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Thread: This is about Religion

  1. #1
    Nuada_Airgetlam's Avatar Just A Wolf
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    Default This is about Religion

    OK the thing is I am getting sick and tired of people running away from me when I say I am a Christian. Below is how I feel about the fire and brimstone approach that seems so prevalent and popular today in Christianity.

    That is what a lot of people say when trying to convert others to their religion. What about the good happy stuff huh? Like the lack of pain and suffering after all is said. The fact that good wins in the end and the fact everything no matter how bad has a reason. Or let us pray for these poor wretched tattooed freaks they do not know that they are disfiguring your temple. OR some such. Come on wake up people you convert more with words of honey and truth and peace and calm serenity. Not by telling them what cannot be done but what they can do.

  2. #2
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    well im catholic and yes i do believe in god. however im not to sure about jesus i mean sure he was a great guy and junk but i always kinda thought he was an imposter. plus there are things people can learn from the bible the most important being the ten comandments. the problem is some people take religion a bit to far and it makes the rest look bad

  3. #3
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I know how you feel. because of that bullshit Fear conditioning tactic that's long been a recruitment stapple of Christianity and the long history of atrocities commited by the church I was wholey Anti-christian and all things associated with it for a very long time. I also considered myself an athiest mostly because my definition of what God is is so different from the christian concept that I don't even like to use the word God to describe it, because the common meaning attributed to the word God is nothing like my association with what the word is supposed to mean. I still would call myself that because my beliefs are closer associated to conventional "athiesm" than to conventional thiesm.
    but going about things that way is really hard, because it turns a lot of people off, just like non-christians generalise and are turned off by you. and it took me a long time to get over that attitude and realize that me being just as closed minded isn't going to change anything. Now I can get together with christians and talk about sprituality because I focus on the things that we both agree on, instead of all the things that we disagree about.

  4. #4
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I can read the bible and relate to it in a different way then most people. like for example jesus said "the only way to God is through me" well most people would look at that and say ok, well if you don't believe in Jesus, you won't go to heaven ( and most do look at it that way, in fact). but the way I look at it is, what does Jesus mean when he says "God"? does it really mean the same "God" that's described in Genesis, or are we just assuming that? and if maybe it is just an assumption and not the entire truth, then it leads to question what he means by "God" and maybe a totally different meaning than we've previously thought.

  5. #5
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I am an Orthodox Christian by birth. I believe we make our own destiny in life, regardless of whether we follow a set of religious precepts for a day or throughout our lives. I have become, in a sense, a believer again. Events in my life and overseas have made it impossible to deny the good in the world. I believe that endurance and overcoming are greater values than a given set of personal achievements, money, or the pursuit of materialism and pleasure. Believe me, I have sought out and achieved every form of pleasure I could think of. I think, in the end, it is the desire towards the good that motivates and drives us to meet our destinies.

    However, I believe that we must embrace the darkness and incorporate it into our beings. There are no saints, there are no sinners. We all will play these roles at some time in our journey thru life. I identify myself as Orthodox in terms of a cultural space that helped color my journey. My choices have been my own. Obviously, I too would reject the fire and brimstone tactics which annoy you.


  6. #6
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    I can read the bible and relate to it in a different way then most people. like for example jesus said "the only way to God is through me" well most people would look at that and say ok, well if you don't believe in Jesus, you won't go to heaven ( and most do look at it that way, in fact). but the way I look at it is, what does Jesus mean when he says "God"? does it really mean the same "God" that's described in Genesis, or are we just assuming that? and if maybe it is just an assumption and not the entire truth, then it leads to question what he means by "God" and maybe a totally different meaning than we've previously thought.


  7. #7
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I still don't understand why people want/need religion. When will we start to decide for ourselves what our lives mean, and stop searching for someone to "save" us. Evilbink = Anti-Religion

  8. #8
    Nuada_Airgetlam's Avatar Just A Wolf
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    who says we are searching?

  9. #9
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    "he likes it,hey mickey"

  10. #10
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    "he likes it,hey mickey"

    haha, sorry guys wrong thread,oops....haha........

  11. #11
    Nuada_Airgetlam's Avatar Just A Wolf
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    um yeah...

