When you boil an egg and peel it to eat it, do you peel it over the trash, or over the sink? I personally prefer the trash, it doesn't clog the disposal thingy in your sink.
When you boil an egg and peel it to eat it, do you peel it over the trash, or over the sink? I personally prefer the trash, it doesn't clog the disposal thingy in your sink.
Either in the Garbage Bin, or in my Scenery type of Displays also.
garbage disposal
the compost bin. or we fling it (them) into our backyard.
the trash. Our garbage disposal has this bad habit of spewing things skyward when we turn it on, so small, potentially sharp objects like that are on the "Not In Here" list. (gods I can't wait to move!)
Eggshells are good for your garbage disposal because they keep it sharp. In K's case not such a good thing.
dont the garbage disposals have like a little plug type thing so stuff dosent fly out?
You are thinking of the sink stopper. I suppose you could put it on but you are technically supposed to run water when you use the disposal so.
oh snap i thought that thing was for the disposalOriginally Posted by Mirren
Egg shells go to the land of candy meat loaf, and ionized salt, where they recieve the love and tenderness of all the fairies in Narnia. And when the EggShells grow up, they turn into Grade A Vegetable Oil.
- The Cow isnt anywhere. The Cow is inside My mind.-The Sproutling in Lumina.
My grandma used to eat them, when i was a kid i hit them with a hamer and make it almost powder... i don't know if she still does that.
Just curious, eat them how?
my mom use to crush them and save them to use as fertilizer for her roses
I don't remeber how, but she's been allways kinda strange... i guess with a tea or somethign like that...
eggs are gross. why would anyone want to eat a dead chicken feotus?
i peel them over the sink hehe interesting question...
because theyre tasty and a good source of proteinOriginally Posted by Neverborn
When i was still on the family farm we would put them in an ice cream pail and give them to the chickens. Chickens ar vicious, cannabalistic little creatures who will peck each other's asses until they bleed and then some. We found the best way to combat and chickenyard full of bleeding chicken ass was to: 1) paint the chicken's butts with pine tar, and; 2) feed them their eggshells.
More information than you asked for, most likely. I just felt like babbling today.
yeah, i used to feed my chickens their eggshells back too, although that was to keep their calcium levels up so the shells would be stronger.
my mum also used to make a hole in the bottoms of eggshells, so that the witches couldn't sail out to sea in them
I just love that.Originally Posted by vixta
I love that as well. I'd never heard that before.Originally Posted by Will Judy
definatley the garbage, seeing as I dont HAVE a disposal in my sink *grr*
That's what muh mom does.Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
i peel them next to a trash ... as long as you put some salt in the water when you boil them, you can pretty much peel off the whole shell pretty easily.
Same here *shrug*Originally Posted by JessieKitty
trash........ I live in a dorm so I don't have a garden
I have a garden in my back yard, so I peel them into a bowl and throw them into the compost for better soil next year.
i live in england and dont get them waste shredder things u get in sinks, they look kinda dangerous to be honest so it's thrown in the bin
I hate Garbage Disposal Sink type Machines.Originally Posted by Sceptic_Messiah
in my garden....it helps my plants grow well