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Thread: Whyyyyyyyy

  1. #1

    Default Whyyyyyyyy

    Why all the pretty and smart girls are busy.

    today I meet nice girl, have nice conversation, we get along with eachother and than he camed.....ZWOOOOSSH like bad trip.... not only now but allways.... good thing that I fall in love almost everyday=)

    I'm werry picky about girls and kind of old school gentleman, so fuck one night stands.... I'm looking for good partner and allways when I meet nice girl, she's taken, and I don't like stuff like taking another mans partner because my philosofy is: Don't do to anybody something that you wouldn't like to be done to your self.

    Shall I change myself and turn into evil Cassanova or stay nice guy, and pass allways with dry d***? Well I'm raised by my mom and it's kinda against my etic.

  2. #2
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    you must be patient I have the same problem youll find someone eventually or you could just find a nice chick and kill the boyfriend

  3. #3
    Sceptic_Messiah's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    i have that problem all the time when im single........relationships dont always last forever so keep in contact and one day u might get lucky

  4. #4

    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I want female side to give me some backup, because mostly I know what males gonna tell me, be a Cassanova.... what does girls think about it?

  5. #5
    MistressJennifer's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Stay yourself. Don't change for any of these stupid girls. Listen to these guys, they are telling you the truth, relationships hardly ever last or work out.

    When it happens, it just happens. You meet someone, and the sparks fly and you will know it when it happens. You can't make it happen.

    The interesting thing is, it happens when you LEAST expect it. And it's never the same. But that's the fun of it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I know... it happens to often for me... that's what is killing me... my nature against my etics

  7. #7
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Here's the deal...

    Be friends with the girls you like a lot.
    If you stay friends, one day they may become single, and might want to be with you.
    While you are friends with them, you will learn if they have a bitchy side,
    what their problems are, etc. By the time you are friends with them for
    a couple of years, you may decide you don't even want them as a partner.

    But I agree it is not a good idea to steal anyone.
    But you *can* be friends.
    Just don't let yourself think about anything other than friendship.
    Here is another benefit: If she thinks you are an awesome guy,
    but she is with someone cool already, she will want you to be
    happy, and she will try to set you up with her coolest friends.

    Seriously, women *can* help you find someone....

    I often go out to clubs with 2-3 female friends.
    Rarely with guys.
    And either they help you meet people, or you look like a stud.
    Either thing is not bad.

    It is *very* rare to find your perfect woman, and she is also single
    and looking for someone, at the exact same time you are. It gets
    even less likely the older you get. When you are young, most people
    are single. When you are older, it is more likely that your perfect
    match may be in a relationship already. So be their friend...

    As many people said, most relationships do not last.

    Sometimes playing the waiting game pays off...

  8. #8
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    people are rotten. you'll probbily die alone. sorry.

  9. #9
    and your little dog too
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I hate people like Morning Glory. OliX should be commended for being true to himself and to what his mother taught him and sooner or later things will work out for him because he deserves to have them work out.

  10. #10
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    exactly. people like you hating other people and thinking that it's up to your godly self to decide who deserves what, only prove the truth of my statement.

  11. #11
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    morning glory was probably jilted or something i hate super pessimistic people they're so irritating

  12. #12
    and your little dog too
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Kidthorazine
    morning glory was probably jilted or something i hate super pessimistic people they're so irritating
    you are so right

  13. #13
    and your little dog too
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    exactly. people like you hating other people and thinking that it's up to your godly self to decide who deserves what, only prove the truth of my statement.
    what kind of a freak are you to criticize me for saying that OliX deserves to have things work out when he is being a good person? I hate a lot and even I would not slam someone for trying to be the best person they can be. what is wrong with you?

  14. #14
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    what kind of freak are you to not be able to handle critisism? here's a news flash for you: the world doesn't relove around you. and there is probbily a lot of people that hate you as much as you seem to hate a lot of other people. the world is not a perfect place. people are going to disagree. people don't always get along. it's unrelaistic and fucked up to tell people that everything is going to be great, because it isn't. that just sets people up for dissapointment. I'm just being honest and trying to spare people thier feelings. you should try it sometime.