  12. #12
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat
    "he likes it,hey mickey"

  13. #13
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    The problem for most people is that they fail to see that the way they look at the world is just that, a way. When are people going to understand that they may be wrong?

  14. #14
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    " am an Orthodox Christian by birth. I believe we make our own destiny in life, regardless of whether we follow a set of religious precepts for a day or throughout our lives. I have become, in a sense, a believer again. Events in my life and overseas have made it impossible to deny the good in the world. I believe that endurance and overcoming are greater values than a given set of personal achievements, money, or the pursuit of materialism and pleasure. Believe me, I have sought out and achieved every form of pleasure I could think of. I think, in the end, it is the desire towards the good that motivates and drives us to meet our destinies.

    However, I believe that we must embrace the darkness and incorporate it into our beings. There are no saints, there are no sinners. We all will play these roles at some time in our journey thru life. I identify myself as Orthodox in terms of a cultural space that helped color my journey. My choices have been my own. Obviously, I too would reject the fire and brimstone tactics which annoy you.


    I have decided, without a doubt, that OEC rocks. I rarely need to say what I want to because some sly fox who shall go unnamed and one eyed has allready beat me to it. I bow my hat to you, oh master of the "beating Ellis to it" school of martial arts.

  15. #15
    Forestghost's Avatar Knowlege is power!
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Ok, so I'm going go out on a limb here....why bother trying to convert? This is religion, not politics. You believe in what you believe in because of how YOU feel. People know how to read...people are exposed to a variety of religions on a day to day, indirect basis. If someone is looking for something to believe in....then they should discover it for themselves. Why try to "sell" your religion (good points or fire and brimstone)?

    It's funny how whenever I tell someone who is strongly religious that I'm an athiest, they always start asking me why, and try to pursuade me that their way is the right way. I don't even start the conversation...it usually starts by them asking me if I believe in God. I don't go around trying to convert religious people to athieism....so why do you try to change me? I've researched a variety of religions and no amount of talking or propaganda will make me pick one over the other. My personal feelings are the only thing involved. I'm thinking that trying to convert people is like trying to increase the number of members in your cult....if you believe strongly enough in your religion, then have faith that people will discover it on their own!!!

  16. #16
    hewhoisagod's Avatar Captain Obvious
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I believe that people shouldn't force their ideals on others. I'm not a christian, but I've studied the religion. My favorite thing to point out, especially to evangelicals, is that Jesus said not to pray in public. I'm sure God's going "what the fuck are they talking about?" right now.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    All religions are the same. They base their "philosophy" on the whim and desire of an unseen Supreme Being and profess some greater connection to said Supreme Being than the rest of the masses. In this day of reason, there is, admittedly, no call to believe that there might not be a "God," but the days when religion had a controlling hold on humans are just about over. Christianity, Islam, Judaism... Doesn't matter. They are all a part of the same evil control mechanism. Even "spiritualists" miss the point. Read any book by a new ager, Buddhist, or spiritualist and the answer is really no different than the Big 3. They encourage you to "empty your thoughts" and "seek your spirit guide"; once again, asking you to trust in the whims and desires of an unseen (and non-existent) force. Empty your thoughts? It is a known principle of physics that empty things desire nothing more than to be filled. Empty your mind and someone is sure to come along and fill it. Eventually, reason MUST win over religion. Otherwise, humans beings are destined to live in a world where reading something like Blue Blood is a "sin" and (see comment in thread about "Boyfriend shoots girl") tribal societies continue to mutilate women's bodies according to the conscripts of their non-existent, folkloric deities.

  18. #18
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I'm with ForestGhost on this one...

    I HATE when they bother me, hassle me, and try to convert me...
    That is what makes me pissed off at them more than anything.
    I leave them alone. I do not hassle them, or try to change their views...
    Why can't they leave ME alone?
    If they think I am going to hell, who cares?
    Not me.
    So why should they care?
    I'm a sinner, so let me go burn in hell.
    Why hassle me?

    I know for a fact, that if I woke up Christians every weekend,
    and went to their door, preaching satanism, they would get
    pretty annoyed pretty fast. They would want me to keep
    my religion to myself. I just wish they could do the same...

