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Thread: Do you believe there can be only one?

  1. #1

    Default Do you believe there can be only one?

    My little punk rock friends and I were all into Subway when it came out and Christopher Lambert's date shows up for a nice dinner with her hair up and explains the style as "Iroquois". We were mostly DC punks with families of politicos and lawyers and diplomats and...
    Read the full article

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    The TV show is awesome, frankly. The writing is great, it ties often as neatly as a TV show can into the plotline, lots of costumed flashbacks, and tons of fantastic cameos.

    Who can argue with Rodger Daltry as a Highlander in a 1920's murder mystery flash back? Not me, that's who.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    I imagine I do a bit of both; eat a slice here, save a bite there.

    I'm more than comfortable never having met anyone that really shared all my personal oddities and I can be competitive and egocentric to a fault, but I also strongly hold on to the ideal of managing this entirely by improving myself and not by compromising others, which I see as a kind of petty 'false advancement'; an exercise in thinking inside the box of your current social environment.

    My ideals and aspirations are all about developing and defining myself, and being a human being with a limited imagination I measure degrees of success by comparing myself to others. But I'm never spiteful about competition, and in fact find it in a childish way comforting to know that people exist that have achieved as much or even far more than I in fields I aspire to because their works add to my own imagination of what is possible and thereby help in both motivation and means. I wouldn't want to eliminate them, and even if I bypassed them I'd hope to find new people to take their role.

  4. #4
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    The 86 movie stands on its own, and was intended to, even though Lambert's "Scottish" accent was the most laughable attempt at lingustics since Inspector Clouseau discussed the availability of hotel rooms in Gstaad.

    The pre/sequels, tv series, cartoons and infomercials are the simple result of letting an easily-persuaded screenwriter float past a shark pool of producers. Don't even think of asking about the movie coming out in 2010, I feel dirty just mentioning it. Dirty in a bad way.

    Not entirely sure about Amelia's differentiation of Connor and the Kurgen - Connor was just as intent on being "the one" and was just playing tactically, letting the competition whittle each other down. It's only in the dross of later movies and TV that he appears to have a conscience.

    Trivia fact - Kind of Magic is always called the soundtrack album for Highlander, but despite all the identifiable music in the movie being on the album, the mixes are totally different. The OST was recorded but never released, as at the time nobody thought anyone would buy it. The OST listed on IMDB is just a heap of remakes of some incidental beds by random musicians.

  5. #5
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    apparently there can be four or five.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Or even six.

    I don't know.... I think competition is good. Even if I feel like a underdog when I meet a younger and more hyper dancer/dj /whatever I still accept it and embrace it because that's the way it's supposed to be. I remember me when I was taking places from the "older guys" and how good it felt so I at least enjoy in their happiness when they get to show off their skills to me and others.

    Raza, you're just so fucking mysterious. Even when you explain and talk about your self, I just can't get a grasp of your persona. I feel like I never met one of your kind. And I met quite a morbid people. Damn, I grew up with a kid that put firecrackers in the asses of cats or throw them of the building with rope around the neck just to see the spine and head left on the rope and then he'll go down and enjoy in his "beautiful" spineless work. And that was just in his childhood. You don't wanna hear at all about his scat-exhibitionism fetish.

    M'kay, back to your oddity sire. What's meaning of life for you. And by that I don't mean this philosophic bullshit we see everywhere, but your own real goals and ambitions and your understanding of your role in this world. If you don't feel for sharing here you can PM me. Peace!

  7. #7
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindgames
    The 86 movie stands on its own, and was intended to, even though Lambert's "Scottish" accent was the most laughable attempt at lingustics since Inspector Clouseau discussed the availability of hotel rooms in Gstaad.

    The pre/sequels, tv series, cartoons and infomercials are the simple result of letting an easily-persuaded screenwriter float past a shark pool of producers. Don't even think of asking about the movie coming out in 2010, I feel dirty just mentioning it. Dirty in a bad way.

    Not entirely sure about Amelia's differentiation of Connor and the Kurgen - Connor was just as intent on being "the one" and was just playing tactically, letting the competition whittle each other down. It's only in the dross of later movies and TV that he appears to have a conscience.

    Trivia fact - Kind of Magic is always called the soundtrack album for Highlander, but despite all the identifiable music in the movie being on the album, the mixes are totally different. The OST was recorded but never released, as at the time nobody thought anyone would buy it. The OST listed on IMDB is just a heap of remakes of some incidental beds by random musicians.

    Interesting point on Connor. I know I felt a little bad for kinda liking The Kurgan at the time I first saw the movie. But maybe I was just picking up on the similarities of morality. Now I have to re-watch it. Just the first one, though.