  15. #15
    and your little dog too
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    what kind of freak are you to not be able to handle critisism? here's a news flash for you: the world doesn't relove around you. and there is probbily a lot of people that hate you as much as you seem to hate a lot of other people. the world is not a perfect place. people are going to disagree. people don't always get along. it's unrelaistic and fucked up to tell people that everything is going to be great, because it isn't. that just sets people up for dissapointment. I'm just being honest and trying to spare people thier feelings. you should try it sometime.
    you told an attractive interesting guy who is struggling with the disadvantages of being a good person that he will probably die alone. that is not trying to spare his feelings. I hope you hate me because I would worry if a bad person like you thought well of me.

  16. #16
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    furthermore you seem to always try so hard to combat your "critics" that you instigate personal flame wars, and take away from the discussion of the topic at hand. this isn't about me, but if you'd like to discuss my personality traits/flaws, whatever, you can PM me..

  17. #17
    and your little dog too
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    furthermore you seem to always try so hard to combat your "critics" that you instigate personal flame wars, and take away from the discussion of the topic at hand. this isn't about be, but if you'd like to discuss my personality traits/flaws, whatever, you can PM me..
    trying to make a pass at me so you won't die alone? not going to work.

  18. #18
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I think you're the one that wants to make a pass at me since you're the one who steared the topic of this thread away from the person who created it and made it and about me and you. I won't submit to your foolishness anymore, you know what to do.

  19. #19
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy


    How entertaining!

    The reality is this: Life does suck, and people suck, and things are not always fair.

    So in many ways, I agree with MorningGlory.

    You should be aware that life is not fair, and just because you do everything your
    parents taught you, or try to do everything right, you may still have a horrible life.
    And horrible asshole idiots who use people, and abuse people, can end up very
    happy, and very successful, in their own sick way. Life is not fair. That is truth...

    Now I still support being a good person, and I like good people, and I try to be one myself.
    But I do not expect any reward, except my own personal satisfaction, and the goodwill
    of the few people who notice my good nature...

  20. #20

    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    thank you karyn, I wish you best. And MorningGlory...hmmmm... keeping that atitude it's not gonna help you anyway, but thank you too, and try to be less critical...
    The DeathKnight has the point

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    some told me once "a tree that will not bend in the wind will soon break in the storm" I've lived my life acordingly,hence in any realishionship whether
    friend,lover or enemy flexability is the key to true balance.
    luck in your hunt.

  22. #22
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    okay I dunno what's up with moring glory....not enough glory in his moring I guesss but deathknght and karyn are right yer a smart lad Olix and yer in babe central....so don't fret take your time and things will work out I am the same nothing hurts worse then loving somone with your all and havong them about face for lesser reasons....maybe iof you can find somone we cna have her join our League of Extrodinary Evil Genuises. Don't cahnge a thing....yer on the right it's the rest that aren't and I notice d you geta long with yer mom and Grandma really well so you know how women think....aren't you the pne who usually has the plan though....which tells me your bummed about this....cheer up.

  23. #23
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Olix I'd say you're gettig good advice. Always remember most women have women friends who'll if they think you're sweet enough set you up with one of their friends. You don't have to be an asshole to get laid my dear.

  24. #24
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    Olix I'd say you're gettig good advice. Always remember most women have women friends who'll if they think you're sweet enough set you up with one of their friends. You don't have to be an asshole to get laid my dear.

    I would have to agree... and believe me, you are sitting in front of the very thing that helped me find my perfect mate. I spent a year online wooing Nudemuse with more than 3,000 miles between us and here we are after a year later in real life of living together (in sin... very tasty sin at that) and we couldn't be happier. Hell, she's a keeper, I'd even marry her if she wants

    Stick to your guns my good man it will get you where you wanna be... just be patient.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I always figure, when I am in a situation to "take" another man's or woman's woman......if they are willing to leave that person and shack up with or date me...how fast are they going to drop my butt when something else flashier or "better" comes along.

    Call me an idiot...which many do...I have always trusted the women in my life without reservation, and been burned for the most part but I refuse to live any other way. If you dont trust the girl, why the hell are you sleeping with the girl? Now, this doesnt mean that after being cheated on and lied to I did not destroy the lives of those who crossed me, thats how I heal, but thats a whole nother story...

    Basically, Be who you are and if thats not good enough for other people to hell with them. You may have to do a crappy job to pay the rent, own a crappy stereo for a while to play your music, but you never have to let anyone be it male or female tell you how to live your life or who you "ought" to be. Some day you will find that person that you can be totally you with, and they will love that person. Hell, I gotta believe in that, its the only thing keeping me goin most days.