  19. #19
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I'm not as anti-religion as some of you here nor do I buy into the whole "religion does not matter" or "It's used to control people" nonsense. People can be controled by many things other than religion (governments, sex, money, drugs, love) and to say spirituality in any form does not matter...well then you really miss on the side of life that absolute reason cannot give us. The great parts of our lives (imagination, wonder, dreams) all stem from a lack of reason and reality...as much as it's been said...you need a balance of both.

    It's naive if you see religion as this set of rules by an unseen higher being that you must follow. Anyone who believes that is missing the whole point. Your spirituality is defined by you...no one else. How you practice it , how you follow it, and more importantly how you use it cannot be forced upon you in the important parts of your mind or soul if you believe in it.

    Science cannot gives us the answers about God in any form and nor should it. That's not it's purpose. Even great scientists follow a faith and they are the best examples of what is good about religion. Reason has its place in the world but so does spirituality. Neither can dominate over the other without one losing a deep sense of the world around them. Not all of us live in reality and not all of us see the world the way it really is. Most of us are in the middle where we accept some parts and choose to make up the others (much to the aggrivation of others.)

    Their is no penalty for dismissing a God in your life...because if you choose not to buy into it...then it has no hold or place in your life. The only ones who will say otherwise are those who actually follow a faith or critics. If you as an individual choose NOT to have a spiritual side...then really it matters little what the faiths of the world say because it really has no bearing on how you live your life. Unless you are easily intimidated or fearful their is little sense to worry about it...yet for some odd reason many who deny religion tend to be the most vocal about it's negative aspects. You'd be surprised how many people who follow a faith tend NOT to think about Hell, damnation, or punishment. Look past that and see why so many find it a comfort, joy, need, and aspect of their life that gives them more than is possible in a world of absolute reason.

    Nothing can prove a religion is wrong...nothing can prove that absolute reason is the way to live...yet neither seem to vanish or cancel one another out for people. Yet at the end of the day BOTH sides are sayign the same thing "Believe in what I say...it's the way to live" or "It's the only way for humanity to blah blah blah"...Religion in all forms is a deep part of humanity that finds itseld even in areas one thinks it's absent from. Deny it if you wish, live without it if you must, but don't focus so much on what makes it wrong without some awareness of what makes it right. Reason itself is based on looking at things with a very truthful eye and truth is easily corrupted by ones own emotions and unless one can figure out a way to take human emotion out of truth you can't have a world of absolute reason in all parts of human society.

    We're simply too good as a species of making out actions, beleifs, and view of the truth "better than the other guys".

    Forcing a religion or any way of thinking is wrong yet so is being frustrated by the fact not everyone sees ones own way of thinking. It's probably the worst way to live...the world will never follow one way of thought just like it will not follow one religion even if the supreme being is the same.

    Their are parts of Humanity still left very much a mystery and as much as we think we've explored it all...it seems we are just getting started. It's just odd that fundementalists and hardline anti-religion critics think in the same extreme way were everything is an absolute. You have to wonder what causes that kind of human mentality...seeing everything in black in white has a pretty corrupting effect on a person yet it's a corruption happily entered into.

  20. #20
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Well conversion is not th exclusive practice of religion...how many of you have said "You gotta listen to this band" or "You gotta see this movie"...same with a religion. It's human nature to expose others to something we think is amazing. We like to share things even when we think we don't. Human nature people.

  21. #21
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    yeah but a lot of the time there's nothing particularly "spiritual" about organised religion. People who deny religion aren't all behaviourists and empiricists, plenty of the people who dismiss religion exercise their spiritual selves at much higher frequency than other more orthodox believers.

    people can be controlled by many things true and one of them most certainly is organised religion.

    Maybe you're right, nothing can prove a religion wrong, but believe me, its not so difficult to prove that its actions are malignant.

    I'm all for the individual choosing his/her own spiritual path and I'd rather see my friends looking into the unknown with their own eyes rather than eyes lent to them by their 'superiors'.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    People can be controled by many things other than religion (governments, sex, money, drugs, love)
    Religion has ties into all of these areas and defines how many people feel about them. Government = church = totalitarian/monarchic state ruled by king/pope/ayatollah. Sex = pleasure of flesh = evil = guilt. Money = human reward for human achievement = evil = guilt. Drugs = escape from guilt, except for alcohol, which is okay. Love = putting thy neighbors "feelings" and desires above your own = self-sacrifice = death.

