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The thing is, someone determined will get into your house. Deadbolts, bars on the windows, barbed wire, none of these things will stop the truely determined. Locks can be picked, bars forced, and wires cut. Even alarm systems can be circumvented.
The point of these things is not to outright stop someone from getting in, but to cause them to look for an easier target. Visible deterents (such as deadbolts and dogs) work well for this reason. Actually dogs also work well because they are unpredicable. Guns are not the ideal choice for the same reason. Unless you walk around the house carryong a gun in plain sight, the would be robber has no way to know it is there. Also, guns are one of the highest profit items to sell stolen. If you are buying the gun for other reasons, well I still don't care for AKs but that's a taste thing.
I have never had a home I did not feel secure in. yes people could break in, but I have always felt the combination of my lack of valuables, and other deterents was enough to make them move to other targets. My car.... whole different deal.