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Thread: movies ripped of by hollywood

  1. #1
    grebo's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default movies ripped of by hollywood

    i really hate it when the hollywood arseholes rip off some cool non-american films.

    there has been so many films ripped off by hollywood.
    there are a few really well known ones because they where popular in their original country and had a cult following outside the usa.
    but there are heaps more, did you know "sliding doors" was a euro film, or that film "Taxi" is a rip off too. it goes back years to stuff like "3 men and a baby" or "the birdcage" and heaps more.
    this practise makes america look like a country of dumb fucks who cant watch a film with subtitles because they cant read.
    did you know that in MadMax's original american release, mel gibsons voice was dubbed into a voice american accent, because it would be accepted more with a yank.
    i also get pissed off by the fact they rarely mention where they ripped the film off from, even in interviews when it gets huge.
    it also makes us foriegners think hollywood is full of people without an original idea. find a idea and rip it off, comics, foreign films, etc. whats next, films based on webpages?

    and what is the usa's obsession with itself in films, 99% of disaster films are set in the USA with minimal mention of anywhere else. well thats not all that bad actually, cos us foreigners love seeing the usa gettin blown up, flooded, burnt etc etc. as a revenge for all the films ripped off.

    imagine if some other country ripped off an american film and made it better and made shit loads of money off it and never mentioned exept inthe credits where they ripped it off from, thats what its like.

    if you wanna see a really funny (nonamerican) zombie film i recomend these:
    Australian: Undead
    UK: shaun of the dead

  2. #2
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    They are not really ripped off...they are re-sold to American studios.

    Also you gotta remember one key lil fact...American films are meant for american audiences....so they of course have many U.S. focused elements.

    That's no diffrent than any other nation...be it films from Bollywood or the France.

    You're overgeneralizing an issue that is not that cut and dry...their a boatload of crap from each nation...U.K. has insipid romantic comedies starring Hugh Grant, France has pretentious art films up the ass, Russia has films desperately trying to be what they think is artistic, Australia had those Yahoo Serious films that world should have nuked you all for....and each steal, borrow, and burn from each other.

    France coined then ripped off everything Film Noir as they call it.

    Italy had a long history of using the American West for it's films...along with the American Horror Movie.

    Bollywood was heavily influenced by the American and British Musicals.

    The U.K. tool many aesthetics from French Cinema.

    Australia was a lil late to the show but took much of it's direction from american films of the 70's.

    Actually look at American Cinema pound for pound and you will the world stole MORE from American films than the other way around...that simple film history...well documented at that. France and the U.S. really pushed film...the U.K. refined elements of it to fit their tastes...as did every nation.

    Americans do watch subtitled films...but you are forgetting that something like 75% of all films are from the U.S. so they have a serious level of competition.

    "magine if some other country ripped off an american film and made it better and made shit loads of money off it and never mentioned exept inthe credits where they ripped it off from, thats what its like."

    That's all of them...EVERY nations film industry does that. And to be fair many films that are remakes do say what they are based on...but if you want them to pimp for the old film...that's not gonna happen.

    Plus to be utterly brutal...Hollywood steals from ITSELF more than anywhere else....hell look at The Star is Born....damned film has been remade 3 times...and had nearly 1000...yes 1000...variations of the story put on screen.

    Sick eh?

    "and what is the usa's obsession with itself in films, 99% of disaster films are set in the USA with minimal mention of anywhere else"

    Well think dude...who wants to see a disaster film where you can't say FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! MY FAMILY LIVED IN THAT CITY THAT WAS WIPED OUT!!!!!! GOOD RIDDENCE!!!!

    Armageddon though had a huge crowd pleaser with Paris getting fucked all to hell...oh how the crowd screamed for joy that night.

  3. #3
    postcoital's Avatar Curiously Strong Altoid
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    I'm glad that german movies suck so much that no one even talks about them ,)
    Anyway, Undead was pretty funny.

  4. #4
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by postcoital
    I'm glad that german movies suck so much that no one even talks about them ,)
    Anyway, Undead was pretty funny.
    HAHAH yeah I left em out on purpose...not out of malice but out the simple fact I can't spell german names worth a damn. Fassbinder films are quite popular here though....a few nice collections have hit the DVD scene in the past 2 years. Add in the german expressionist movement of films and you have quite a selection...german cinema is lacking these days though...they need to catch up...I mean the french are beating em!...and French Cinema is a joke these days (when you compare it to it's amazing past anyhow.)

    Left out many important countries of cinema though...from Sweden to Mexico.