    People can be controlled by lots of things, but not many are as universal and sinister as religion. Besides, that is our topic, not any of this other stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    The great parts of our lives (imagination, wonder, dreams) all stem from a lack of reason and reality...as much as it's been said...you need a balance of both.
    So there should be a balance between fantasy and reality? Black and white? Lies and truth? In discussing good vs. evil, we talk about the "gray areas" but these are just things we come up with in our minds to alleviate our resonsibilities. There is no gray area. Either the doctor took out your appendix properly and you suffered no ill effects, or he didn't. Gray is just light black.

    Imagination, wonder, and dreams are not unreasonable. These are the sprouts of our human inventiveness. True, you can imagine/dream anything you want, no matter how unreal it may seem. Now, try making it a reality without using reason... You fail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    It's naive if you see religion as this set of rules by an unseen higher being that you must follow. Anyone who believes that is missing the whole point. Your spirituality is defined by you...no one else.
    I would define religion and spirituality as two different things. Religion is a very concrete thing - many of them exist in the world. Spirituality is more vague, intangible, based on your emotions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Science cannot gives us the answers about God in any form and nor should it.
    Why not? Why can't reason provide us with the answer? The Catholic church once held the teachings of Galileo as heresy, saying he could never be correct in our Godly world. A few centuries later and we are using his mathematics to land on the moon! And why shouldn't we have an answer about God?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Nothing can prove a religion is wrong...
    That's part of the plan. No one knows until they die, if then. This is where the fear and manipulation come in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    nothing can prove that absolute reason is the way to live...
    Then nothing can prove your argument to be correct because you are trying to use "reason" to prove your statements correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    "Believe in what I say...it's the way to live" or "It's the only way for humanity to blah blah blah"...Religion in all forms is a deep part of humanity that finds itseld even in areas one thinks it's absent from. Deny it if you wish, live without it if you must, but don't focus so much on what makes it wrong without some awareness of what makes it right. Reason itself is based on looking at things with a very truthful eye and truth is easily corrupted by ones own emotions and unless one can figure out a way to take human emotion out of truth you can't have a world of absolute reason in all parts of human society.

    We're simply too good as a species of making out actions, beleifs, and view of the truth "better than the other guys".

    Forcing a religion or any way of thinking is wrong yet so is being frustrated by the fact not everyone sees ones own way of thinking. It's probably the worst way to live...the world will never follow one way of thought just like it will not follow one religion even if the supreme being is the same.
    I'm tired of typing so I will sum it up. I would never try to convert you or anyone else. My purpose for typing all of this is to exercise my brain - to challenge my own ideas. It gives me a chance to check my premises. Besides, you seem like a cool person and it is kinda fun bouncing ideas around with ya

  23. #23
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by 23*
    yeah but a lot of the time there's nothing particularly "spiritual" about organised religion. People who deny religion aren't all behaviourists and empiricists, plenty of the people who dismiss religion exercise their spiritual selves at much higher frequency than other more orthodox believers.

    people can be controlled by many things true and one of them most certainly is organised religion.

    Maybe you're right, nothing can prove a religion wrong, but believe me, its not so difficult to prove that its actions are malignant.

    I'm all for the individual choosing his/her own spiritual path and I'd rather see my friends looking into the unknown with their own eyes rather than eyes lent to them by their 'superiors'.

    That's the fundemental problem...too many see the religion and the organization that uses it as one in the same. You can be catholic and follow little to nothing of what the Vatican says you should (an issue going on heavily in U.S. Catholics). The organization part of a religion should not dicate the faiths spirituality jsut like organized sports should not dicate the "soul" of a game...same goes for movies, music, literature, etc.

    In terms of people who deny organized religion and persuit spirituality...that's really not the point. Religion...spiritualiy is not about the organizational aspect. That's what continues to get lost...it's something far more personal and while organization can help a faith and it's followers it's the be all end all aspect of it.

