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Thread: Something about relationship's.

  1. #1

    Default Something about relationship's.

    Relationship's... eh. Hard topic because every relationship is special in its own way. But there are some things that apply to evry and each of them.

    There are 3 main factors in one relationship, and those are sexual, intellectual and supportive factor. For relationship to succeed only one is needed but best is if all 3 works perfectly.

    There's something everyone should do. That's giving everything into relationship without excepting something back. If you start crediting your relationship in the way "I did this, now you should do that" then it becomes more like a market than a relationship and that's wrong. You should give as much as you can as well as your partner should.

    Golden rule that applies in relationships too is "Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

    Something I noticed about long distance relationships. Every time you meet after a long time love is on the maximum and you get less into conflicts but it doesn't work out well because you relationship stays on surface level because every time you get into conflict you deepen your relationship more because you get to know each other more.

    Now, in long relationships after some time love tends to weaken and it becomes more of a companionship. You need to work on it to keep it alive. Relationship is not only chocolates and roses. It's a pact and there's rarely relationship where partners are equal. There's almost always a dominant partner.

    In my opinion marriage is wrong because it feels wrong to OWN someone or to be owned. Thanks Sweden for sambo As for other of my opinions I'm all for open relationship if it' o.k with my partner. It would be wrong for someone to swing if partner doesn't like it. Sex is one thing and love is other but both together are best.

    Now to finish this of with one of my favorite wisdom words. "Way to a mans heart is trough the mans stomach", so next time you call me out on date make sure you make a delicious dinner if you want it to succeed

    Feel free to comment and to add your own thoughts or critics. (pretty please

    Peace & Love

  2. #2

    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    No comments about it?

    Now I disapointed my self again

  3. #3
    Senior_Diablo's Avatar in a rowboat
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    well, i wouldnt exactly say im an expert on relationships..so i think its best to not voice my opinion on this....

    as to why others havent..idk, olix..

  4. #4

    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Have lots of similar interests, be sexually attracted/compatible together, be strong where they are weak, show you care... = success.

    The whole open/poly whatever works for some people but I'm of the mind its an immature and infantile way to have a relationship. Feel free to argue with me.

    My favorite words of wisdom in relationships comes from my dad "All women are crazy. All of them. Even the one you think is not. Guess what though? You're crazy too so it all works out."

  5. #5

    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    Have lots of similar interests, be sexually attracted/compatible together, be strong where they are weak, show you care... = success.

    The whole open/poly whatever works for some people but I'm of the mind its an immature and infantile way to have a relationship. Feel free to argue with me.

    My favorite words of wisdom in relationships comes from my dad "All women are crazy. All of them. Even the one you think is not. Guess what though? You're crazy too so it all works out."
    Actually it seems that exact opposite works out best at the end. Those are statistics.

  6. #6
    Ajax Knucklebones's Avatar God fearing atheist
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    ***Now, in long relationships after some time love tends to weaken and it becomes more of a companionship. You need to work on it to keep it alive. Relationship is not only chocolates and roses. It's a pact and there's rarely relationship where partners are equal. There's almost always a dominant partner.***

    If you are the dominant partner, like me, I think the trick is not to take advantage of it. Try to keep the relationship as equal as you can. If you act too dominant too much, sooner or later, you're better half is gonna make a run for the border.

    ****In my opinion marriage is wrong because it feels wrong to OWN someone or to be owned. Thanks Sweden for sambo As for other of my opinions I'm all for open relationship if it' o.k with my partner. It would be wrong for someone to swing if partner doesn't like it. Sex is one thing and love is other but both together are best.****

    I've been married for 12 years and I honestly never viewed marriage as ownership. You can get divorced as quickly as you got married so how is it considered ownership. At best...A long time lease with an option to stick it out until you both bite the big one. Marriage really is just a piece of paper. It's how you view that piece of paper that can make the marriage work or destroy it.

  7. #7
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    I'm not in a relationship and never will be.

  8. #8
    Pull~My~Hair's Avatar makes your life seem good
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    i dunno, we've always used the you do this and ill do that technique..so far so good

  9. #9
    mystoo's Avatar Pirate Hooker
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Hmmm...relationships are weird. Sometimes I have a hard enough time getting along with myself let alone other people.
    However, I AM finding myself in some sort of odd relationship with someone right now. You see this me and this dude we used to just have sex but then things got all weird and we didn't talk for about a month but now we're best friends. We hang out all the time, cuddle in bed, cook dinner together and talk about our feelings(ya, we're cheesmo like that), but we don't have sex anymore (ok we did last weekend but only cuz I was all horned up and he was just 'helping out a friend' you know?). Anyway, neither one of us wants to be in a relationship right now but it's almost as if we are but are just in denial.
    Like I said..relationships are weird.

  10. #10
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Quote Originally Posted by mystoo
    Hmmm...relationships are weird. Sometimes I have a hard enough time getting along with myself let alone other people.
    However, I AM finding myself in some sort of odd relationship with someone right now. You see this me and this dude we used to just have sex but then things got all weird and we didn't talk for about a month but now we're best friends. We hang out all the time, cuddle in bed, cook dinner together and talk about our feelings(ya, we're cheesmo like that), but we don't have sex anymore (ok we did last weekend but only cuz I was all horned up and he was just 'helping out a friend' you know?). Anyway, neither one of us wants to be in a relationship right now but it's almost as if we are but are just in denial.
    Like I said..relationships are weird.
    That's just a matter of how you want to define that type of friendship. Nothing wrong with that particular situation. Can become tricky if other people are involved. Sounds like you could both see who you want. Best to define what is or is not acceptable at that point.


  11. #11
    mystoo's Avatar Pirate Hooker
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Yea..we both see other people..and then get together to talk about how screwed up other people are...lol

  12. #12
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Quote Originally Posted by mystoo
    Yea..we both see other people..and then get together to talk about how screwed up other people are...lol
    LOL. We have a lot in common ma'am


  13. #13
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    well it's always good to have a relationship with someone you can actually relate too

  14. #14

    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerpunk
    I'm not in a relationship and never will be.
    One day you won't know what happened to you and you will enjoy it A relationship that is. I think you are a goo pick as they say so don't worry, you got lot's of qualities.

  15. #15
    mystoo's Avatar Pirate Hooker
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Never say never my friend

  16. #16
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    OliX - dude, I was married eight years. I've been in one already.

  17. #17
    Vexbeast's Avatar Eat me, I'm nutritious.
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    Something I noticed about long distance relationships. Every time you meet after a long time love is on the maximum and you get less into conflicts but it doesn't work out well because you relationship stays on surface level because every time you get into conflict you deepen your relationship more because you get to know each other more.
    I don't think that's something that can be applied to all, or even most long distance relationships.

    Discussing issues is not something you're restricted to doing in person.

    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet-Tongue
    The whole open/poly whatever works for some people but I'm of the mind its an immature and infantile way to have a relationship. Feel free to argue with me.
    I disagree, but how am I supposed to argue if you don't state why you feel that way? O.o

    I also find that somewhat offensive, though if you presented some reasoning to the statement, I might not.

  18. #18
    Head Wreck's Avatar Dai the Llama
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    Default Re: Something about relationship's.

    i would say 5 elements.


    if you cannot trust one another well your just prime for a falling out
    if you don't respect one another your not valuing another and that's not loving
    if you cannot communicate you cant relay how your feeling, or when some things bothering you
    if you do not compromise then things are going to go bone fast
    and nothing comes on a silver platter. never take anything as a given, there will be rough times when you will need to make it work.

    i tend to fall down admittedly on communication. I've never been one to open up fully. but i've had relationships fail on most of these points.

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