  5. #5
    postcoital's Avatar Curiously Strong Altoid
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    German mainstream movies do amazingly suck. That counts for cinema, as well as TV productions. But there's some cool underground movies, mostly from the early 80s tho, such as nearly everything made by Jörg Buttgereit.
    In mainstream productions, they're trying too hard to catch up with Hollywood stunts and special effects and forget the story and take janitors and unemployed housewives as actors.
    Actually, there are only two genres in nowadays German cinema. Action and Comedy.

    Anyway, is Perdita Durango actually Mexican-only? Great movie, love it alot.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by postcoital
    I'm glad that german movies suck so much that no one even talks about them ,)
    Anyway, Undead was pretty funny.
    Run, Lola, Run is reputedly a cult film in the US, and might even be remade with American accents, from what I hear.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by postcoital
    German mainstream movies do amazingly suck.
    Did you see Rossini?

    He (a doctor): I love the smoothness of your skin, the fine lines of your features, the rounded, perfect proportions. I could kiss you from head to foot and back again, I love you so much.
    She: Just shut up and give me something so that I can shit.

    Now, which US film could give you such tender moments?

  8. #8
    darki's Avatar darki must die
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by postcoital
    I'm glad that german movies suck so much that no one even talks about them ,)
    Anyway, Undead was pretty funny.
    Jazzclub was the best german movie I've seen this year.
    But it's impossible to do a remake of that one.

  9. #9
    postcoital's Avatar Curiously Strong Altoid
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightingale
    Did you see Rossini?

    He (a doctor): I love the smoothness of your skin, the fine lines of your features, the rounded, perfect proportions. I could kiss you from head to foot and back again, I love you so much.
    She: Just shut up and give me something so that I can shit.

    Now, which US film could give you such tender moments?
    Haven't seen it, but I like the cover ,)

  10. #10
    Forestghost's Avatar Knowlege is power!
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Also you gotta remember one key lil fact...American films are meant for american audiences....so they of course have many U.S. focused elements.

    "and what is the usa's obsession with itself in films, 99% of disaster films are set in the USA with minimal mention of anywhere else"

    Well think dude...who wants to see a disaster film where you can't say FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! MY FAMILY LIVED IN THAT CITY THAT WAS WIPED OUT!!!!!! GOOD RIDDENCE!!!!
    I only have one thing to say, WHAT ABOUT CANADA?
    I understand that US films are focused on American audiences, but they conviniently seem to forget that we are their neighbours and our countries are tightly knit. I mean, all of those US disaster movies...do they once even hint at the fact that there is a fully developed country not only to their North, but also to their South (Mexico).
    The majority of these disaster type movies do nothing but promote American superiority.
    I don't know, maybe I'm just bitter, but why do they have to act like they are the "only" country that matters. Oh well, that's what the market calls for, and that's what hollywood provides, so I digress

  11. #11
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Quote Originally Posted by Forestghost
    The majority of these disaster type movies do nothing but promote American superiority.
    I get a different impression. Each disaster film that I see based in the US, each action, war or terrorist-related film gives the impression that both the government and most of the population are totally unprepared for anything and will run and hide (in the wrong place) rather than take action. Fortunately there is always someone there who can handle the situation completely on his own; often that person is foreign born ...

  12. #12
    Drakken's Avatar Self Proclaimed Deity
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    Almost any quentin tarentino film?
    Kill Bill is a blatent rip off of any Sonny Chiba film.
    I'm pretty sure the only reason he never got discredited for this was because he gave Sonny Chiba a role in his film (probably as a charitable gest.)

    And that new one coming out.. 'the Grudge'? remake.

    Agreed. Send em over in subtitles. Its a shame no one can create anymore.

  13. #13
    Ouroboros's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    There's a movie named "The Grudge"? Cool.
    I don't think USA's constant self-portrayal in disaster films is a sign of self-obsession. Whatever country makes a disaster flick automatically and by default depicts said disaster happening in their territory. It's that phenomenon what got Tokyo its nickname as the "Matchstick City", isn't it?
    You know what sucks about american films? That Mexico is 99% of the times portrayed as either a crappy third-world country or a gangsters' paradise. I wonder how many people get the wrong impression of any country by watching american films. I know I have unwillingly accepted stereotypes from movies, but I hope I will travel enough during my life to prove them wrong.

  14. #14
    somewhatdamaged's Avatar Exiled
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    Default Re: movies ripped of by hollywood

    fight club is actually a ripoff of ferris bueller's day off, i'm not even kidding. ferris bueller is really cameron's alternate personality, hence ferris bueller's "day off". ferris does everything cameron wishes he could do, just like tyler does in fight club.

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