    I'm not great fan of organized faiths but for all their ill and evil aspects they do some good for people and society. It's simply a matter of choosing if you want to be a part of it or go your own path....but to deny spirituality as a whole for the persuit of absolute reason and expect all to follow...well that's just being a bit of a fool. Not because the persuit of absolute reason is foolish but for exepcting others to follow you...that's the problem with organized religion...too much following not enough leading or exploration.

  24. #24
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    Religion has ties into all of these areas and defines how many people feel about them. Government = church = totalitarian/monarchic state ruled by king/pope/ayatollah. Sex = pleasure of flesh = evil = guilt. Money = human reward for human achievement = evil = guilt. Drugs = escape from guilt, except for alcohol, which is okay. Love = putting thy neighbors "feelings" and desires above your own = self-sacrifice = death.

    People can be controlled by lots of things, but not many are as universal and sinister as religion. Besides, that is our topic, not any of this other stuff.
    Two things though...not all religions are based on guilt like the grand ole roman church. So it's a bit flawed to think they are all the same. Many faiths (mainly eastern) see sex as important part of the human soul so to speak. Also to think religion is the grand high king of sinister ways to control people is to buy into a very skewed modern view of it. Governments that totally denied religion killed more people in the last 100 years than many faiths did in the same time period. The Nazi's and Stalin's russia could easily be said were far more deadly and brutal to the human world than any faith of that same era.

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    So there should be a balance between fantasy and reality? Black and white? Lies and truth? In discussing good vs. evil, we talk about the "gray areas" but these are just things we come up with in our minds to alleviate our resonsibilities. There is no gray area. Either the doctor took out your appendix properly and you suffered no ill effects, or he didn't. Gray is just light black.
    Their should be a balance in a person so they can live as they wish without want or need for something more than they can have. All that however is up tot he individual. As far as Gray Areas...well we are very diffrent planes of thought...cause Gray is not light black...many can say it is a darker white...I just nothing in life up to this point that dictates things are so absolute. As far as an appendix goes ...odd you should use Medecine as an example...that profession is filled with many "gray areas" and experimentation and imagination is the key to coming up woth prdecures to do something like remove an appendix. Remember...every major medical procedure started off as theory and an idea...not an absolute.

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    Imagination, wonder, and dreams are not unreasonable. These are the sprouts of our human inventiveness. True, you can imagine/dream anything you want, no matter how unreal it may seem. Now, try making it a reality without using reason... You fail.
    Didn't say Imagination and such were unreasonable...said they were beyond reason at times. You can make it through life in many ways without buying into reason and reality...failure can only be judged by ones own expectations. If I write a story and it achieves what I want then it is a success but if another reads it and they see it as a horrid failure...who's right? Neither really...yet what's it better to be...right? or happy?

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    I would define religion and spirituality as two different things. Religion is a very concrete thing - many of them exist in the world. Spirituality is more vague, intangible, based on your emotions.
    Thing is your defenition of spirituality is the defenition many use to describe religion..again..you can't use absolutes with religion as a whole.

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    Why not? Why can't reason provide us with the answer? The Catholic church once held the teachings of Galileo as heresy, saying he could never be correct in our Godly world. A few centuries later and we are using his mathematics to land on the moon! And why shouldn't we have an answer about God?
    Again...you're using ONE faith to define all. More so you are using an organized faith that a the era you speak of was pretty much a government as well. I can understand what you are trying to say but it's badly used here. Reason can provide many wonderful things in life...especially truth. But it has a limit in the area of the unknown...how can you use reason in something where the rules of reality, time, science, and humanity really...may not even apply?

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    That's part of the plan. No one knows until they die, if then. This is where the fear and manipulation come in.
    Fear only has power if the individual allows it have power. One has to be beyond fear if they want to explore anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    Then nothing can prove your argument to be correct because you are trying to use "reason" to prove your statements correct.
    And nothing can prove it wrong. That's kind of the beauty of spirituality...you define it as you wish and only THINK you are right. You're never really sure you are and if you're like me..it's in a constant state of evolution.

    Quote Originally Posted by tinstar
    I'm tired of typing so I will sum it up. I would never try to convert you or anyone else. My purpose for typing all of this is to exercise my brain - to challenge my own ideas. It gives me a chance to check my premises. Besides, you seem like a cool person and it is kinda fun bouncing ideas around with ya
    Well that's really the point of this all...I doubt anyone here is trying to convert anyone into anything. It's fun to bounce ideas off one another cause in a discussion like this neither is right or wrong...but both sides learn a bit of something from the other.