  26. #26
    skully's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    turn your weakness into a strong point: so you always meet these really awesome "taken" girls... well... don't just discard them like they are nothing...become friends with them so what if they are taken... they are bound to have some single friends and even if not who knows how long her current relationship will last but all that is irrelavent... stop looking for a girl and start looking for more kool people...once that happens you will find more women

  27. #27
    purplepixie's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy


    How entertaining!

    The reality is this: Life does suck, and people suck, and things are not always fair.

    So in many ways, I agree with MorningGlory.

    You should be aware that life is not fair, and just because you do everything your
    parents taught you, or try to do everything right, you may still have a horrible life.
    And horrible asshole idiots who use people, and abuse people, can end up very
    happy, and very successful, in their own sick way. Life is not fair. That is truth..

    Agreed!!! i try and be nice to people always have and the world still hates me but i can always hope for change

    Olix dont change not unless its what you want to do or you'll never enjoy it, personnally however i'm fed up with one night stands and weekend flings and am trying to find something a little more substancial .................................... but i've only wanted that since i got back to college where all of my friends are in long term relationships, before i was happy being single so maybe i just want that to "fit in" or maybe im feeling sad because there showing me what im missing out on...........argh now i'm confused aswell

  28. #28
    Macabre_Dreams's Avatar Morbid Freak
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    OliX, one night stands are just that -- one night. Since you're already against them, I wouldn't go trying to be someone that you're not. It always seems that whenever you're single, no one else is, and when you finally get into a relationship, everyone around is interested.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    THing is like this: I've been living here in sweden for less than 2 years... and that's why this question started bothering me, missing my friends and good social life as well...

  30. #30
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    go back to where your happiest....this life is for you and no one else..or y9ucan tryt o make new friends....I really hope you realize things will be better tommorow

  31. #31
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    sometimes though you just have to go with the flow and to hell with those who stand in your way

    of course be sure it's what you really want

  32. #32
    Poisondove's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I would just keep hoping.
    Seems things do turn out ok as soon as you stop looking

  33. #33
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    I've always found that someone comes on the scene when you stop looking, or when you least expect it. There's some desperation in the eyes of people searching for a mate, and potential partners seem to be able to sense it and swerve out of our way!

  34. #34
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Sometimes you have to do something though.

    Example: Let's say some totally *perfect* person is living in the middle of nowhere. They are smart, kind, honest, beautiful, talented, etc... But until they get off their ass, and get themselves out into the world, no one will know that they are an awesome person.

    This one guy I know was bitching about how he feels that most blonde-haired, blue-eyed American girls do not like asian guys like him. But he just recently took a trip to Sweden, and because he was "different", he had all the girls there all over him. He was in blonde-haired, blue-eyed heaven... But if he stayed in China, or stayed in someplace where he is not seen as special, then he would remain unhappy. But in the right place, with the right people, things might all work out great. But if you are unhappy at a job somewhere, or if you are unhappy living in America, them go somewhere else, and try other things. Maybe if your rock band is not popular in LA, you can go to Japan, and live the rock star life. Sometimes you have to realize when you are not happy with how things are working out, and try something different...

    It's like that "perfect" person living in the middle of nowhere.
    The chances of "prince charming" finding you, in the middle of nowhere,
    and rescuing you, is pretty unlikely. People have to learn to rescue themselves
    from their own unhappy lives...

  35. #35
    skully's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Whyyyyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    Sometimes you have to do something though.

    Sometimes you have to realize when you are not happy with how things are working out, and try something different...

    It's like that "perfect" person living in the middle of nowhere.
    The chances of "prince charming" finding you, in the middle of nowhere,
    and rescuing you, is pretty unlikely. People have to learn to rescue themselves
    from their own unhappy lives...
    reminds me of some of my reoccuring advice(not to say it isn't good just it comes up on more then one occasion)

    "attacking the same problem with the same battle plan will result in the same loss... all to often people try to do things differently but wind up making the same mistakes b/c their plan of attack was simply a variation of the same battle plan... sometimes you have to do something totally different to be successful who knows it might even be the last thing you would expect to do dont' rule anything out. "

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