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Thread: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

  1. #1
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    well,damn guys this sucks,just in case you don't know NASUM was one of the founding Grindcore bands they were fucking awesome,not as much grind anymore but damn there still awesome....

    it seems late but they just put this out recently.........

    "Today - Thursday, February 17, 2005 - we recieved a confirmation that Mieszko Talarczyk died in the Tsunami Disaster December 26, 2004. His body has been identified and will be transfered to Sweden shortly.

    His closest family and friends are in our thoughts right now. Mieszko will be missed by many.

    nasum.com will be closed for at least a month. You know why. There will be a slight update in a couple of days with some information about the future of Nasum along with some personal words about Mieszko.

    Thanks a lot for your support and your thoughts. Now a new time begins, a time we must spend alone. Please respect this wish.

    Anders and Nasum."

    Grindcore lives ........i think we might have to do a show just for this one..........been a while though.......

  2. #2
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    what the hell are you talking about "founding" grindcore bands? this band didn;t come out till the mid 90's. another lame band that's pwned by charles bronson who did it first and better. if you want to talk about the founders of grind I guess all you can really say is Canibal Corpse, and then i'd say they were allright for a gay metal band... way to revolutionize the music scene by banging on the drums in 32nd notes without keeping any rhytm or melody with the rest of the song, yeah that's really brilliant. I wish i could do that. oh wait I can, anyone can.

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    what the hell are you talking about "founding" grindcore bands? this band didn;t come out till the mid 90's. another lame band that's pwned by charles bronson who did it first and better. if you want to talk about the founders of grind I guess all you can really say is Canibal Corpse, and then i'd say they were allright for a gay metal band... way to revolutionize the music scene by banging on the drums in 32nd notes without keeping any rhytm or melody with the rest of the song, yeah that's really brilliant. I wish i could do that. oh wait I can, anyone can.

    sorry buddy ,but Corpse is NOT grind,there just raw ass death metal,what makes Grindcore is the drums or"blast beats" and thats not Corpse,i've seen them twice,and i've seen bands like The Berzerker,there's a difference,...

    and if you want to get technicle Napalm Death created Grindcore,and there's no disputing that,Carcass was to follow in their foot steps,then bands like Nasum filled in soon after........

    one music battle you started off wrong there, man.......

    ohh and a healthy fuck you, it's not easy i'd bet all i own,you couldn't get past 150bpm in a week of trying,or do the vocals or the guitar or any part of a grind band,so know what the hell your talking about before you get in this one........

  4. #4
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    all I heard was GENERIC METAL with imasculated guys trying to growl and sound tuff. you should be on MTV2 dude, you'd fit right in with the guys that think they are cool for doing nothing that a million other lame bands have done allready. you should listen to my coldxcore band it's just us playing blast beats and coughing and spitting phelm into the microphone and drawing X's all over everything, even though we aren't straight-edge.

  5. #5
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    all I heard was GENERIC METAL with imasculated guys trying to growl and sound tuff. you should be on MTV2 dude, you'd fit right in with the guys that think they are cool for doing nothing that a million other lame bands have done allready. you should listen to my coldxcore band it's just us playing blast beats and coughing and spitting phelm into the microphone and drawing X's all over everything, even though we aren't straight-edge.

    yea ,fuck you too ,buddy. What,no "logical","genius", come back this time........like i said ,talk when you know something about what your talking about.........

  6. #6
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    run screaming naked through the woods covered in corpse paint and then talk to me about metal

  7. #7
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    Morning Glory, I'm going to have to go out on a limb and say fuck you. Your anguments lose any validity they could have had by degenerating into a ramble of "I could do that" and personal attacks. You arent going to accomsplish anything other than making me think you are a major fucking tool. If you want to dispute FACTS then go ahead, but it really pisses me off when a person gets backed into a corner of their own bullshit and strikes out with "AHHHHH! IT DOESNT MATTER BECAUSE YOU SUCK AND IM TOO COOL FOR YOU!"

  8. #8
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    backed into a corner? my entire arguement was that 'you suck and i'm too cool for you', you're making it seem like I was resorting to that as a backup or something. and why not? since you must think pretty highly of yourself to be so audacious as to say I am the one that loses validity by way of 'rambling personal atatcks', when the very first sentance you said ended with "fuck you". yeah,real mature.

  9. #9
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    I was never trying to debate a fact, I was merely making a point with my opinion. I could care less about how influential a band is or when the fuck they started playing whatever you say they play. Im just pointing out thatyou are discourse-disabled.

  10. #10
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    I stand by my challenge.

  11. #11
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    Tell me when and where and Im all game. I vote somewhere near my house over here in NH. Lots of woods, very cold, easy to find and hide a corpse.
    But it would be a waste to do it alone.

  12. #12
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    i've lost my enthusiasm for metal. you can have it.

  13. #13
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    depends on the metal. depends on the mood. mostly I listen to ukrainian folk music these days, for whatever reason I find myself obsessed with it.

  14. #14
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    we should get one eyed cat in on this, he knows all about anarky in the uk(rain)

  15. #15
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    Im aware. OEC has also seen gogol bordello, my favorite band of all the time.

  16. #16
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    They kinda remind me of World Inferno Freindship Society

    No, I didn't say BLS you metal fags

  17. #17
    nyar's Avatar The Crawling Chaos
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    whoa- whoa- whoa----
    the hostility here- I like it- when theres a decent arguement!!!!

    C'mon- someone died- someone who obviously gave many people a lot of pleasure- whether we liked the band or not, can't we just all agree thats shitty?!!!
    besides- all the "-cores" are fuckin silly anyway!!! metal is metal- and deeper than that its just rock!!! whys everyone so intent on separating and classifying everything!!!

  18. #18
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Nasum vocalist confirmed dead........

    yeah I agree

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