny that typifies "douchebag" behavior that might get masked, or toned down around women, but that other men can spot miles off.
    Ding ding ding. Spot on.

    Also, I think it has to do with coupling the above with the kind of condescending smarminess that they then manifest around women.

    It's a deliberately arrogant and fundamentally insincere persona generated as a response to their own insecurities.

  7. #47
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    Well, it's not as if women don't have the same progression.

    I've known many a woman with OPEN HOSTILITY to men, either for political views or simply because she's been burned too many times.

    Everyone's seen the want ad that's basically

    "Okay, I can't believe that I have to post on fucking Craigslist looking for a date. Guys used to harass me all the time, but they aren't doing it anymore so maybe mom is right and I'd better snag a guy before my eggs go rotten and I end up being this weird old lady with a bunch of cats. But I'm tired of guys without money and cheaters, so I want a SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP RIGHT AWAY. NO FLAKES. WE ARE SETTING A WEDDING DATE ON THE SECOND DATE OR FUCK OFF. Give me one good reason why I should even fucking begin to talk to you."

    (extra sentence in California)

    "Bring last four years of W-2s to first date."

    The same kind of guy who's Butthead in his teens, a flexing douchebag in his 20s, and possibly mellows out in his 30s but is still misogynist to being a dirty old bastard does have a female analog -

    the girl who thinks she's hot shit and is dismissive and bitchy to all men (they love it! tee hee (yeah, but only cause your tits defy gravity)) until she hits her 30s, at which time they're not saying how high when she says jump and she gets politically bitter, and ends up that strange old lady yelling at you for looking at one of her 10,000,000 cats.

    I was on a certain ok Cupid dating site, and I got hit on by this 19 year old. I thought it would be fun to talk to her for a bit, until she started making demands and I do mean DEMANDS for me to call her at 1 am, when was I going to take her somewhere, and she warns me in advance that she can be bossy, like it's a good thing. It amazed her when I blocked her. She assumed that anyone in his 30s would practically crawl through barbed wire to shag a 19 year old.

    She was wrong.

    What I'm trying to say is, douchebaggery is existant in both sexes. But it's actually sadder to see an aging female douchebag, because they tend not to age well.

  8. #48
    drewblood's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    mmm 19 yr olds!

  9. #49
    TheCosmicSheriff's Avatar If I could, would I?
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    Default Re: And THIS is why I don't go to clubs

    I starting to think I'm the douchbag thats being described above. My last few "relationships" have been Talk-date-talk- hey where did you go? No explanation just no replies. I don't know if I come on too strong or show too much interest.

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