  25. #25
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I am all for religious freedom.
    People shoud do and believe whatever they want, if it makes them happy.

    I just want them to do it on their own time.

    Don't bother me at work, don't bother me at home.

    Religious people can gather at church all they want,
    they can pray all day if they want to. They can get
    together, and discuss religion all day long.

    But stay away from people who do not want you to be there,
    and respect us, the same way you would want to be respected.
    I know Christians would not want satanists or athiests passing
    out pamphlets to schoolchildren, or knocking on doors...
    So if they would not want us to push our religion on them,
    or on their children, then do not push yours on us.

    I saw recently, a christian organization, passing out bags of
    candy to kids, with jesus candy, and jesus comic books inside...

    How about we hand out candy to kids, with pornography,
    or satanic literature in it? I bet the Christians would not
    like that. They just need to get a clue, and leave everyone
    else alone. You say that people have a natural need to
    share. That is bullshit. I do not feel any need to push
    my religious beliefs on anyone. I do not do it... I respect
    other people. I leave them alone. Unless they ask me,
    or want to talk about it... Otherwise I leave them alone.

  26. #26
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    i love reading these philisophical threads evryone here is prety smart

  27. #27
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight

    I saw recently, a christian organization, passing out bags of
    candy to kids, with jesus candy, and jesus comic books inside...
    lol I want some Jesus Candy...it'd be a nice desert to go with my Allah You Can Have Lunch Buffet meal.

  28. #28
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I have decided, without a doubt, that OEC rocks. I rarely need to say what I want to because some sly fox who shall go unnamed and one eyed has allready beat me to it. I bow my hat to you, oh master of the "beating Ellis to it" school of martial arts.
    Thanks and you as well! I think the conclusion we all might reach is that regardless of religion, we create our own destinies.


  29. #29
    Nuada_Airgetlam's Avatar Just A Wolf
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    um because handing out porn to little kids is corrupting a minor by the law.

  30. #30
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    aw.. yes.. but there is no constituional amendement banning it.. on the other hand there is an amendment protecting the right of religion... now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the Church Of the Sacred Porn of St. Mary Youth Group...

  31. #31

    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    aw.. yes.. but there is no constituional amendement banning it.. on the other hand there is an amendment protecting the right of religion... now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the Church Of the Sacred Porn of St. Mary Youth Group...
    I hope my little girls don't see porn for a WHILE. I mean, I'm a cool mom and all, but damn, I just can't handle those types of questions yet.

    Plus, they're only two.

  32. #32
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    My point was not about passing out porn to kids.
    It was the idea that these Christians were passing out jesus stuff and candy to little kids...
    And I do not think that is very cool.
    Now if Christians think that is fine, I was just switching it around on them.
    If satanists handed out copies of the satanic bible to christian kids, with candy,
    I think the Christians would be pretty pissed off. They would tell the satanists
    to leave their kids alone, and not to bother them, and to keep their religion to
    themselves. So if that is how they would feel, they should realize that not
    everyone wants them passing out jesus pamphlets to kids...

    When people look for faith, and look for answers, let them come to you.

    I have no problem with people setting up booths at the mall,
    or booths in other public places, with a sign saying:
    "Information about Christianity"
    If people want to learn more, and want to take a flyer,
    let them come to you. Do not push your ideas on other
    people. That is what pisses me off. Them coming to try
    to save me or convert me...

  33. #33
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    My point was not about passing out porn to kids.
    It was the idea that these Christians were passing out jesus stuff and candy to little kids...
    And I do not think that is very cool.
    Now if Christians think that is fine, I was just switching it around on them.
    If satanists handed out copies of the satanic bible to christian kids, with candy,
    I think the Christians would be pretty pissed off. They would tell the satanists
    to leave their kids alone, and not to bother them, and to keep their religion to
    themselves. So if that is how they would feel, they should realize that not
    everyone wants them passing out jesus pamphlets to kids...

    When people look for faith, and look for answers, let them come to you.

