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Thread: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

  1. #1
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    Original article is at: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2004/11/119660.php

    MessengerSaturday, Nov. 20, 2004 at 3:11 PM

    This was produced by North East Illinois University and it is very compelling
    evidence that a 757 did not strike the Pentagon on 9/11/01.

    Click here for an incredible, quick loading video about the attack on the


  2. #2
    Scott's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    yeah because all the people who saw a big fucking plane crash into the building were just imagining it?

    there is plenty of evidence..

    also.. when you take a huge object and smash it into something at high speed.. it always makes a small hole.. every single one of their arguements is flawed or made up

  3. #3
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    I think this whole thing is sort of weird the 9/11 commision reprt on this event doesnt really make a lot of since and there are a few things that make me wonder from looking at crash site photos on the other hand none of theese conspiracy theory argumants are that great plus i havent heard any produce any kind of motive for stricking the pentagon with a ballistic missile.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    Haha... "Pentalawn...." Hehehee....

  5. #5
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    All right I saw the video presentation...North East Illinois University...shame on yourselves. I mean if you're gonna present something like this for public consumption at the very least try to you know...show some respect for the material. It lacked any humanity and left out the fact people actually died in this event...I can understand wanting to be objective but this felt like it had less to do with wanting to raise questions as it did about wanting to prove big brother wrong.

    I'm all for that...but show some class about it at least. Letting the Film 101 class go masturbatory glory with Final Cut Pro isn't the way to do it...it's like the used EVERY slick and cheesy fliter, fade, and trick in the book...not to mention it distracted from what needed to be said. The "amazing pentagon lawn" part was really crude and tasteless...and I like crude and tasteless. You can't crack jokes when you're trying to present a serious subject like this attempted too.

    The worst bits though...the "Missing video the FBI took". Yeah ok I'll buy that but it had one flaw...the "people who saw it and were shocked" didn't say ANYTHING...not one quote, line, grunt...zero. How can you present a potnetial bombshell and have NOTHING to back it up?

    Where is the debris? ALL plane crashes leave wreckage? Far from true. How a plane hits determins what is left as well as the events that take place in the actual crash. Years back a Plane hammered into the ground making the plane into bacon bits...all that was left were body parts. The whole crash site was a giant biohazard for months. There are no "Plane crash rules". The strangest things happen in a crash that can defy nearly every law of physics and gravity...you see this in car crashes all the time.

    Was it a smaller plane? Maybe. But without actual proof outside of "I heard something" or "I'm pretty sure I saw this"...you got nothing but theory. Was it a missle? Have you heard a missle? Depending on the type few to none know what they sound like...even some military personal have never heard every missle type. Average Joes think EVERYTHING sounds like a damn missle or rocket when you watch news reports. Could it have happened? Sure...but again without any proof you got theory.

    That's all this had...theory and not even good ones just a whole lotta conspiracy 101 crap that even if a pro picked it apart (like JPL and the moon landing non-believers) most would not listen or want the truth cause the conspiracy is much more fun.

    The worst part though...quotes from people without saying WHO they are or what they do. That's not how you do quotes in something like this. It opens one up to simple allegations of falsefied quotes.

    I admire the attempt to raise questions on the least talked about and publicly analyzed attack of 9/11...but this does not do that. It leaves out the witnesses, victims, and survivors along with the realities that the Pentagon is a military building and such buildings can be quite deceptive even with elements the leak into public domain.

    Honestly I think it's gonna take much more time for serious skeptics to pull together the right images, people, and tone to question what did or didn't hit the pentagon...I'm all for that....but not this chessy as hell amature to the bone garbage.

  6. #6
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    evryone knows Amelia Earhart crashed into the pentagon when the worm hole that sucked her in spit her back out IN THE FUTURE

  7. #7
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    evryone knows Amelia Earhart crashed into the pentagon when the worm hole that sucked her in spit her back out IN THE FUTURE
    Fuck! That makes perfect sense!

    Damn wormholes.

  8. #8

    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    all I want to know is what is the song that is playing at the beggining of the video...

    ***Nevermind saw them at the end...***

  9. #9

    Default Re: what really hit the pentagon on 9/11?

    Oh yeah BTW....I LOVE THE X-Files....Gillian Anderson is a hot piece of ass...DAMN I LOVE REDHEADS!!!.....

    This comment just seemed fitting to this thread...

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