^recognizes the fact that Sara Silverman need a good hard banging.
^recognizes the fact that Sara Silverman need a good hard banging.
^ also realizes and uses rubber sheets accordingly
^ fails to realize he's a rebel and wont conform to assumed rubber sheet usage
...while banging Sara Silverman...hahaha
^wants sloppy seconds on "the Silverman" no matter what his friends might say.
^wears peter pan under roos
^ Wears the costune from Greatest American Hero, and wonders why Sara Silverman is standing in the front yard nekkid tied to a pole, with 15 midgets dancing around her singing "Kumbyah"
^^ doesn't want to reply to my email.......still uses the banana in his icon as a toy for his women
^^ has wondering how to respond about not wanting AIM on the computer... and waiting for phone # in e-mail, and snail addy to send her a hoody, and could keep keep on coming up with excuses, but doesn't want to have a movie about how lame he is...
^^ Now has everyone wondering..
^^ send me an email in reply, and maybe I'll give it to you
look at my pics I just posted honey.....
she loves the kittie
i look at her in that paper dress
i wonder why she wont burn
i ment the band BTW
^is making a good attempt at steering us back to the game so that all can play
is keen to continue playing with evryone
^was getting bored just playing with himself
^pauses regularly to imagion certain BB members playing with themselves
^ Would rather dream of playing with them than get caught playing without them ....
^wWhen hes says he's spanking the monkey he really means it .. poor circus monkey.
^^likes my kittie too
^shaves her kitty,,,I'm calling PETA right now !!
^ Would love to have pictures... wait thats me.. damnit i screwed that up
^would love to have pictures......I got nothing.
^the geekiest sex toy tester I know
has pictures and would blackmail them for "One Jillion Dollars"
would sell the pictures much cheaper if the opportunity arose
^unfortunatlely opportunity knocked when he wasn't home, and So Herman Schwartz got to do it...
^sees that my schwartz is bigger than his
^ was in county for a couple months for showing off his schwartz
^^ like to give shitty tips to the strippers *laughs*
^^Could think of somewhere to stick a tip if I gave her one...
^presented option of giving tip
^^ likes to oogle my looks all the time
^knows everyone does
^knows the nose knows...follow your nose. *shrugs*
^thinks he knows what everyone knows, but really only knows whats up his nose.
^knows a lot about little and a little about a lot
^knows less than a lot, but more than a little
would like to know less than better, considers more than merely an acquaintance, however knows more than's big brother jim very well.
^ waits for the day Big Brother fully controls his mind
^wears his Big Brother shirt with pride, and one day hope to take over the world.
^is side kick to peter pan