    Excellent trivia fact!

  8. #8
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    [QUOTE=Raza]I also strongly hold on to the ideal of managing this entirely by improving myself and not by compromising others, which I see as a kind of petty 'false advancement'; an exercise in thinking inside the box of your current social environment.

    My ideals and aspirations are all about developing and defining myself[QUOTE]

    Sometimes I want to check with other people for approval or disapproval to get a sense of how I'm doing, but that is really just social. For self-perception, I am looking to beat my own high scores.

  9. #9
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelia G
    I know I felt a little bad for kinda liking The Kurgan at the time
    You were just hot for the safety pins in the throat thing. A man who can breathe through his neck is popular with the laydiezzz....

    IMO the shaved head, sleeveless studded jacket and kohl was just a teensy bit too obviously camp, but a lot of the stuff in the movie was that way inclined if you looked closely - I think it was Freddie's essence spurting over the production team. Costume dept worked Victor's biker look from "The bastard child of Gary Numan and the Village People."

    (apologies to V for that blatant reference to the campest act in music, and also the Village People)

  10. #10
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    I love the part when he is in the church and says, "It's better to burn out than to fade away."

    Cobain, you poser.

  11. #11
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    I love the part when he is in the church and says, "It's better to burn out than to fade away."
    You'll be meaning this

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindgames
    You were just hot for the safety pins in the throat thing. A man who can breathe through his neck is popular with the laydiezzz....

    Good point. I will have to look into this body mod.

  13. #13
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindgames
    You'll be meaning this
    hello new ringtone.

    (I wish. actually I have no idea how to do that.)

  14. #14
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    hello new ringtone.

    (I wish. actually I have no idea how to do that.)
    Depending on the phone, it'll take the WAV file as-is or you need to convert it into a different format before transferring it to your phone (via bluetooth or dumping it on a webserver and downloading it again from the phone). There are loads of free programs that convert audio into the various formats, but you'll need to google about to see what your particular phone wants to work with.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Last time I saw him he used this one

  16. #16

    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    Raza, you're just so fucking mysterious. Even when you explain and talk about your self, I just can't get a grasp of your persona. I feel like I never met one of your kind. And I met quite a morbid people. Damn, I grew up with a kid that put firecrackers in the asses of cats or throw them of the building with rope around the neck just to see the spine and head left on the rope and then he'll go down and enjoy in his "beautiful" spineless work. And that was just in his childhood. You don't wanna hear at all about his scat-exhibitionism fetish.
    Ooh, personal attention.

    I don't know if I don't want to hear about that. I'm sure that I don't want to see it, but hearing might be alright.

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    M'kay, back to your oddity sire. What's meaning of life for you. And by that I don't mean this philosophic bullshit we see everywhere, but your own real goals and ambitions and your understanding of your role in this world. If you don't feel for sharing here you can PM me. Peace!
    Well, there's a lot of philosophical bullshit in my understanding of my role in this world, but I'll try and keep it juicy. My place in the world is as an individual, and my self assigned purpose is to enjoy the ride. Eudaimonism - hedonism sounds nicer, but doesn't quite cut it - sets the goalposts, a systematic kind of aestheticism the preferred (unavoidable?) method. Which is endlessly convenient, since aesthetics justify anything, so long as I feel it enhances the picture.

    My perception of life is akin to that of an endlessly large and open-ended RPG. I am my character, of and by myself a blank slate, capable of being and achieving anything there it to do in the world laid out before me. Goals are set dually to provide a course to experience the ride on and to develop the sum of my persona and capabilities, the most valuable reward because I take them with me to whatever is yet to come. Most people are a lot like NPCs - built as if out of a random selection of a small few common building blocks, with simple scripts and little future that isn't going to be brought to them by circumstance - I seek to set myself apart by analysing what appear to be the 'rules of the game', dividing the true engine mechanics (laws of nature and underlying functionality of the human mind) from the customs, habits and psychological boundaries that constitute the obstacles for the player to overcome to get ahead; level up and solve the puzzle where others keep going in loops.

    What I do isn't the point. There's no objective good, to way to finish the game, no reason to want to if you could. There's no xp cap, no limited skill points per level; every experience is valuable. The point is that at any given point of time, I've got something to move towards that I am convinced is worth it; that what I take with me in the end leaves me more capable of finding satisfaction in future pursuits by allowing me to tackle increasingly impressive goals or look better doing it, to keep the upward spiral going even as my expectations scale proportionally to my perceived personal growth.

  17. #17
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raza
    Ooh, personal attention.

    I don't know if I don't want to hear about that. I'm sure that I don't want to see it, but hearing might be alright.

