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Samsung Corporate Performance Art

- by in Art, Headline, Trade/Business

In an act of corporate performance art this week, Samsung started paying Apple their billion dollars with thirty trucks full of coins. Zurmat reports that the trucks carried nickels, but the photo illustration suggests pennies. To paraphrase Skylar from the season finale of Breaking Bad, I have no earthly idea what a billion dollars looks […]

Should governments and megacorps license internet use?

Should governments and megacorps license internet use?

- by in Trade/Business

How comically are we living in a dark dystopian cyperpunk future, where the Microsoft corporation wants to have the power of a nation state and it gives people job titles involving the expression Trustworthy Computing? I mean, for fuck’s sake. (I hope I don’t lose my internet license for cussing.) Allow me to explain what […]

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New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

- by in Blue Blood

Back when I worked in other people’s offices, I used to refer to myself as technologically bisexual. I was equally comfortable on a MAC or a PC. I mean, most of my work was in Photoshop, PowerPoint, and PageMaker, with the occasional call for MicroSoft Word, Quark, or Illustrator. Once in the blue moon, I’d […]

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