Tristan Taormino Opens Up – Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships

I’ve been thinking about fellow Wesleyan alum Tristan Taormino lately because she was the original catalyst for my Backstage Passes anthology. Tristan is very prolific, but one of her most recent projects is the book Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships. If you are in an open relationship or considering some form of one, I recommend picking this book up.

I know so many people who really struggle with the lack of a road map for polyamory or swinging. I’ll spare you all my snarky bon mots re: the differences between those who are polyamorous and those who swing and just say that Opening Up is helpful. I’m not the world’s #1 fan of open relationships, partly because I have so many friends who will come up with a special boundary rule (such as he can have sex with other people but not orgasm inside them) and then complain like their only concern is the special boundary issue, while swearing jealousy is not a factor at all. So, if you are going to try it an open relationship, it is good to have a handle on the nuts and bolts of how to best go about it, and what aspects you might want to consider.

Opening Up also has a companion web site for people seeking additional educational information.

opening up tristan taormino


Posted by on August 25, 2010. Filed under Books, Sex. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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