My biggest problem with AA/NA is that one, they say you have to give yourself up to a higher power. They don't say what it is, but you have to recognize that there's something. This strikes me odd because when I had to attend a couple AA meetings after a DUI, they said a prayer. I can't remember what the name of it is, simply because the last time I went to a Christian mass I was being dragged kicking and screaming by my mom when I was like 6. But I do know it was a Christian prayer.
The other thing is, the groups are like an excuse to hide from confronting the issue. Instead of facing the addiction (this goes more for AA but works with certain drugs for NA though there are those that I don't think should ever be done and cannot really be done recreationally) the individual, for the most part, completely avoids it. That makes you weaker in my mind and is what I think is one of the biggest causes of relapses.