So I was super dry and my friend said his younger sister could get me a $20 sack(weird I know), but it would be $25 okay whatever, ...I came home and had half a bowl waiting for me...dude wtf is with kids nowdays..if you wanna be a crackhead fine rip people off but dont fuck with my weed man. We didn't do this shit when I was fucking respecr. Im so beyond pissed off, not at her ( i dont even think she smokes) but at her asshole friend, I mean he thought he was selling it to her, so he was totally ripping her off anyway. Fucking asshole
I know most of you dont smoke or really approve, but I am so mad, I thought someone would understand. I've been shorted on a bag before but this is just blatantly not giving someone what they paid for. He might as well have taken my money and ran off. haha sorry guys
I've had the worst week, my freaking car is broken, my rent check bounced and I mad $6 in tips on friday night..This mother fucker just flat pissed me off. Im only gonna buy illeagal drugs from adults from now on.