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Thread: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

  1. #41
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Yep when I lived out there I had one too, so....musical

  2. #42
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    omg... i heard on the radio.. on rock 101 with bro jake on the morning show... (hes a sicko btw) they had people calling in and turning their vibrators on over the phone... whichever was the loudest vibe won a prize... concert tix or some shit i dunno...
    this guy called in and said he found his wives vibe... hes all like "yeah hold ona minute i gotta put the phone down to turn it on..."
    and all you hear was a fuckin chainsaw ripping up and everyone LAUGHING their asses off...
    funniest thing i ever heard on the radio.

  3. #43
    Baron_Fluffykins's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Get shot? Hell no.

    Use Scarification or Implants as modification? Sure.

  4. #44
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    I would. Guess its time to go shoot myself in the head now!

    Noone can say why anyone gets anything done when it comes to any sort of modification. Society progresses in ways and not in others. I wanted to get shot in a controlled situation many years ago and Im happy to see that there are others who are investigating into it. A scarification artist cannot replicate the look of a real bullet wound, and a side thought, WHY would you go get something permanantly on your body if you dont want to experience everything that goes into it? Suspensions are also pointless from a certain standpoint, they leave minimal to no scarring and people do it to EXPERIENCE the situation.

    Now Im baffled as to what some tattooed/pierced individuals would say to someone who clearly makes it known they think tattoos and piercings are pointless and dumb, and hopefully you catch HIV/AIDS or Hep C from the needles because it would cultivate all us 'retarded' people and natural selection would take care of all us 'no brainers' and offer to stick a dirty needle in you for free to hurry up the process. I cant imagine some with the opinions stated above would be too happy and would defend their position with their life. And if you wont, then why the fuck did you encourage those with close minds by altering your appearance to one you know will attract attention, to keep thinking that all of us with modifications are like you?

    Once there was a time where tattoos and piercings were put in the spotlight as a new and upcoming thing. Support those who are looking for more extreme modifications because you know what its like to fight to put what we have in a better light. It may not be your thing, but theres no reason to call people names and degrade them because they find beauty in what you find repulsive.

    Its what makes the world go round.

  5. #45
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    good point jax. yeah I actually really respect this guy to do something so crazy just because he wanted to. I think that takes a lot of balls. I like tatoos and peircings purely for thier artistic purposes, I don't really care for the experience. yeah, I do a lot of shit that causes me to get hurt, but that's because I think it's worth the sacrifice, though I try to avoid it leading to hurt as much as possible. But totally to each his own, as long as what people choose to do doesn't hurt anyone else, then you shouldn't be judgemental on people for thier choices.

  6. #46
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    also I wouldn't say that suspension is pointless. I'm sure that you know that, and you were merely echoing the sentiment of it's critics. ancient people did it to test the limits of thier endurance, and they came out being stronger people because they found out what they were made of. I've never really thought about it like that before, but maybe modern displays of pain endurance are a way for people to continue that tradition.

  7. #47
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Thank you MG for understanding what I was trying to get across;] Of course I dont think suspension is pointless, I do it to see how far I can push myself in both mind and body. I do everything I do for a reason, regardless of how stupid or small it may appear to others.

    Things evolve and new things surface. Who the hell knows, it could die out or spread faster than wildfire;]

  8. #48
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Now Im baffled as to what some tattooed/pierced individuals would say to someone who clearly makes it known they think tattoos and piercings are pointless and dumb, and hopefully you catch HIV/AIDS or Hep C from the needles because it would cultivate all us 'retarded' people and natural selection would take care of all us 'no brainers' and offer to stick a dirty needle in you for free to hurry up the process.
    heh honestly if someone said that to me and meant it... id probably want to punch them in the face.
    tho i read somewhere that the last time hepatitis was transmitted to someone thru a tattoo needle was over 50 years ago... hmmm... thats good news (if its true that is! there might be unreported cases) and in the same book they said theres never been an HIV transmission thru tattoo needles yay for that shit hey?

  9. #49
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Youre right;] People just speculate on the industry and run with it. But its shitty that they think that way in the first place, which is why I try and keep an open mind about everything even if it really isnt my thing. Ive been ridiculed and looked down upon my whole life because of the things I like, and I know it doesnt feel very good getting negative comments. Im sure some on this board would agree with me, which is why I tried to explain everything the best way I could without coming off pissy.

  10. #50
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    yeah i find it hard to get pissed at someone if they explain why they have their opinion of something, even if i dont agree with it... but if someone is just like "well thats fucked up" and dont even say why... then its like... okay... wtf...

  11. #51
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    I'm all for any type of body mods, and I myself have rarely had a reason for any of mine, other than my own damned business. I really want to have threaded bolts implanted into my skull, so I can screw in different things to suit my moods. But gun shots cannot be controlled even by professionals. And I am sure that anyone, weither getting a simple tattoo or an extreme suspension uses some form of common sense safety. I think the concept of a bullet wound scar is appealing (as I said, I like mine) but unfortunately I would hate to lose anyone close to me from something a reckless as trying to control the actions of a bullet entering the human body.
    Just my opinion, who gives a shit.

  12. #52

    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus Ravenheart
    ..... all my tattoos are pointless. Their is no meaning to them and their is no need for meaning. I dont need to point to my chest and say "this means water" fuck that. I did it cause I thought it looked cool.....
    there's your point

  13. #53
    bohoki's Avatar kitty flinger
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    bullets can do more harm than superficial

    they can damage nerves and muscles chip a bone

    sure screw around all you want with your skin

    but a bone spur growing from a chip or muscle damage or nerve damgage could cause you a lifetime of pain

    i'd rather have my eyelid pierced then be shot with even a .22 rimfire

    i'm all for the extreme arts but come on what next train track amputations

  14. #54
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    ugh ive seen people with eyelid piercings! it looks so horribly painful, but then you read their little story about it and they arent even in pain! minor irritation at the most after they first get it done, but with one guy, the jewellery wasnt even touching his eyeball! i saw it on *******.com... i love that site haha

    theres some people though that will try to get amputations even though theyre perfectly fine... they dont need it... heh i say try because doctors wont amputate a limb unless they need to... so they do everything they can to make the doctors need to amputate that limb... damage it so bad that they cant save it :S
    thats right up there with the gunshot... ill never really fully understand why someone would want to get that done. they can tell me their reasons all they want, ill still be lost :S

  15. #55

    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    But, dude, the artist was like totally aiming and like knew where the bullet should go and how to pick the best caliber for the collector's build and everything.
    yeah....im waiting for him to say..well let me try out this new bullet wound. the gun- shotgun, the ammo- slug or buck shot take your choice.

    Im waiting for the day when someone chooses that.

  16. #56
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    Quote Originally Posted by endlosmacht
    yeah....im waiting for him to say..well let me try out this new bullet wound. the gun- shotgun, the ammo- slug or buck shot take your choice.

    Im waiting for the day when someone chooses that.
    yeah, we got a guy that will do that- vice president dick cheney.

  17. #57
    Pull~My~Hair's Avatar makes your life seem good
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    Default Re: Would you let someone shoot you with a gun for the cool scar?

    no I wouldn't....but Id definately shoot someone if they wanted a cool scar...any takers?

    four rooms style

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