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Thread: Ghosts

  1. #1
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Ghosts

    Most here have either seen, lived with, or dealt with ghosts in some way, shape, or form (If you're new check out the old threads...fun reads.) That however does not mean one is accepting of ghosts as a part of the world and some may very well see them as unexplained acts of nature science will one day prove. Whatever the case these run ins leave a mark. From classic tales of haunted houses and hotels to nasty horrors of malevolent spirits ruining lives...ghosts always seem to be quite dramatic.

    For those who've had such run ins...how has it effected you? did it change your view of the world in some way? Has it been positive or negative?

    For those who've not run into such experiences, how do you see it all? Ramblings of easily scared fools? or are these things more to do with the mind than spirits of the dead?

  2. #2
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    i dont believe in ghosts but the stories my grandpa told about La Llorona still creep me out

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    weve had jim morrison following us aroung,2 states now, it started after reading his book and the weird shit hasen't stopped ,doors slamming when no ac in on and all windows,ect are closed,lights occationally do weird shit,and so and so forth

  4. #4
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    in my house a set of male/female twins died in a house fire on their 13 birthday, their names were Anna and Daniel, they had two bedrooms upstairs that were attached by a door. they died in the one room. (this was told to me by my neighbor shortly b4 she passed away)

    when we moved in there was no door between the rooms, just a wall, the one that they had died in was my bedroom. when we renovated we took out the wall to find a doorway in between and now the renovated room is mine.

    i rather got used to their ghosts, i grew up with them (sounds strange but thats how i see it), they have never seemed evil or violent in anyway, u can hear them playing upstairs and hear some of their toys like a jack in the box, when ur alone in the house.

    the only thing that has come of it was me and my bro (who are twins) would not stay in the house on our 13 bday.

  5. #5
    MistressJennifer's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    That's a cool story... I have seen SO many ghosts... I actually try to get them to come and visit, I invite them. But lately I have not seen any. I have talked to friends and family members after their death, they have haunted me (in a good way, I wanted to see them again, I wanted them to come back, and they did.)

    I think they want to be invited, you have to be receptive to them, and they will come to you. You have to listen.

    How has it affected me? Well, I am not really afraid of death, not really, I would in a way, really like to be with my friends and family who are in that other world. I feel as if I have been there.

    I think it is a positive thing.

    But after my father died, I just got too into the other world, always trying to talk to him, always meditating, hardly ate anything, and they sort of told me that I had to LIVE, that I couldn't be with my dad yet.

    Oh, and my girlfriends, one overdosed on drugs, one drugs/car crash, they used to hang out at my apartment, playing all kinds of tricks on me.

    Haven't seen them lately though. Where have all the ghosts gone? Maybe they really do take the form of the living. But that is another thing entirely.

  6. #6
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    Petaluma California is so utterly haunted that it is impossible for me to even philosophically deny the existence of ghosts. A lot of my family members are buried there, I've lost friends there, and was a part of the infamous search for Polly Klaas. Even before that, the eeriness was omnipresent. Lights go on in houses without electricity. The car of a suicide victim starts at an exact time on an exact date evey year. I've never met a true atheist from Petaluma. I never will.


  7. #7
    MistressJennifer's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    Yes Petaluma is a bit spooky, a real "ghost" town. It seemed to be from another era, maybe 1940's, sort of surreal...

  8. #8
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    Quote Originally Posted by MistressJennifer
    Yes Petaluma is a bit spooky, a real "ghost" town. It seemed to be from another era, maybe 1940's, sort of surreal...
    It would be perfect for a film noir type video. Then again, you could probably just walk down the streets at dusk and the movie would just play out.


  9. #9
    skully's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    i am still absolutely terrified of my childhood house's basement (for some ungodly reason my parents decided to keep it when we moved so they could rent it out and make money)...i swear that i will never spend the night in that basement(me and a few friends have tried and never made it the night)

    i had nightmares about the steps to the basement no being their so i had to jump down into the basement and then i would get trapped down their or chased back up somehow managing to jump up just high enough to grab onto the first floor landing and pull myself up before they got me... the only time in my 23 years on this earth that i have had continuation/similar dreams

    i also run at my highschool track at night and i truly believe their is this bill parcells looking charachter that is leaning on the front handrail of the bleachers as i run by... he wearing a fuzzy type winter hat leather gloves and thick wool trench type coat simply staring almost studying a non-existant football game

    he doesn't scare me at all actually i feel good seeing him almost like he is happy i am using the track but whatever is in the basement of my old house is definatley not friendly although has never shown a definite image to me.

  10. #10
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    ghosts dont like me and I dont like them so I ignore them and they ignore me

  11. #11
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    when i was in cadets all the summer training bases were very old, retired military bases that have seen many wars.

    one is RMC Kingston, which is part of Olde Fort Henry and which is attached to Fort Fredick, they are across a navy bay from each other but are part of the same fort. it is a very, very old military base,it was accually built back when canada was still just a british settlement,and is one of the oldest in canada and have been through many wars. There are many stories, some a bit exaggerated, but u can feel all the spirits there, some good, some not.

    the female barracks are in a building that used to be an infirmary, many ppl passed away there, i was there for 2 diffrent summer training courses, and it scared alot of ppl, there are some rooms that have been closed because of ppl basically going nuts from staying in them.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ghosts

    Last week me and some friends heard a story about an old house out in the country here where I live so we all rode out to it....It was a 3 room old house that was falling in...5 yrs ago a whole family was murdered there by the husband who took his own life...I look it up it really happened...So we went there and went into the living room area where all the murders took place and where the guy killed himself....

    Didnt see a ghost but I got sick to my stomach and one of the girls got a migrane...The house was pretty warm exept the living room...It just had this eirie feeling about it....We sat there for about 1 hour talking and waiting....
    The whole time I felt like someone was staring at me and the longer we stayed the worse I felt....As soon as we got back into the car and drove away I started feeling better and so did the girl with the head ache...

    The whole experiance was just weird..

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    My mother and grandmother worked in a nursing home, which was haunted. I believe their stories because so many other employees there had similar experiences.
    I also think some people have that extra "sense". I've been alone in my home and have been awakened by my mother's voice, as if she were right next to me. She lives across town, and I always call her regardless of what time it is, just to make sure she is safe. She gets the same things, so she is completely understanding. My mother and grandmother would creep me out sometimes by some of the things they would do, and our bond is so great.
    The voice thing happened again last week, only it was my boyfriend's voice and he was not even here. Weird...

  14. #14
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Ghosts

    There have been many odd cases, but I am still unsure about if they were ghosts, demons,etc.

    I do tend to get the same reaction from people that claim to be psykers.
    Them, certain animal types, and sometimes children seem to act odd whenever I simply enter an area.

    The psykers also claim that I have unlimited spirit energy, and am a Magnet for Spirits, and Entities from other plains. I wonder if that stuff is true.

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