Hello! My name is Jessica.
I'm 24 and slightly worried that I haven't found a niche. It seems like I'm a chronic newbie to every lifestyle or aspect of life. I'm not specificaly educated on any one topic and I tend to be the person in any social group that everyone rolls their eyes at because they've said something too corny or contrite. Sometimes I'm ok with this. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable with it.
I "dabble" in everything and therefore suffer from being the perpetual newbie. Casual RPG'er. Casual political activist. Casual conversationalist. Casual historian. Casual writer. To sum it up, hear the dreaded cry "I don't fit in" *insert dramatic arm flailing and pained glance to the heavens*
I fear others think me a poseur. But I honestly just have an interest in trying everything... even if they completely contradict each other. I feel that, if I wanted to adorn myself with cowboy attire and rock out to death metal, I should be able to without question. And I would do something like that... simply for the fun of it.
- I cut my own hair. Sometimes that doesn't turn out so well.
- I'm a 3D artist concentrating on 3D modeling and animation.
I moved from New Jersey to California at the end of 2000 and I'm still suffering culture shock.
- I'm working corporate while I'm in college. It pays the bills but it is stunting my creativity.
- I was afraid of posting because I am anti-social these days and fear rejection. However, I knew once I read the "how to dispose of a dead body" thread and felt I had found a place where creativity might be thriving.
- I like all types of music. Frank Sinatra and The Last Dance are the currently "most played' artists on my playlist.
- I like pigtails
- Though I'm going to school for 3D art, I'm thinking I rather be a screen writer
- I have two cats, a hermit crab, and one hamster. I used to have two but one ate the other.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Please tell me something strange about yourself. Feel free to be creative with it, but make sure it's 100% absolutely true.