I love Wisconsin. They have a ton of really cool stuff like that there. This last summer I went to a bar there called the
Moccasin bar. It's wicked, there is all this great taxidermy of animals playing cards or ice fishing. They also have the worlds largest mounted muskie. Best part is beers are $1.50 and they have pulltabs AND you can smoke. The fishing hall of fame is also in Hayward. They have a bunch of huge fiberglass fish in this open park area. When I was there I was speaking to an old woman at the fishing hall of fame and apparently there is some controversy over who has the worlds largest mounted muskie because they too have an extremely large muskie. She made it sound like tempers were flaring-up over it.
There is some really weird religious stuff in Wisconsin to. The Virgin Mary Miracle Site is surreal. Built on the site where the virgin mary appeared in the 50's. Worth checking out.
Wisconsin is one of my favorite states. You can own a silencer there!
It's so cool your related to that guy! I'd be dropping FDRs name all the time if I were you.