    Well, there's a lot of philosophical bullshit in my understanding of my role in this world, but I'll try and keep it juicy. My place in the world is as an individual, and my self assigned purpose is to enjoy the ride. Eudaimonism - hedonism sounds nicer, but doesn't quite cut it - sets the goalposts, a systematic kind of aestheticism the preferred (unavoidable?) method. Which is endlessly convenient, since aesthetics justify anything, so long as I feel it enhances the picture.

    My perception of life is akin to that of an endlessly large and open-ended RPG. I am my character, of and by myself a blank slate, capable of being and achieving anything there it to do in the world laid out before me. Goals are set dually to provide a course to experience the ride on and to develop the sum of my persona and capabilities, the most valuable reward because I take them with me to whatever is yet to come. Most people are a lot like NPCs - built as if out of a random selection of a small few common building blocks, with simple scripts and little future that isn't going to be brought to them by circumstance - I seek to set myself apart by analysing what appear to be the 'rules of the game', dividing the true engine mechanics (laws of nature and underlying functionality of the human mind) from the customs, habits and psychological boundaries that constitute the obstacles for the player to overcome to get ahead; level up and solve the puzzle where others keep going in loops.

    What I do isn't the point. There's no objective good, to way to finish the game, no reason to want to if you could. There's no xp cap, no limited skill points per level; every experience is valuable. The point is that at any given point of time, I've got something to move towards that I am convinced is worth it; that what I take with me in the end leaves me more capable of finding satisfaction in future pursuits by allowing me to tackle increasingly impressive goals or look better doing it, to keep the upward spiral going even as my expectations scale proportionally to my perceived personal growth.
    you do frustrate me at times, but next time i'm in Amsterdam drinks/coffee/whatever is on me... i will enjoy meeting you!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Sounds good.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    There can be only one.

    And that one will be Buster Friendly.

    You will all be crushed, and fall before my might.

    Or you can sign up right here, and be spared, living in the most pleasant of totalitarian dystopian pleasuredomes/torturepods. (sign here)______________

    Raza is wrong, there is Objective Good, and that Good, is anything that is good for Buster Friendly. Anything that amuses me, entertains me, is nutritious for me, brings me more wealth, or pleasure slaves. Anything that strips the flesh from the boiled heads of my enemies, bakes their children into pies, and atomizes the spirits of their women, and ancestors is Good.

    Pain and suffering unending, soul annihilating torment, these shall be your rewards if you dare oppose me. Gratuitous, free will obliterating infinite stimulation of your pleasure centers, and wanton gratification of your slightest whims shall be your punishment if you dare to join my ghastly horribly grinning Ninja Clown Corps. as a foot soldier, handmaiden, and guerrilla abortion technician.

    The choice is yours.

    And it is a simple one.

    Glorious slavery to the banner of Buster Friendly, or horrible, horrible, wretched eternal freedom to shit out your own intestines for an eternity of bowel wracking anal spasms for your puny democracy.

    There can be only One, but we can't do it with out your help. Help make Buster Friendly godhead.

    Or he'll punch you in your uterus. (Especially you Rockwulf.)

    Thank you that is all.

  20. #20
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    There can be only one.

    And that one will be Buster Friendly.

    You will all be crushed, and fall before my might.

    Or you can sign up right here, and be spared, living in the most pleasant of totalitarian dystopian pleasuredomes/torturepods. (sign here)______________

    Raza is wrong, there is Objective Good, and that Good, is anything that is good for Buster Friendly. Anything that amuses me, entertains me, is nutritious for me, brings me more wealth, or pleasure slaves. Anything that strips the flesh from the boiled heads of my enemies, bakes their children into pies, and atomizes the spirits of their women, and ancestors is Good.

    Pain and suffering unending, soul annihilating torment, these shall be your rewards if you dare oppose me. Gratuitous, free will obliterating infinite stimulation of your pleasure centers, and wanton gratification of your slightest whims shall be your punishment if you dare to join my ghastly horribly grinning Ninja Clown Corps. as a foot soldier, handmaiden, and guerrilla abortion technician.

    The choice is yours.

    And it is a simple one.

    Glorious slavery to the banner of Buster Friendly, or horrible, horrible, wretched eternal freedom to shit out your own intestines for an eternity of bowel wracking anal spasms for your puny democracy.

    There can be only One, but we can't do it with out your help. Help make Buster Friendly godhead.

    Or he'll punch you in your uterus. (Especially you Rockwulf.)

    Thank you that is all.
    smile for the crosshairs

  21. #21
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Do you believe there can be only one?

    Quote Originally Posted by jonny.illuminati
    smile for the crosshairs

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