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Funny this thread should come up right now. The wife and I are invoved in a non-profit experimental music collective called High Mayhem (.org) We just finished with the three day festival that we put on every year. It's always all ages and always has a huge turn out. Trouble is, no one gets a garantee because we just don't have it. The festival itself costs several thousand to put on and we barely break even every year. Nobody, including ourselves, gets paid anything, but we dedicate ourselves to it and every year have over a hundred submissions to listen to from bands that want to play the fest even though they know they won't be paid for the show. They make their travelling money on merch. Probably not much, but they still feel justified in tavelling to Santa Fe to play. The rest of the year we produce close to two or more smaller shows a month with less overhead, so we can offer a modest garantee, but they still make the bulk of their money with recordings. We are also a recording studio and collectively produce albums for many of the bands here locally and some who come through (we record every live show). If it wasn't for recording sales, this organization would fail. The all ages thing doesn't seem to affect us, though.