from police one
Justin Bieber walks after hitting Md. trooper with water balloonThe 16-year-old entertainer is the one who's all wet after water balloon toss on Md. trooper
By PoliceOne Staff
Thre was no incident report written when Justin Bieber threw two water balloons at Maryland state troopers assigned to crowd control duties outside his trailer. (AP Photo)
Justin Bieber, a teenage singer whose popularity has caused safety concerns just about everywhere he goes, apparently doesn’t have a ton of respect for the law enforcement officers charged with protecting him from his throngs of crazed admirers. The 16-year-old entertainer threw two water balloons at Maryland state troopers assigned to crowd control duties outside Bieber’s trailer prior to a concert at the Maryland State Fair.
Bieber will reportedly not be charged with anything, despite the fact that “one of the balloons hit a trooper's gun belt and burst, and the other brushed a trooper on the chest but didn't burst,” according to a report from a local TV news station.
One officer who was reportedly “soaked from the waist down,” appeared ready to take Bieber into custody but the young man’s handlers apparently convinced the law enforcer to let Bieber go free.