    I have no problem with people setting up booths at the mall,
    or booths in other public places, with a sign saying:
    "Information about Christianity"
    If people want to learn more, and want to take a flyer,
    let them come to you. Do not push your ideas on other
    people. That is what pisses me off. Them coming to try
    to save me or convert me...
    Faiths are all about marketing and recruiting. They just came up with the fancy word "evangelism." Children are an easy target for any sort of marketing because their brains aren't as developed. Hence, Sunday School and adolescent suicide bombers. Like any business, they have to capture the youth market or they won't grow.

  34. #34
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    the thing that pisses me off most is that they go to third world countries and try to coerece their bullshit on people. and then they brag about it like they are doing a good deed, look how great we are, we're feeding hungry people! No, what you're doing is brainwashing people. If you go up to a starving person and tell them that if they swear loyalty to Jesus that you'll give them food, of course they'll do it. and it's not because they believe what you do, it's because they are fucking hungry. and what they negelct to mention is that if these people don't except christianity then they don't give them any aid. I can except evangelism in America because out country is based on religion anyways, so even though we can seperate church and state and ban the ten commandments and all that shit, it doesn't change anything... but with these other countries some of thier cultures have been the same for thousands of years. do these fucking christians really beleive that thier god created people to be "heathens" from the time of prehistory up till science invented easy transportation so that white people could go around and make everyone exactly like them?

  35. #35

    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    and what they negelct to mention is that if these people don't except christianity then they don't give them any aid.
    Not true. The church I used to go to actually had a pretty cool outreach to foreign countries. Most of the people there didn't cram religion down everyone else's throats. They'd always host parties at the church or have events out in town somewhere that people could come to, but they never sent people door to door, or even handed out papers or "tracts". They put flyers up, set up booths, did fundraisers for youth group stuff through the newspaper and local magazines and events, etc etc.

    Though cool people that they were, I didn't agree with some of their...docterine. But they didn't shove themselves down people's throats, and they helped someone that needed it, believer or not.

  36. #36
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    It's only a small minority of them that do the evangelical thing.

    I think they believe that if they do not convert people,
    they are not doing their job. Or like a pyramid scheme,
    the more they save, the better chance of getting into heaven...

    I just wish people would keep their religion a personal thing.
    Like abortion.
    If you do not believe in it, then do not have one.
    Or praying.
    Pray all you want. In private. On your own time.

    Keep it a private, internal thing, and be happy.
    Be happy about jesus, and god, and have a happy life, knowing you are saved.
    Good for you.

    But leave everyone else alone. We don't want to hear about it.
    If we have questions about why you are so happy, we will ask you.
    But otherwise, keep it as your little secret!

  37. #37
    TheQuietPlace's Avatar The Delivery Expert
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I used to be mormon. According to south park... i'm going to heaven

  38. #38
    CarnalxKiss's Avatar Carnal Love Goddess
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Do what you want...pray to a damned fishing lure if you must...but...

    Dont try and shove your beliefs on me...dont try and convert/condemn/judge or nullify me...and for everything that is good, do NOT come to darken my door at 7 am on a saturday and tell me about jehovah and his watchtower ....(or anything but ive won the publishers clearning house, for that matter) I detest when people come and invade my home and time...to try and tell me shit i dont want to hear...next time religious ppl come ot my door, im dropping my clothes and then masturbating in front of them...see how long they stick around then....waste my time...i waste yours....heh

  39. #39
    TheQuietPlace's Avatar The Delivery Expert
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by CarnalxKiss
    Do what you want...pray to a damned fishing lure if you must...but...

    Dont try and shove your beliefs on me...dont try and convert/condemn/judge or nullify me...and for everything that is good, do NOT come to darken my door at 7 am on a saturday and tell me about jehovah and his watchtower ....(or anything but ive won the publishers clearning house, for that matter) I detest when people come and invade my home and time...to try and tell me shit i dont want to hear...next time religious ppl come ot my door, im dropping my clothes and then masturbating in front of them...see how long they stick around then....waste my time...i waste yours....heh
    I'm the same way. I get really upset when people start to push their beliefs onto me or any close friends, or family. I'm known to go off on them.

  40. #40
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: This is about Religion

    I'm gonna go to CarnalxKiss's door at 7AM and "pretend" to be a Jehova's witness, just to watch the show!

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